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Posts posted by Barand

  1. P.S.

    Some of the data is unsuitable for data storage purposes and needs to be reformatted before storing in a database table

    | Column     |        WRONG                   |   CORRECT      |  Comments                        |
    | Age        | 31                             |  Not required  |  DoB tells you the age           |
    | DoB        | 3/4/1988 (31 years old)        |  1988-04-03    |  Store in correct date format    |
    | Height     | 194 cm                         |  194           |  Store unformatted numeric value |
    | Weight     | 83 kg                          |  83            |  Store unformatted numeric value |
    | Expires    | 30/6/2022                      |  2022-06-30    |  Store in correct date format    |
    | Wage       | £25,000 p/w                    |  25000         |  Store unformatted numeric value |
    | Value      | £12.75M                        |  12750000      |  Store unformatted numeric value |


  2. Try using domDocument or simple_html_dom.


    $html = file_get_html('my_source.html');
    $rows = $html->find('tr[bgcolor="#EEEEEE"]');
    $csvFile = fopen('mydata.csv', 'w');
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $data = [];
        foreach ($row->children() as $itm) {
            $data[] = $itm->plaintext;
        fputcsv($csvFile, $data);

    The csv file can then be loaded into a sql table using a LOAD DATA INFILE statement.

    • Like 1
  3. You have taken the "|" characters out! How do expect to split it?

    The echoed string should look like



    $row = [ 'guid' => 'xyz',
             'username' => 'fred',
             'health' => 1, 
             'level' => 42
    echo $row['guid'] . '|' . $row['username'] . '|' . $row['health'] . '|' . $row['level'];

    or (easier if you want every $row item in their natural ORDER)

    echo join('|', $row);

    Then when you split it, the array will look like

        [0] => xyz
        [1] => fred
        [2] => 1
        [3] => 42


  4. If you are splitting on "|", why put the PHP_EOLs in there?

    Also, try omitting the leading "|" in your string, so you have


    When you split that on "|" the guid should be item 0.

    With the leading "|" (i.e "| guid | username | …") I would expect item 0 to be blank after the split and guid would be item 1..

  5. 6 minutes ago, Heartstrings said:

    What do you think about this php script to store this result in an array?

    I'm afraid that my answer is "Not a lot".

    • Grouping by appointment_id will give you one row in the result set for each appointment. The contents of fields other than the appointment_id will be arbitrary.
    • Don't use "select * ", define the columns you need.
    • That query doesn't require preparing (no user data values) and executing. You could just use $dbh->query($q).
  6. A good source for php/MySQL interaction (using PDO is recommended) is https://phpdelusions.net/pdo_examples

    This query should get you started

         , scheduled_student_service
         , category
         , COUNT(*) as total_appointments
         , SUM(is_no_show) as no_shows
         , SUM(is_cancelled) as cancellations
    FROM thetable
    GROUP BY scheduled_student_service, category

    If that isn't what you want, repost with more details.

    In future, please don't post images of data. They are as much use as chocolate teapots if we need to recreate your data to test with when helping.

    • Like 1
  7. Your form should contain a hidden field for the clientID then three selects for each engineer, indexed by the engineers' ids

    hidden name=clientID value=$clientID
    For each engineer:
        select name=job[$engID]
        select name=company[$engID]
        select name=site[$engID]

    To process the POST data

    foreach ($_POST['job' as $engID => $job) {
        $company = $_POST['company''][$engID'];
        $site = $_POST['site'][$engID];
        // update database with the engineer, job, company, site values


  8. The first record should always be the best match so you could add "LIMIT 1' to the end of the query and just process the single result. Check the values in the record and take the appropriate action. However, I don't now how your process operates so I don't know how significant other records in the results are if the first does not adequately suit the order.

  9. Perhaps something without all those non-breaking spaces

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="Lang" content="en">
    <style type="text/css">
        table   { width: 80%; margin: 20px auto; font-family: calibri, sans-serif;}
        caption { border-bottom: 1px solid gray; }
        th      { text-align: left; padding: 8px 2px; color: #999;}
        td      { color: #25b0e9; padding: 8px 4px; }
            <caption>Channel State</caption>
                <th>Left (+)</th>
                <th>Left (-)</th>



    • Thanks 1
  10. As you test data contained only a menu that was a perfect match to the test order and a menu that contained everything I added a couple of extra menus and orders.

    SELECT m.menu_id
         , m.menu_name
         , COUNT(*) as matched
         , ROUND(count(*)/menuitems*100, 1) as `%menu`
         , ROUND(count(*)/orderitems*100, 1) as `%order`
            ssm_menu m
        INNER JOIN 
            ssm_menu_connection c
                ON c.menu_id = m.menu_id
        INNER JOIN
            ssm_menu_order o
                ON o.menu_item_id = c.menu_item_id
        INNER JOIN
                SELECT job_id
                    , COUNT(DISTINCT menu_item_id) as orderitems
                FROM ssm_menu_order
                GROUP BY job_id
            ) jtot  ON jtot.job_id = o.job_id
        INNER JOIN
                SELECT menu_id
                    , COUNT(DISTINCT menu_item_id) as menuitems
                FROM ssm_menu_connection
                GROUP BY menu_id
            ) mtot ON m.menu_id = mtot.menu_id
    WHERE o.job_id = 27
    GROUP BY m.menu_id
    ORDER BY matched DESC, `%menu` DESC, `%order` DESC;
    | menu_id | menu_name                                                | matched | %menu | %order |
    |       1 | Menu One                                                 |       3 | 100.0 |  100.0 |
    |       2 | Private Dinner Party/Wedding - 3 Course Fine Dining Menu |       3 |  18.8 |  100.0 |
    |       3 | Menu Three                                               |       2 |  66.7 |   66.7 |
    |       4 | Menu Four                                                |       2 |  50.0 |   66.7 |
    |       5 | Menu Five                                                |       1 |  25.0 |   33.3 |


    • Great Answer 1
  11. Thanks, that loaded OK. I'll look at your problem, which I interpret as ranking the menus by percentage of content of the ordered items.

    I expect there could be a situation where

    • items A,B,C,D,E are ordered
    • menu 1 contains A,B,C.
    • menu 2 contains B,C,D
    • menu 3 contains C,D,E

    ie No single menu contains all items ordered?

  12. 12 minutes ago, Skittle said:

    Um okay very helpful information but it doesnt answer my question

    The question has been answered as detailed as we can from the information provided.

    3 hours ago, mac_gyver said:

    since you haven't shown us  what the build_listing_card() code is or what output it produces, cannot help you with what or why your view listing links should be or don't work

    5 hours ago, requinix said:

    Use the query string and $_GET.

    10 hours ago, chhorn said:

    You are fetching $_GET['listing_id'] from the URL, so you have to provide that info at least in a link



  13. Here's a simplified example

    $uid = 2;
    $res = $bdd->prepare("SELECT f.id
                               , f.name
                               , u.file_id
                          FROM files f 
                                 LEFT JOIN
                               user_files u 
                                    ON f.id = u.file_id
                                    AND u.user_id = ?
                          ORDER BY f.id
    $tdata = '';
    foreach ($res as $row) {
        $disabled = $row['file_id'] ? 'disabled' : '';
        $tdata .= "<tr>
                     <td><button $disabled>Download</button></td>


  14. Only select check boxes (and radio buttons) are sent in the form data so you need you check if they are present using isset().


       for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++) {
           if (isset($_GET['mycb'][$i])) {
               echo "Check box $i selected<br>" ;
           Check box 1 : <input type="checkbox" name="mycb[1]" value="1"><br>
           Check box 2 : <input type="checkbox" name="mycb[2]" value="2"><br>
           Check box 3 : <input type="checkbox" name="mycb[3]" value="3"><br>
           Check box 4 : <input type="checkbox" name="mycb[4]" value="4"><br>
           Check box 5 : <input type="checkbox" name="mycb[5]" value="5"><br><br>
           <input type="submit" name="btnSub" value="Submit">


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