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Posts posted by Barand

  1. If it helps, this is how I would do it...

    require 'db_inc.php';
    $db = pdoConnect('humbug');
        $jobid = trim($_POST['jobid']);
        if (!empty($jobid)) {
            $placholders = [];
            $values = [];
            foreach ($_POST['qty'] as $did => $qty) {
                $placeholders[] = "(?,?,?)";
                array_push($values, $jobid, $did, intval($qty));
            // single multiple-insert query
            $stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO ssm_drink_order 
                                      (job_id, drink_id, drink_qty)
                                      VALUES " . join(',', $placeholders) . 
                                  "ON DUPLICATE KEY
                                      UPDATE drink_qty = VALUES(drink_qty) 
            // clear zero qty ordere
            $db->exec("DELETE FROM ssm_drink_order WHERE drink_qty = 0");
        // reload the form
    $jobid = $_GET['jobid'] ?? '';
    $formdata = '';
        $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT d.drink_id
                                     , d.drink_name
                                     , o.drink_qty
                                FROM ssm_drink d 
                                         LEFT JOIN
                                     ssm_drink_order o ON d.drink_id = o.drink_id
                                                       AND o.job_id = ?
                                ORDER BY d.drink_id
        foreach ($stmt as $d) {
            $formdata .= "<label>{$d['drink_name']}</label>
                          <input type='number' name='qty[{$d['drink_id']}]' value={$d['drink_qty']}>
    function jobOptions(PDO $db, $current)
        $res = $db->query("SELECT job_id, job_name FROM ssm_job");
        $opts = "<option value=''> - Choose Job - </option>\n";
        foreach ($res as $r) {
            $sel = $r['job_id'] == $current ? 'selected' : '';
            $opts .= "<option $sel value='{$r['job_id']}'>{$r['job_name']}</option>\n";
        return $opts;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Example Drinks Order</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/4/w3.css">
    <style type="text/css">
        label {color: #2DABE1; font-weight: 600; width: 250px; display: inline-block; }
        input[type='number']  { padding-right: 16px; text-align: right;}
        <header class="w3-blue w3-container w3-padding">
            <h1>Example Drinks Order</h1>
        <form method="GET">
            <fieldset class="w3-content w3-border w3-padding w3-margin">
                <select class="w3-input w3-border" name="jobid" onchange="this.form.submit()">
                    <?=jobOptions($db, $jobid)?>
        <form method="POST">
            <input type="hidden" name="jobid" value="<?=$jobid?>">
            <fieldset class="w3-content w3-border w3-padding w3-margin">
                <legend>Drinks Quantities</legend>
                <input type="submit" name="btnSub" value="Update Order">

    Note:  Assumes ssm_drink_order is

    CREATE TABLE `ssm_drink_order` (
      `job_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `drink_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `drink_qty` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`job_id`,`drink_id`)

    or, at least, that (job_id, drink_id) is defined as UNIQUE

  2. I assume you are referring to the insert query on line 1,246. I do not see you checking for any MySQL error messages anywhere following that query. These might just give you a clue as to why it isn't working as expected.

    I suggest you put this line of code (if you haven't already) just before you connect to the db server



  3. Going back to your original query ...

    $query = "SELECT use,city,school from a_schools as s1
        LEFT JOIN a_schools as s2
        ON s1.bsect = s2.bsect
        WHERE '" . $query_school . "' = CONCAT(s1.city,' ',s1.school) || '" . $query_school . "' = s1.school
        ORDER BY concat(s2.city,s2.school) asc";

    why aren't you basing your search on IDs instead of names, especially as you have so many schools with almost identical names?

  4. Of course, you could store the city and the full school name, then using the technique we discussed in this forum a couple of weeks ago, remove the city from the school name when required.


    SELECT school
         , city
         , TRIM(REPLACE(school, COALESCE(city,''), '')) as short_school
    FROM school;
    | school                       | city           | short_school         |
    | Bloomington North            | Bloomington    | North                |
    | Columbus East                | Columbus       | East                 |
    | Fort Wayne Bishop Dwenger    | Fort Wayne     | Bishop Dwenger       |
    | Neil Armstrong High          | NULL           | Neil Armstrong High  |
    | Davy Crockett School         | San Antonio    | Davy Crockett School |
    | Kokomo                       | NULL           | Kokomo               |
    | Logansport                   | NULL           | Logansport           |
    | Marion                       | NULL           | Marion               |
    | Jefferson                    | Lafayette      | Jefferson            |
    | McCutcheon                   | Lafayette      | McCutcheon           |
    | Harrison                     | West Lafayette | Harrison             |
    | Carmel Greyhounds            | NULL           | Carmel Greyhounds    |
    | Zionsville Eagles            | NULL           | Zionsville Eagles    |
    | Fishers Tigers               | NULL           | Fishers Tigers       |
    | Noblesville Millers          | NULL           | Noblesville Millers  |
    | Westfield Shamrocks          | NULL           | Westfield Shamrocks  |
    | Hamilton Southeastern Royals | Hamilton       | Southeastern Royals  |


    • Like 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, Jim R said:

    and it matters to those who want to see their school represented as the school is named

    but not always, apparently ...

    8 minutes ago, Jim R said:

    There is another part of the site where I want them to be distinctly separate

    Sounds like you schools have a "formal name" and a "nickname", like users might have.

  6. Then store the school name as it is named and don't mess around with removing/not removing city names.

    Use | City           | School
    0   | NULL           | Kokomo 
    0   | NULL           | Logansport 
    0   | NULL           | Marion 
    1   | Lafayette      | Lafayette Jefferson 
    0   | Lafayette      | McCutcheon 
    0   | West Lafayette | Harrison

    If you sort the above by school only you get the order you wanted

  7. Extremely inefficient. Connecting to the db server probably takes longer than the query so that's quite an overhead you are adding to your script.

    You should connect once to the server at the start of the script and pass the connection as a parameter to any functions that need it. The connection will close automatically when the script finishes its execution.

  8. In my previous post I outlined the dangers of having duplicate column names in your tables and to use aliases to differentiate when this occurs.

    But it appears that you couldn't be bothered to read it because you immediately came up with this query with three sets of duplicates...

    select distinct 
            gp.gp_id as gp1
            ,gp.type                                --+
            ,gp.title                       --+       |
            ,gp.data                          | --+   |
            ,gp.pdate                         |   |   |
            ,gp.group_id                      |   |   |
            ,gp.author_id                     |   |   |
            ,u.avatar                         |   |   |
            ,u.user_id                        |   |   |
            ,up.update_id as up1              |   |   |
            ,up.update_body                   |   |   |
            ,up.time                          |   |   |
            ,up.title                       --+   |   |
            ,up.account_name                      |   |
            ,up.author                            |   |
            ,up.type                              | --+
            ,up.data                            --+
    from group_posts as gp
        join user as u on u.uname=gp.author_gp 
        join updates as up on u.uname=up.author
        gp.gname='MEP news' 
        and up.update_id >391  
        and up.author in("shan2batman", "aboutthecreator") 
    order by time,pdate desc limit 0,5

    Stop wasting our time.

  9. On 1/1/2020 at 11:13 PM, narutofan said:

        $sql2="select distinct g.*,u.avatar,u.user_id,up.*

                from group_posts as g "

                . " join user as u on uname=g.author_gp "

                . " join updates as up on u.uname=up.author"

    Do not use "SELECT * ", specify the columns you need.

    This is especially true when joining tables and those tables have columns with the same names. In this case you should use column aliases if you need both.


    SELECT g.type as gtype
           u.type as utype
    FROM ...


    The default fetch mode is PDO::FETCH_BOTH so your output with contain each column value with both a column name  and a column number as array keys

    Examining you example output, this is the case for the first few columns ...

        [gp_id] => 103
        [0] => 103
        [pid] => 0
        [1] => 0
        [gname] => MEP news
        [2] => MEP news
        [author_gp] => aboutthecreator
        [3] => aboutthecreator

    but then you have ...

        [type] => a
        [4] => 0
        [title] => qwertyu
        [5] => 2

    and the relationship has broken down because a column "type" from a second table has overwritten the value for column "type" in the first table"

    Checking the later columns in your example output finds numeric keys without corresponding name keys (the duplicated names that were overwritten) ..

        [19] => 0
        [20] => 0
        [21] => qwertyu

    Depending on how you process these results you will get different outcomes.

    When you open your PDO connection, specify a default fetch mode EG


    then, on occasions when you specifically need the numeric keys, do ...

    $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);


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