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Posts posted by Barand

  1. To do it properly the transaction require a timestamp

    | id | name  | amount | transaction_date    |
    |  1 | Curly |  10.00 | 2020-01-01 10:00:00 |   Jan
    |  2 | Larry |  20.00 | 2020-01-15 12:30:00 |
    |  3 | Mo    |  15.00 | 2020-02-01 09:00:00 |   Feb
    |  4 | Peter |  -5.00 | 2020-02-01 10:30:00 |
    |  5 | Paul  |  10.00 | 2020-02-02 11:30:00 |
    |  6 | Mary  |   5.00 | 2020-02-02 12:15:00 |

    Suppose we want to list this month's transactions only but showing the correct running balance total. Our initialise subquery needs to get the opening balance as at the end of January (ie sum of amount column where the date is prior to start of Feb). We then list the records since the start of February

    SELECT name
         , transaction_date 
         , amount
         , FORMAT(@balance := @balance + amount, 2) as balance
    FROM pup 
         JOIN (SELECT 
                   @balance := (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM pup
                                WHERE transaction_date < '2020-02-01 00:00:00')
              ) as init
    WHERE transaction_date >= '2020-02-01 00:00:00';
    | name  | transaction_date    | amount | balance |
    | Mo    | 2020-02-01 09:00:00 |  15.00 | 45.00   |
    | Peter | 2020-02-01 10:30:00 |  -5.00 | 40.00   |
    | Paul  | 2020-02-02 11:30:00 |  10.00 | 50.00   |
    | Mary  | 2020-02-02 12:15:00 |   5.00 | 55.00   |


  2. "absents" is a column alias. You can't reference an alias inside the SELECT or WHERE parts of the same query.

    If you want the cumulative then you'll need an extra subquery

    SELECT recno
         , timeoflogout
         , absents
         , @tot := @tot + IFNULL(absents,0) as total
    FROM (
            SELECT recno
                 , DATEDIFF(@prevlog, timeoflogout) - 1 as absents
                 , @prevlog := timeoflogout as timeoflogout
            FROM (
                   SELECT recno
                        , timeoflogout
                   FROM ajoo
                   ORDER BY timeoflogout DESC
                 ) as sorted
                 JOIN (SELECT @prevlog := NULL, @tot := 0) as initialise
          ) recs;        
    | recno | timeoflogout        | absents | total |
    |    30 | 2019-10-24 17:37:35 |    NULL |     0 |
    |    29 | 2019-10-21 15:23:54 |       2 |     2 |
    |    28 | 2019-10-19 12:31:23 |       1 |     3 |
    |    27 | 2019-10-18 16:37:43 |       0 |     3 |
    |    26 | 2019-10-15 16:56:55 |       2 |     5 |
    |    25 | 2019-10-05 11:18:18 |       9 |    14 |
    |    24 | 2019-10-04 21:41:17 |       0 |    14 |
    |    23 | 2019-10-03 13:28:17 |       0 |    14 |
    |    21 | 2019-10-02 07:47:35 |       0 |    14 |
    |     4 | 2019-09-30 13:13:15 |       1 |    15 |

    "absents" is now a column in the subquery (a dynamic temporary table)

    • Great Answer 1
  3. I'd advise against storing any derived data values such as the balance.

    Calculate it when rerquired

    SELECT * FROM pup;
    | id | name  | amount |
    |  1 | Curly |  10.00 |
    |  2 | Larry |  20.00 |
    |  3 | Mo    |  15.00 |
    |  4 | Peter |  -5.00 |
    |  5 | Paul  |  10.00 |
    |  6 | Mary  |   5.00 |
    SELECT name 
         , amount
         , FORMAT(@balance := @balance + amount, 2) as balance
    FROM pup 
         JOIN (SELECT @balance:=0) as init;
    | name  | amount | balance |
    | Curly |  10.00 | 10.00   |
    | Larry |  20.00 | 30.00   |
    | Mo    |  15.00 | 45.00   |
    | Peter |  -5.00 | 40.00   |
    | Paul  |  10.00 | 50.00   |
    | Mary  |   5.00 | 55.00   |


  4. This will calculate the "absents" value between consecutive logouts

    SELECT recno
         , DATEDIFF(@prevlog, timeoflogout) - 1 as absents
         , @prevlog := timeoflogout as timeoflogout
    FROM (
           SELECT recno
                , timeoflogout
           FROM ajoo
           ORDER BY timeoflogout DESC
         ) as sorted
         JOIN (SELECT @prevlog:=NULL) as initialise
    | recno | absents | timeoflogout        |
    | 30    |         | 2019-10-24 17:37:35 |
    | 29    | 2       | 2019-10-21 15:23:54 |
    | 28    | 1       | 2019-10-19 12:31:23 |
    | 27    | 0       | 2019-10-18 16:37:43 |
    | 26    | 2       | 2019-10-15 16:56:55 |
    | 25    | 9       | 2019-10-05 11:18:18 |
    | 24    | 0       | 2019-10-04 21:41:17 |
    | 23    | 0       | 2019-10-03 13:28:17 |
    | 21    | 0       | 2019-10-02 07:47:35 |
    | 4     | 1       | 2019-09-30 13:13:15 |


    You can accumulate the total of "15" as you process the query results.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Lose the output buffering (ob_ functions).

    Rename "EmailBut.html" to "EmailBut.php" so that php code is executed.

    The first code should end like this

    if ($mail->Send() ) {
        $Message = "Email sent..!";    
        $Message = "Error..!";
    $Message = urlencode($Message);


        echo $_GET['Message'];
    <form action="index.php" method="POST">
    <button type="submit">Send</button>


  6. Oh Joy!

    I love it when someone tells us what they want and you give up your time to tell them how, only to have them then tell us that it wasn't really what they want so the exercise was a waste of time.

    However, if you use a MyIsam table you can still do it. Just make the PRIMARY KEY (raffle_number, ticket_number)

    CREATE TABLE `raffle` (
      `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      `raffle_number` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `ticket_number` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      PRIMARY KEY (`raffle_number`,`ticket_number`)
    INSERT INTO raffle (name, raffle_number) VALUES
    ('Curly', 1),
    ('Curly', 1),
    ('Curly', 1),
    ('Larry', 2),
    ('Larry', 2),
    ('Larry', 2),
    ('Larry', 2),
    ('Larry', 2),
    ('Mo', 1),
    ('Mo', 1),
    ('Mo', 1),
    ('Mo', 2),
    ('Mo', 2),
    ('Mo', 2);
    SELECT name 
         , raffle_number
         , ticket_number
    FROM raffle
    ORDER BY raffle_number, ticket_number;
    | name  | raffle_number | ticket_number |
    | Curly |             1 |             1 |
    | Curly |             1 |             2 |
    | Curly |             1 |             3 |
    | Mo    |             1 |             4 |
    | Mo    |             1 |             5 |
    | Mo    |             1 |             6 |
    | Larry |             2 |             1 |
    | Larry |             2 |             2 |
    | Larry |             2 |             3 |
    | Larry |             2 |             4 |
    | Larry |             2 |             5 |
    | Mo    |             2 |             6 |
    | Mo    |             2 |             7 |
    | Mo    |             2 |             8 |


  7. Make ticket_number an auto_increment column

    CREATE TABLE raffle (
      name VARCHAR(50)
      ticket_number INT NOT NULL auto_increment primary key
    INSERT INTO raffle (name) VALUES
    SELECT name, ticket_number FROM raffle;
    | name  | ticket_number |
    | Curly |             1 |
    | Curly |             2 |
    | Curly |             3 |
    | Larry |             4 |
    | Larry |             5 |
    | Larry |             6 |
    | Larry |             7 |
    | Larry |             8 |
    | Mo    |             9 |
    | Mo    |            10 |
    | Mo    |            11 |
    | Mo    |            12 |
    | Mo    |            13 |
    | Mo    |            14 |


    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, phppup said:

    Is it better to nest the watermarking function within the resizing for a more streamlined flow? Or does that create impracticalities of it's own?

    It all depends on your requirements.

    • Do you ever have a requirement for a reduced-size version that does not have a watermark?
    • Do you want to store the original full-size image with or without the watermark? Note that as soon as you manipulate the uploaded image you lose any exif data (such as rotation).
    • Do you require different sizes of images (thumbnail for product listings and medium when viewing individual product, say)?
  9. try

    function getISP($str)
        $k = strlen($str);
        while (!ctype_digit($str[--$k]))
        $p = strpos($str, '.', $k);
        return substr($str, $p+1);
    echo getISP('host86-197-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it');           //--> retail.telecomitalia.it


  10. If you define your array like this, to begin the indexing at 1 instead of 0,

    $names = array (1 => "Stan", "John", "Dean", "Sam", "Lee");

    then your indexes will align with your $num values, 1 - 5; In other words

    $num = 5;
    echo $names[$num];              //--> Lee

    That will save you doing what ginerjm is about to tell you to do :)

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