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Posts posted by JasonLewis

  1. When I go into my new job I'm going to get a new smartphone (currently using a very outdated handset ;)). I'm holding off for a bit because 1) sometimes new phone announcements happen rather suddenly and 2) I'll be able to claim the phone back on tax thanks to the new job.


    Anyway, previously in my phone owning history I've had an HTC and I loved it. I love the Sense UI. It's great. So now my dilema is whether I should get the Samsung Galaxy SII, the HTC Evo 3D or the HTC Sensation. I really dig the Galaxy SII and the Sensation. The thought of 3D doesn't really get my all excited so I'm not so sure on the Evo.


    Does anyone have a Galaxy S or even the newer SII? I like Sense a lot, but am willing to try something new.


    Urgh, choosing phones is the worst. :(

  2. It's determined by the server, but you can specify a timezone for MySQL to run in to make things run a little smoother. Or you can handle timezones directly in PHP.

    Check out the documentation on timezones for MySQL. I personally hate dealing with timezones, it makes things so complicated some times. Well, it makes them seem more complicated then they should. :)

  3. You'd need to run all links through a script that detects if the link is to a document in your page.


    Facebook does this, and I believe they use JavaScript to determine if the URL is external and if so adds a click event to that link that prevents the link from taking users to the direct location but instead redirects you through a script that probably logs the action.

  4. As well as that, I suggest you use better names for your variables. Also this:


    Will always be fired, you're better off using the name of your submit button in there.


    <input type="submit" name="login" value="Log me in!" />
    // Then for your if statement

  5. Perhaps because the containing width is smaller then the total width of all 3 boxes combined?


    This has nothing to do with PHP either. The CSS section would be a much better place for this.

  6. To save effort, you can also look at using www.gravatar.com since these days many people will have their e-mail address associated with a Gravatar account. Of course many places will offer this in addition to custom uploading of an avatar. But a lot of the time people just can't be bothered so they use Gravatar. :)

  7. Validate your inputs. Obviously you want an integer, so ensure that it is as such. If it is not, set it to a default number instead.


    So in your embed.php you'd have something like:

    $vh = $_GET['vh'];
        // Not a number, set it to a default height.
        $vh = 400;

    Or something similar. I used is_numeric to check if it is a numerical string as well.

  8. The other thing to consider is your target audience. What do you know about them? There age? The possibly that they'll be using a modern browser? Is your website aimed at companies who probably still run XP with IE? You need to take a broad look at your audience and consider how important it is for your website to be 100% in IE.


    Personally, I always ensure that my website degrades somewhat gracefully in IE so it at least doesn't look like someone took a dump on the screen. :)

  9. @MasterACE14: I went through a stage where I'd try to code everything myself. While you learn a tonne of things and the inner workings of applications and what not, it's far easier to be a part of a community driven framework. I hang with to framworks, FuelPHP and Laravel, but currently am not contributing much.


    On another note I think it's great when I see a company using an internally developed framework or some piece of software. Hope it goes well for you! :D

  10. spent the last 9 months working on my own PHP MVC framework. Finally finished version 1 today, so damn happy.


    What's your framework? Got some source on github? :)


    I've been too busy trying to design my site to code it, still not happy. That's my personal portfolio site. On another front I'm doing an Anime based website, which is kinda done but now I'm rewriting some things and overhauling a lot of it. I'm a terrible client.

  11. I wouldn't feel too badly about it. Whatever can save you some work, it gets compiled down to everyday css before being served anyway.

    True, but how good is the compiled CSS? I've looked at a few pages that use Sass and it looks okay (the compiled CSS that is).


    @ignace: Does LESS compile pretty smoothly? And is installing it easy? You need node.js first, right?

  12. Sass, it's goal is to make writing CSS less painful. Quickly looking over some docs and reading a bit about it it surely seems to sell itself well. The idea of using variables inside CSS is great, and then mixins (like functions) is even better. It all sounds pretty awesome, but then in the back of my brain there is a little voice saying "oh but that's not the way it's being done in normal CSS". Eh, I don't really know... It seems like a great idea and many people are using things like Sass I believe.


    What are your thoughts? Anyone using or have used it before? :)

  13. I'm with xylex, why would you just throw it aside and quit a language? Seems a bit silly to me. There will always be cases where a task will be better suited to a particular language, which is why developers go about attaining many tools for their toolbox.

  14. The best way to track these sorts of requests is to look at the console in Firebug. It'll show the request, the response and all headers sent plus errors received etc. You should put your data like you have in the second example, but not surround it in quotes like you have. You want it to be an object, not a string. Here is how it should look:


    	  url: "usercomments.php",
    	  type: "POST",
    	  contentType: 'text/html; charset=windows-1251',
    	  data: {
    	      id: 16,
    	      comment: $('#comment').val(),
    	      startfrom: <?php echo $lastid; ?>
    	  success: function(returned){

  15. Hm, perhaps try storing the onmouseover object before setting it to null? Then setting it back again.


    var omo = document.getElementById('row'+number).onmouseover;
    document.getElementById('row'+number).onmouseover = null;
    // Later, you can reset it. Maybe.
    document.getElementById('row'+number).onmouseover = omo;


    No idea if this would work or not. :) In theory it sounds alright, at least to me it does. :D Good luck!

  16. This line here:


    #lightbox img{ width: 500px; height: 500px;}


    Will make all images that appear inside the lightbox 500x500px. If this is what's happening, you can simply remove this line and it'll allow all sizes to be shown. Assuming your javascript is handling the lightbox properly by auto-resizing it according to the width/height of the image.

  17. truckpics.com









    Just grab random words associated with what you're offering and wack em together. If you want to turn it gay, remove a vowel. e.g., carhelpers.com would become carhelprs.com (it has now been gayafied by dropping the last 'e').

    Another way to make it suck even more is to use two r's instead of 1. Again, carhelprs.com would becomes carhelprrs.com (now you'll attract gagillion visitors who'll constantly forget which e is missing and how many r's they need are meant to write).

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