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Everything posted by roopurt18

  1. I have no idea what it has to do with web design, but I like it!
  2. The solution is always the same for complicated problems: To be very clever.
  3. For a blog that is highly inactive, mine receives a ton of spam. I don't believe in imposing extra steps on the user like CAPTCHA or math problems, so I'm trying out a few things to fight it. In addition, my goal is to not really touch the drupal code. I've already put up my first line of defense and no spam yet.
  4. Does anyone know if the robots used to spam websites accept cookies or not? Just curious.
  5. Change your call to mysql_fetch_array to mysql_fetch_assoc and save yourself the headache of dealing with numeric indexes that can change if the underlying table is altered.
  6. What are the erroneous results? As far as I can tell the code you pasted has parse errors: <?php $test=isset($_GET['test']) ? $_GET['test'] : false; if $test == "yes"1 { echo "ON"; } else { echo "OFF"; } ?> Where are the parens around the if condition? And why do you have an 1 following "yes" in the conditional? It really doesn't matter what value is used, whether it be 1, yes, or foobar. They're all strings on the incoming page so no matter what you're going to do a string comparison. You aren't saving any work by converting it to an int and it isn't any more secure.
  7. No teng. The information there is not reliable.
  8. I think its an improvement, but there are a couple minor issues. When the page gets wide, the background seeps through into the content. Also, you get a huge gap between the content and the client login area. It doesn't feel bloggish at all to me anymore. [attachment deleted by admin]
  9. In nautilus, is there a way to easily execute terminal commands from within the current directory or am I stuck in a terminal window? That'd make me wet in the pants.
  10. The blockier font, almost looks like a Courier or Terminal font. The more fantasy-type font is fine IMO.
  11. SirChick, if an integer uses 4 bytes, then it uses 4 bytes, regardless of if you have 1, 2, or 154000 stored in it.
  12. This is why poorly formatted code is dangerous. <?php echo (" <table border=0 width=75% align=center> <tr> <td class=coachtitle>$row[title]</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=coach>nl2br($row[coach])</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=author>$row[author]</td> </tr> <tr> <td align=center><a href=/coaching.html>Back[/url]</td> </tr> "); ?> You are calling nl2br INSIDE A STRING. You can't call a function inside a string. Your first hint was having nl2p( in the output.
  13. Fixing problems in GNU/Linux is a bit more involved and moderately more scary, but there are plenty of instructions and resources online to help with that. It doesn't matter what OS you use, you will always have to spend some amount of time keeping it in prime condition. But based on my experience thus far, GNU/Linux has finally reached the point where it requires substantially less time than to do so on a Windows machine. BTW, last night I switched my fiance's system over to Ubuntu as well. Again the installation went without hitch and her system is working wonderfully. However, she is an accounting major so she'll be a good test-case for how well you can use GNU/Linux in an MS world. Almost all of her classes require her to use Excel / Access beyond the basic requirement of just opening other files. She also uses a digital camera and scanner quite frequently. I'll let you all know how that goes.
  14. preview17 has the most cohesive look and feel to me. It also displays a decent amount of information to visitors without taking up a lot of space. I'd look at modifying the font slightly, it's a little hard to read. The map in the background is a little too prominent and detracts from the content. Perhaps if you darkened or lightened the background the content would stand out a bit more. Also, it would help break up the color a bit, as you already commented the site is "VERY yellow." I don't like the other two at all. Each of them is like you couldn't decide between sci-fi or fantasy so you just mashed both together. Its very contradicting. The colors don't really fit either.
  15. Just an idea, but you're logo seems to be near a light source. Why not use that as the light source for all of your drop shadows, assuming you keep them?
  16. I think much of the bloggish feel comes from the 'Read More' and 'Comments' links in your 'Welcome' message, as well as the 'Post By.' I would also be inclined to say that on most corporate sites, they use either a horizontal or vertical nav on the home page but not both. You are very likely to see both at once on a blog though. Since your vertical nav doesn't offer anything that's not already present in the header, maybe you shouldn't display it on the homepage and only bring it in when theres sub-navigation. In place of the navigation on the home page, I'd maybe place a graphic or a random image that shows off your company, projects, etc. While I agree with you about flash and graphics in general, this is where I would have used it. I hate sites that use 3/4 of the top or middle of the page for flash animation. However, a small amount of it when used properly can be very effective. Consider an animation that throws out phrases like "Dependability," "Customer Satisfaction," "Integrity," etc. along with appropriate images and images of your portfolio. I only say this because I don't know what type of clients you are targeting, but I am assuming you want as many clients as possible. I would assume that most of your clients are not web developers / designers themselves, otherwise they wouldn't be interested in your services. I imagine that most of the people you interact with are your regular, run-of-the-mill business people and they're suckers for bullshit. I'm still of the opinion that the three text links at the top of the page don't add anything and that you'd be better off moving them to the bottom. In fact, recreating all your navigation as plain text links at the bottom would probably give it more of a corporate feel. Overall I still think the design is great. It's very clean and sharp and the new images in the header are a great improvement, although your logo appears to be suffering from too much compression. If I stumbled across this page on the net I'd be impressed. However, to get that real business feel, it almost has to look like someone who didn't know what they were talking about was standing over your shoulder making suggestions and that you had to follow them. I'd love to hear any contradicting opinions to my own though from some of our other PHPFreaks designers, as its probably my weakest area.
  17. "Problem" is not the correct term to apply to my situation. I'm tired of dealing with the windows world and much of what it entails; I also don't like where windows is headed (15GB just to install the OS!). I don't want to use win2k pro, home, winxp, vista, or any other MS software. Also, virtualization is great and I love it, but the performance suffers pretty hard in a graphical environment. Basically, windows is already a resource hog. VMWare has to use resources while running. Then GNU/Linux uses resources on top of all that. If my goal is to run GNU/Linux all the time and ditch windows, theres not much point in adding two layers of extra crap on top of it. If I had really wanted to use both, I probably would have shelled out $100 for an extra HDD and just installed GNU/Linux there, but I didn't. Related to this, while installing Ubuntu I encountered a new term: "fake raid." Boy did I get fooled! Also, there seems to be some confusion about VMWare. Yes they do have multiple products and yes VMPlayer is free and can play virtual machines. But there is also a VMWare server product that is free and allows you to install virtual machines on your computer; you just have to fill out a registration form. http://www.vmware.com/download/server/
  18. neylitalo, have a look here: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/04/libdvdcss2-and-w32codecs-for-ubuntu/ Ubuntu out of the box didn't play DVDs for me until I installed libdvdcss2 and xine.
  19. I get the same break-up that stevie got in FF, not sure if you're in the midst of working on it or not though. Likewise if I squish the page down really small the rounded corner on the right gets a hard edge from the image on the left. I'd consider taking the text-only navigation on the top and placing it above the footer since it doesn't add anything that isn't already available at the top of the page. Your header buttons are a little pixelated around the rounded corners, I'm not sure if those are your final graphics or not. I'd consider using an actual graphic for your logo, the font looks grainy when enlarged so much on my display. Everything in the content area is nice and crisp, really top notch IMO. I also like your color scheme. (edit) Also, and I feel like kicking myself for even suggesting this, you might want to add the tiniest bit of flash. I would be very hard-pressed to use any flash within my own sites, so I would understand why you (and others) would be against it. But, based on what I've seen in other threads on this board, it seems like a fair amount of clients seem to look for it. Since this is for your web development company, I imagine you want clients, so you might want to demonstrate that you can use flash.
  20. Jesus, what a train wreck. If that code is something you inherited from someone else, then I feel your pain. If that is code you wrote yourself, then I suggest you schedule some time to learn about functions and other organizational techniques. Having more organized code makes troubleshooting it much, much easier! That said, here is what I found with your code. You have three form tags, but only two closing tags. So you forgot to close one of your forms, i.e. the one for: <form action=\"myaccount.php?action=uploadphotos\" As for the actual problem, the only way from that code that you can possibly be accessing the section of code that processes the upload photo form is by following a link on the page or by typing the url in the address. Since there's an 'Upload Photo' link on the page, I imagine you're clicking on that. Which brings us back to the point I made in my first post: Your page is coded so that the form can only be displayed if it has been submitted. You can't submit a form until it has been displayed. You've created yourself a chicken and egg problem. Do you understand what I'm saying? Here is your relevant code: if($_GET['action'] == 'uploadphotos') { if(isset($_POST['submit_2'])) { ## The vars $var_headshot = $_FILES['headshot']['name']; ## Empty submission if(empty($var_headshot)) { stderr("Upload Failed","No photo was uploaded!"); unset($_POST['submit_2']); } /** * THIS IS YOUR CODE TO DISPLAY THE FORM. HOWEVER YOU HAVE PLACED IT INSIDE * AN IF CONDITION THAT CAN ONLY BE TRUE IF THE FORM HAS BEEN SUBMITTED. * THEREFORE THIS FORM CAN NOT POSSIBLY BE DISPLAYED. */ echo '<div style="border: 1px solid black;padding:10px; background: yellow; color: #000000; font-size: 10px;"><b>This photo will appear on your profile as your main one.</b></div><br />'; echo ("<form action=\"myaccount.php?action=uploadphotos\" method=\"POST\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" />"); echo ("<table class=\"sub_table\" border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"#000000\" align=\"left\" width=\"600\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">"); echo ("<tr>"); echo ("<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"edit\" align=\"left\"><img src=\"images/edit_profile.jpg\"></td>"); echo ("</tr>"); echo ("<tr>"); echo ("<td width=\"50%\" align=\"right\"><b>Upload Headshot</b></td><td width=\"50%\" align=\"left\"><input type=\"file\" name=\"headshot\" size=\"40\"></td>"); echo ("</tr>"); echo ("<tr>"); echo ("<td align=\"right\" colspan=\"2\" width=\"50%\" align=\"right\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit_2\" value=\"Upload Headshot\"></td>"); echo ("</tr>"); echo ("</table>"); } // End post isset }
  21. The code you've shown us is logically flawed. Here is your logic: IF ON CORRECT ACTION THEN IF FORM SUBMITTED THEN CHECK FOR HEADSHOT ERROR DISPLAY FORM END IF END IF Logically, your code says, "Display this form only if the form was submitted." So I ask you, how can you ever display the form in the first place? My gut instinct is that you have another form that posts to this page ~OR~ you have a quick hack embedded in your code to get the form to display the first time. In either case, you should post more of your code.
  22. You can download vmware server for free: http://www.vmware.com/download/server/
  23. You guys are going to get my awesome thread locked! On-topic: Printing straight to PDF file took less than 15 seconds to set up, which makes me a happy panda.
  24. Ah yes, now I remember. It does work in FF, but not in the world's favorite browser.
  25. Maybe its because you closed your <div class="td"> tags with </td> tags?
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