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Posts posted by Barand

  1. A few notes about text bounding boxes which, I hope, will help in precise placement of your text.

    Suppose I have the text string "The lazy fox" which I want to display using 150pt Vivaldi . My image is 4896 x 3672 and I want the text placed at the bottom right but 250 pixels from the edges of the image.

    $box = imagettfbbox(150,0,'c:/windows/fonts/vivaldii.ttf','The lazy fox');

    gives this array of coordinates of the four corners

    $box = Array
        [0] => 23
        [1] => 55
        [2] => 871
        [3] => 55
        [4] => 871
        [5] => -140
        [6] => 23
        [7] => -140

    You may wonder why it can't just give a rectangle from (0,0) to (width, height) to make sizing simple, but there is extra information to be extracted from the array


    • Text width = (871 - 23) = 848
    • Text height = 55 - (-140) = 195
    • The baseline will be 140px from the top
    • The text is offset 23 px to the right.

    My text, therefore, will be in a rectangle 848 x 195 positioned 250 px from right and bottom edges.

    The top left x coord of the rectangle will be (4896 - 250 - 848) = 3798 and top left y coord will be (3672 - 250 - 195) = 3227.

    However, to land the text precisely into this area we position it on the baseline and at the required x offset, ie (3798 - 23 , 3227 + 140) = (3775, 3367).


    I use a simple custom function to assist with this process

    function metrics($font, $fsize, $str) 
        $box = imagettfbbox($fsize, 0, $font, $str);
        $ht = abs($box[5] - $box[1]);
        $wd = abs($box[4] - $box[0]);
        $base = -$box[5];
        $tx = -$box[0];
        return [ 'width' => $wd,
                 'height' => $ht,
                 'ascent' => $base,
                 'offsetx' => $tx
    $box = metrics ('c:/windows/fonts/vivaldii.ttf', 150, 'The lazy fox');
    $box = Array
        [width] => 848
        [height] => 195
        [ascent] => 140
        [offsetx] => -23


    • Great Answer 3
  2. I'd start with the data. Hard-coding the questions and answers into the program isn't the best way. If you don't want to use a database then IMO, for this type of application, an ini file format is a good, easily editable and easily processed option.

    Something like this, which gives you simple yes/no or multiple choice options...

    Q="Is Sydney the capital of Australia?"
    Q="What is the next number in this series 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, ... ?"
    Q="How high is Mount Everest?"
    Q="When was Albert Einstein born?"
    Q="How many symphonies did Mozart write?"
    Q="What was the U.S. President's name in 2002?"
    A="Bill Clinton"
    B="George W Bush"
    C="Barack Obama"
    D="Donald Trump"

    That should give you a starting point. (Hint: https://www.php.net/parse_ini_file)

  3. This part of the query ...

                SELECT wo_number
                     , MAX(sequence) as sequence
                FROM wct 
                GROUP BY wo_number
             ) latest

    is a table subquery with alias "latest". It is essentially a dynamic temporary table called "latest" containing the latest sequence number for each wo_number .

    We then join the wct table to this temporary table on (wo_number, sequence) to find the matching wct record and, in particular, its response value. It just selects those that match that latest sequence and response id PMU.

    The column "latest.sequence" is just there so I could check it was pulling the expected values.


    These next two statements of yours seem contradictory:

    4 hours ago, utspam said:

    Goal: List only work orders where

    14 minutes ago, utspam said:

    Frankly, I wasn't necessarily concerned with linking the wo table


  4. Data

    TABLE: work_order                  TABLE: wct;
    +-----------+--------------+       +-----------+----------+----------+--------+
    | wo_number | wo_desc      |       | wo_number | sequence | response | wct_id |
    +-----------+--------------+       +-----------+----------+----------+--------+
    |         1 | work order 1 |       |         1 |        1 | ABC      |      1 |
    |         2 | work order 2 |       |         1 |        2 | DEF      |      2 |
    |         3 | work order 3 |       |         1 |        3 | PMU      |      3 |
    |         4 | work order 4 |       |         1 |        4 | XYZ      |      4 |
    |         5 | work order 5 |       |         1 |        5 | DEF      |      5 |    <--
    +-----------+--------------+       |         2 |        1 | XXX      |      6 |
                                       |         2 |        2 | PMU      |      7 |    <-- ***
                                       |         3 |        1 | ZZZ      |      8 |
                                       |         3 |        2 | YYY      |      9 |
                                       |         3 |        3 | ASE      |     10 |
                                       |         3 |        4 | PMU      |     11 |    <-- ***
                                       |         4 |        1 | PPP      |     12 |
                                       |         4 |        2 | JJJ      |     13 |
                                       |         4 |        3 | PMU      |     14 |
                                       |         4 |        4 | NNN      |     15 |    <--
                                       |         5 |        1 | AAA      |     16 |
                                       |         5 |        2 | BBB      |     17 |
                                       |         5 |        3 | CCC      |     18 |
                                       |         5 |        4 | DDD      |     19 |    <--

    try something like

    SELECT w.wo_number
         , wo_desc
         , latest.sequence
         , wct.response
    FROM work_order w
    	 wct ON w.wo_number = wct.wo_number
                AND wct.response = 'PMU'
    			SELECT wo_number
    				 , MAX(sequence) as sequence
    			FROM wct 
    			GROUP BY wo_number
    		 ) latest ON wct.wo_number = latest.wo_number
    					 AND wct.sequence = latest.sequence
    | wo_number | wo_desc      | sequence | response |
    |         2 | work order 2 |        2 | PMU      |
    |         3 | work order 3 |        4 | PMU      |


  5. Alternative model which allows multiple siblings

    jdev_nroll;                                                         jdev_sibling;
    +----+--------+---------+-------+-----------+------------+          +------------+----------+
    | id | sname  | ctclass | shift | ctstudent | dob        |          | sibling_id | elder_id |
    +----+--------+---------+-------+-----------+------------+          +------------+----------+
    |  1 | Curly  |       1 |     0 | N         | 2007-01-20 |          |          2 |        1 |
    |  2 | Larry  |       1 |     0 | Y         | 2010-12-21 |          |          3 |        1 |
    |  3 | Mo     |       1 |     0 | Y         | 2011-02-22 |          |          3 |        2 |
    |  4 | Peter  |       1 |     0 | N         | 2009-01-03 |          |          4 |        5 |
    |  5 | Paul   |       1 |     0 | N         | 2006-12-21 |          |          9 |        8 |
    |  6 | Mary   |       1 |     0 | Y         | 2010-09-20 |          |          9 |       10 |
    |  7 | Jane   |       1 |     0 | N         | 2008-03-08 |          |         10 |        8 |
    |  8 | John   |       1 |     0 | N         | 2006-10-04 |          +------------+----------+
    |  9 | George |       1 |     0 | Y         | 2010-10-26 |
    | 10 | Ringo  |       1 |     0 | Y         | 2009-11-15 |
    SELECT a.id as sibling_id
         , a.sname as sibling_name
         , TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,a.dob,curdate()) as sibling_age
         , a.ctclass as class
         , b.id as elder_id
         , b.sname as elder_name
         , TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,b.dob,curdate()) as elder_age
         , b.ctstudent as elder_ctstudent
    FROM jdev_nroll a 
         jdev_sibling s ON a.id = s.sibling_id
         jdev_nroll b ON s.elder_id = b.id
    WHERE a.ctstudent = 'Y'    
    ORDER BY a.id
    | sibling_id | sibling_name | sibling_age | class | elder_id | elder_name | elder_age | elder_ctstudent |
    |          2 | Larry        |           9 |     1 |        1 | Curly      |        13 | N               |
    |          3 | Mo           |           8 |     1 |        1 | Curly      |        13 | N               |
    |          3 | Mo           |           8 |     1 |        2 | Larry      |         9 | Y               |
    |          9 | George       |           9 |     1 |        8 | John       |        13 | N               |
    |          9 | George       |           9 |     1 |       10 | Ringo      |        10 | Y               |
    |         10 | Ringo        |          10 |     1 |        8 | John       |        13 | N               |


    • Great Answer 2
  6. And if a child has a brother and a sister (or two or more of any gender)?


    There's this method, but it doesn't show explicitly that there is also a relationship between Curly and Mo too.

    SELECT * FROM jdev_nroll;
    | id | sname  | ctclass | shift | siblingof | elderof | ctstudent |
    |  1 | Curly  |       1 |     0 |         2 |         | Y         |
    |  2 | Larry  |       1 |     0 |         3 |       1 | N         |
    |  3 | Mo     |       1 |     0 |           |       2 | Y         |
    |  4 | Peter  |       1 |     0 |           |       5 | N         |
    |  5 | Paul   |       1 |     0 |         4 |         | Y         |
    |  6 | Mary   |       1 |     0 |           |         | N         |
    |  7 | Jane   |       1 |     0 |           |         | Y         |
    |  8 | John   |       1 |     0 |         9 |         | N         |
    |  9 | George |       1 |     0 |        10 |       8 | Y         |
    | 10 | Ringo  |       1 |     0 |           |       9 | N         |
    SELECT a.id
         , a.sname
         , a.ctclass
         , a.shift
         , a.ctstudent
         , b.id as bid
         , b.sname as bname
         , b.ctstudent as bstudent
    FROM jdev_nroll a 
         jdev_nroll b ON a.siblingof = b.id;
    | id | sname  | ctclass | shift | ctstudent |bid | bname  |  bstudent |
    |  1 | Curly  |       1 |     0 | Y         |  2 | Larry  | N         |
    |  2 | Larry  |       1 |     0 | N         |  3 | Mo     | Y         |
    |  5 | Paul   |       1 |     0 | Y         |  4 | Peter  | N         |
    |  8 | John   |       1 |     0 | N         |  9 | George | Y         |
    |  9 | George |       1 |     0 | Y         | 10 | Ringo  | N         |


    • Great Answer 1
  7. 9 hours ago, mark107 said:

    I dont store these strings seperate. I stored altogether.

    Then you deserve to have problems :)


    $attached_files = <<<DATA
    attid: 0 filename: email1.png
    attid: 1 filename: email2.png
    attid: 2 filename: email3.png
    attid: 3 filename: my_inbox.png
    $afArray = explode("\n", "$attached_files");
    foreach ($afArray as $af) {
        echo trim(strrchr($af, ':'), ': ') . '<br>';


  8. Get the query to do the work.

    mysql> SELECT attached_files
        ->      , TRIM(SUBSTRING_INDEX(attached_files, ':', -1)) as filename
        -> FROM mark107;
    | attached_files                  | filename     |
    | attid: 0 filename: email1.png   | email1.png   |
    | attid: 1 filename: email2.png   | email2.png   |
    | attid: 2 filename: email3.png   | email3.png   |
    | attid: 3 filename: my_inbox.png | my_inbox.png |
  9. 2 minutes ago, mark107 said:

    Why do I need to do that

    Because that is what you asked for ...


    47 minutes ago, mark107 said:

    Here is what I have stored in the database:

     attid: 0 filename: email1.png
     attid: 1 filename: email2.png
     attid: 2 filename: email3.png
     attid: 3 filename: my_inbox.png



    Here is what I want to achieve:




    Can you please show me example how I could get the filename when I am fetching the data from the database?


  10. I'm guessing the above code is to be used to process the form in your other post where you are adding new (cloned) items.

    You data model ...

    +---------------+                   +---------------+
    |      Menu     |                   |      Item     |
    +---------------+                   +---------------+
           |                                    |
           |          +-----------------+       | 
           +---------<| menu_connection |>------+

    ... implies an item can appear on many menus, yet your form does not allow for the allocation of aleady existing items to a menu, just newly created items.

    Just curious.

  11. IMHO it's easier just to do both inserts in the same loop as you always want one of each.

        // menu item and connection  insert //
        $ins_i = $conn->prepare('
                             INSERT INTO ssm_menu_items (menu_item_name) VALUES (?);
        $ins_c = $conn->prepare('
                             INSERT INTO ssm_menu_connection (menu_id, menu_item_id) VALUES (?,?)
        $ins_c->bind_param('ii', $menuInsId, $menuItmInsId);
        foreach ($_POST['newMenuItem'] as $nmItem) {
            $menuItmInsId = $stmt->insert_id;


    • Great Answer 1
  12. As I said, you can not execute queries like this ...

    $sql =  "select * FROM updates where `author`  ='".$friend."'   order by time desc limit 1 ;";
    $sql .= "select * FROM group_posts where `author_gp` ='".$friend."' order by pdate desc limit 1";

    … where you are attempting to put multiple queries in a single string.

    However I was wrong regarding the stored procedure, for which I apologise. After further experimentation, I have found that several queries inside a procedure will work...

    CREATE PROCEDURE `timeline`(
                IN theauthor VARCHAR(255)
          , account_name           
          , user_id_u            
          , author           
          , type
          , time                          
          , title               
          , update_body  
        FROM updates                    
        WHERE author = theauthor
        LIMIT 5;
          , gname 
          , author_id
          , author_gp
          , type
          , pdate
          , title
          , data
          FROM group_posts 
          WHERE author_gp = theauthor
          LIMIT 5;

    To process  (PDO) ...

    $results = $db->query("CALL timeline($friend)");
    do {
        $timeline_data[] = $results->fetchAll();
    } while ($results->nextRowset());
    //view results
    echo '<pre>', print_r($timeline_data, 1), '</pre>';


    Alternatively, there is the function you last posted (rewritten)

    function totalprocedures($conn,$v)
        $results = [];
        $sqlArray = [
                 "query"     => "SELECT * FROM updates WHERE `author` = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1 ",
                 "bindvalue" => [$v]
                 "query"     =>"SELECT * FROM group_posts WHERE `author_gp` = ? ORDER BY pdate DESC LIMIT 1",
                 "bindvalue" => [$v]
        foreach ($sqlArray as $qry) {
            $results[] = $stmt->fetchAll();
        return $results;   


  13. If I haven't said it to you already, I recommend you change to PDO. It's more streamlined and easier to use than mysqli. (As you can see, it took twice as much code to process the query)

  14. 16 minutes ago, Revolutsio said:

    The code did work

    because you needed a PDO connection


    16 minutes ago, Revolutsio said:

    my question was how do I put the results in a table

    and that is what it does 


    Here's a mysqli version

    $dbServername = "localhost";
    $dbUsername = "root";
    $dbPassword = "";
    $dbName = "csv_db";
    $conn = mysqli_connect($dbServername, $dbUsername, $dbPassword, $dbName);
    $search = $_GET['search'] ?? '';
    $tdata = '';
    $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT ID
                               , GAME
                               , PLATFORM
                               , Owned
                          FROM games
                          WHERE GAME LIKE ?     
    $srchStr = "$search%";
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $srchStr);
    $row = [];
    while ($stmt->fetch()) {
        $tdata .= "<tr><td>" . join('</td><td>', $row) . "</td></tr>\n";
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Sample Search</title>
    <style type='text/css'>
        body  { font-family: calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt;}
        header{ background-color: black; color: white; padding: 16px; }
        form  { padding: 16px; }
        table { width: 75%; margin: 30px auto; border-collapse: collapse; }
        th    { background-color: black; color: white; padding: 8px; }
        td    { padding: 4px 8px;}
    <form method='GET'>
        Search for: 
        <input type="text" name="search" value="<?=$search?>" size="40">
        <input type="submit" name="btnSub" value="Search"> 
    <?php if ($search) { ?>
       <table border='1'>
    <?php } ?>


  15. On 1/12/2020 at 9:21 PM, Barand said:

    That's because, by default, MySQL will not run multiple queries. You can turn on multiple client queries but that will probably give you even more problems.

    Perhaps you should also have read the rest of that reply.


    |                                Multiple queries                             |
    |              CONS                      |               PROS                 |
    |                                        |                                    |
    |   1 - more complicated to use          |                                    |
    |                                        |        Can't think of any          |
    |   2 - they open wide the door to some  |      significant advantages        |
    |       seriously catastrophic hacks     |                                    |
    |                                        |                                    |


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