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Posts posted by Barand

  1. When your button's name is "delete" why are you checking for $_REQUEST["remove_$i"] instead of $_REQUEST['delete'] ?

    Stop using REQUEST. Use POST or GET depending on your form's method.

    if you are fetching data to display, use method GET. If submitting your form has consequences (such as updating, deleting, emailing) then use POST method.

  2. An alternative is store the data in an array and sort the array. Pagination can be achieved using array_slice().


    /*  TEST DATA
                    CREATE TABLE `employee` (
                      `empid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                      `fname` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
                      `lname` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
                      `dob` date DEFAULT NULL,
                      PRIMARY KEY (`empid`)
                    INSERT INTO `employee` VALUES 
    // GET DATA (assumes PDO connection)
    $res = $db->query("SELECT empid as `Employee ID`
                            , fname as `First Name`
                            , lname as `Last Name`
                            , dob   as `Date of Birth`
                       FROM employee     
    $data = $columns = [];
    $row = $res->fetch();
    $columns = array_keys($row);
    do {
        $data[] = $row;
    } while ($row = $res->fetch());
    $sortby = $_GET['sortby'] ?? 'Employee ID';
    $desc = $_GET['desc'] ?? 0;
    $chk = $desc==1 ? 'Checked' : '';
    usort($data, function($a, $b) use ($sortby, $desc) {
                     if ($desc) 
                        return $b[$sortby] <=> $a[$sortby];
                        return $a[$sortby] <=> $b[$sortby];
    $theads = '<tr style="background-color: #EEE; font-weight: 600"><td>' . join('</td><td>', $columns) . "</td></tr>\n";
    $tdata = '';
    foreach ($data as $d) {
        $tdata .= "<tr><td>" . join('</td><td>', $d) . "</td></tr>\n";
    function sortOptions($columns, $current)
        $opts = '';
        foreach ($columns as $c) {
            $sel = $c==$current ? 'selected' : '';
            $opts .= "<option $sel>$c</option>\n";
        return $opts;
    <title>Sample data sort</title>
        Sort by <select name='sortby' onclick="this.form.submit()">
                <?=sortoptions($columns, $sortby)?>
        DESC <input type="checkbox" name="desc" value="1" <?=$chk?> onclick="this.form.submit()">
        <table style="width:80%; margin: 30px auto; font-family: sans-serif;">


  3. If your problem is how to output tab separated data with column names

    | empid | fname | lname   | dob        |
    |     1 | Peter | Smith   | 1985-01-26 |
    |     2 | Paul  | Hartley | 1973-12-02 |
    |     3 | Mary  | Baker   | 1980-04-11 |
    |     4 | Jane  | Doe     | 1990-11-28 |
    +-------+-------+---------+------------+ */
    $res = $db->query("SELECT empid
                            , fname
                            , lname
                            , dob
                       FROM employee;
    echo '<pre>';
    $row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    echo join("\t", array_keys($row)) . "\n";              // headings
    do {
        echo join("\t", $row) . "\n";                      // data
    } while ($row = $res->fetch());
    echo '</pre>';

    Which gives


    Similarly, if you want to write it to a csv file for export to Excel, then

    $res = $db->query("SELECT empid
                            , fname
                            , lname
                            , dob
                       FROM employee;
    $fp = fopen('AAA.csv', 'w');
    $row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    fputcsv($fp, array_keys($row), "\t");                         // headings
    do {
        fputcsv($fp, $row, "\t");                                 // data
    } while ($row = $res->fetch());


    • Like 1
  4. Use ids, not names, to link records.

    TABLE: user
    | id | username | leader_id  | 
    |  1 | fred     | 2          |
    |  2 | mo       |   NULL     |
    |  3 | brian    | 2          |
    |  4 | john     | 2          |
    |  5 | peter    | 1          |
    |  6 | curly    | 1          |
    |  7 | joan     | 1          |
    |  8 | Dennis   | 6          |

    Recursion is your friend here.

    $res = $db->query("SELECT id
                            , username
                            , leader_id
                       FROM usertest
                       order by leader_id     
    $users = [];
    // store users in array for each leader
    foreach ($res as $r) {
        $users[$r['leader_id']][] = [ 'id' => $r['id'], 'username' => $r['username'] ];
    echo '<pre>';
    listStaff(null, $users, 0);                // list staff for leader "null"
    echo '</pre>';
    * recursive function to list staff
    * @param int $id
    * @param array $users
    * @param int $level
        function listStaff($id, &$users, $level=0)
            $indent = str_repeat("\t", $level);
            foreach ($users[$id] as $u) {                         // for each of their staff
                echo "$indent{$u['username']}<br>";               //    outout the name
                if (isset($users[$u['id']])) {                    //    if they have staff
                    listStaff($u['id'], $users, $level+1);        //        list their staff




    • Like 1
  5. Input data (horsetest)

    | id | name    | sire | dam  | gender   | dob        |
    |  1 | Horse A | NULL | NULL | STALLION | 2005-01-15 |
    |  2 | Horse B | NULL | NULL | MARE     | 2005-03-19 |
    |  3 | Horse C | NULL | NULL | MARE     | 2006-03-11 |
    |  4 | Horse D |    1 |    2 | STALLION | 2009-05-10 |
    |  5 | Horse E |    1 |    3 | MARE     | 2010-08-25 |

    then to get mother and father

    SELECT h.id
         , h.name
         , h.gender
         , TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, h.dob, CURDATE()) as age
         , h.sire as f_id
         , s.name as father
         , h.dam as m_id
         , d.name as mmother
    FROM horsetest h
         horsetest s ON h.sire = s.id
         horsetest d ON h.dam = d.id;     


    | id | name    | gender   | age  | f_id | father  | m_id | mmother |
    |  4 | Horse D | STALLION |   10 |    1 | Horse A |    2 | Horse B |
    |  5 | Horse E | MARE     |    9 |    1 | Horse A |    3 | Horse C |


  6. About 15 years ago I wrote a function to produce this


    from data very much like yours EG

    SELECT * FROM horse;
    | id | name | sire | dam  | gender   |
    | 26 | A    |   27 |   39 | STALLION |
    | 27 | B    |   28 |   40 | STALLION |
    | 28 | C    |   29 |   40 | STALLION |
    | 29 | D    |   30 |   40 | STALLION |
    | 30 | E    |   31 |   41 | STALLION |
    | 31 | F    |   32 |   41 | STALLION |
    | 32 | G    |   33 |   42 | STALLION |
    | 33 | H    |   33 |   42 | STALLION |
    | 34 | I    |   35 |   43 | STALLION |
    | 35 | J    |   36 |   43 | STALLION |
    | 36 | K    |   37 |   44 | STALLION |
    | 37 | L    |   38 |   44 | STALLION |
    | 38 | M    |   34 |   45 | STALLION |
    | 39 | N    |   29 |   46 | MARE     |
    | 40 | O    |   27 |   51 | MARE     |
    | 41 | P    |   28 |   51 | MARE     |
    | 42 | Q    |   29 |   50 | MARE     |
    | 43 | R    |   30 |   50 | MARE     |
    | 44 | S    |   31 |   49 | MARE     |
    | 45 | T    |   32 |   49 | MARE     |
    | 46 | U    |   33 |   48 | MARE     |
    | 47 | V    |   34 |   48 | MARE     |
    | 48 | W    |   35 |   46 | MARE     |
    | 49 | X    |   36 |   46 | MARE     |
    | 50 | Y    |   37 |   47 | MARE     |
    | 51 | Z    |   38 |   47 | MARE     |

    It uses a recursive* function which gets the sire and dam for the horse $id and outputs the name. It then calls itself for the sire and the dam which outputs their names and get their parents. This is repeated until the specified level of ancestry is reached.

    Is that the sort of thing you are trying to do?

    If so, give it a go using the method I described and come back if oyu get stuck

    * recursion : see recursion

    • Thanks 1
  7. I find it easier to get options from a function, then the current value (in this case the "$user_role") can be passed as a parameter

    function roleOptions($conn, $current) {
        $sql = "SELECT role_id
                     , role_name
                FROM ssm_role 
                ORDER BY role_name ASC";
        $opts = '';        
        if($result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
            if (mysqli_num_rows($result)>0){
                while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
                    $sel = $row['role_id'] ==  $current ? 'selected' : '';
                    $opts .= "<option $sel value='".$row['role_id']."'>".$row['role_name']."</option>";
        return $opts;


    <select name="role">
        <?= roleOptions($conn, $user_role) ?>


  8. OK, so if instead of 1 action you have three separate scripts specified as actions for the form - but you still have to write the code to do those actions. Each of those three would have to do step 1 (get the data) thus tripling that code.

    If one step fails, do you still want too do the others? How do you control that if they are now separated?

    What would you gain?

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