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Everything posted by roopurt18

  1. I think you may be able to squeak by with a single dedicated server at first. I think I'd set it up so that only a single video is being encoded at a time, which should leave enough processor left over to run Apache. I think you can get by with this until the site starts to take off. You definitely need to learn how to monitor your systems resources and probably get a time log of the resources throughout the day so you can decide what is the average load, what is the peak, etc. As you approach 60 - 80% of your server's capacity you will start to need to look into extra servers. At that point I would move the encoding process off of the main web-server onto more powerful servers. You will also want to eliminate the restriction of having only one video file being encoded at a time or your users will turn away. I know that many of the current video sharing sites out there use many servers just to store and serve the video files, usually as sub-domains of the main site. Also, you forgot to add Server Powered to the list of dedicated hosts that manage your server; they also host this site.
  2. I've never owned or used an alienware, but the consensus from others I know who custom build is "overpriced garbage." Usually this is made in reference to desktop systems. I don't know a single person that's ever built their own laptop, it just doesn't seem to be worth the effort. If you wanted a gaming laptop, and I'm really not sure why anyone would, I guess alienware may be a viable option. All computers use the same technology; what separates them is the quality of the parts that manufacturers put into them. That $300 desktop system in Best Buy or Frys is an intel chip and a Windows License packaged into the cost, so you know the rest of the parts are pure crap. Since your target is a laptop, I'd go with well-known manufacturer. I have a Dell provided by my work and it works very well. Granted all I do is program, use instant messaging, check e-mail, and occasionally visit you-tube. I've also heard good things about Toshiba laptops and to some extent gateway. I don't know if either of these companies make laptops, but you want to avoid compaq and lexmark at all costs.
  3. Put me down in the first category lol I did.
  4. I have a Dell laptop that my work provided for me which runs fine. For my home desktops I always custom build.
  5. Not sure how many people are aware of this, but I just spent 10 minutes going "WTF?!" Simple form with a text field and a button with name='add_group' On the processing page is a check: if($this->_view == 'add_group' && isset($_POST['add_group'])){ // ... } Basically the form processor checks that we're on the right page and we got here from the correct submit button. It wasn't working on IE6 because I was hitting enter instead of clicking the button. I would type in the text field, hit enter, and since I didn't technically click the button, 'add_group' wasn't set in $_POST. Of course, FF behaved properly.
  6. I'm just waiting for the day when I get to ask a peer, "Do you remember when humans had to write programs? Boy those were the days! Always full of bugs..."
  7. 'Y' is often pronounced as if it were an 'i'. Alligator : all-ee-gey-tor Berry : bear-ee How many of you use a strict 's' sound when saying 'cherries'? I bet most people it comes out as 'cherriez'. So to say that WYSIWYG is not pronounced how it is spelled to me is somewhat silly. In either case, anyone who complains about any part of this either: A) Just likes to complain B) Is fortunate enough in life to not have anything real to complain about
  8. Try this: <?php header('Location: http://www.google.com/'); exit(); ?> Confirm that it works in the most simple case.
  9. You are sending output before your calls to header(). <?php session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title> Login </title> <body> That markup counts as output. I already told you that you need to restructure your code to avoid that.
  10. <?php header ("Cache-control: private"); $_SESSION['sessionname'] = $_POST['username']; // In the following line you may mean $_SESSION['sessionname'], although I'm not sure session_name($SESSION['sessionname']); // What in the Hell is [id]? session_id([id]); // It doesn't look to me as if you finished your query string...?id=the_id header("location: studenthome.php?id"); exit(); // Next line is pointless, you'll have already exited and redirected (you'll never see the message) echo("Welcome, Forwarding"); // What is this or die() attached to? or die("Will not foward" .mysql_error()); // Is there more code above this? or do you just have a random }else{ floating around }else{ echo "Incorrect Login, please try again or <a href="register.php">Register</a>"; } ?>
  11. Well, first off you have a syntax error that darkfreaks fixed. Secondly, you're using the wrong variable for sessions; try $_SESSION instead of $SESSION. Thirdly, you are echo'ing output before your call to header(). You must never do this. Headers have to be sent before any output; nothing can come before headers, not even white space. You'll have to restructure your logic to fix that. Fourth, if you want to redirect with a header('Location: ...') then you must call exit(); afterwards or your script will keep processing.
  12. IMO it's only an issue for hardware you already own. From a go-forward basis it's easy to check if what you're planning to buy is already supported. BTW I don't know if any of you saw Walmart's $200 PC installed with linux, but I recently read an article that they already sold out of 10,000 of them. Assuming that trend keeps up and consumers place their ill-will (caused by new hardware not working) towards manufacturers and not the OS, I think we'll see a significant upturn in hardware support from manufacturers in the next year or two.
  13. Have you already purchased Vista though? I doubt it. Anyways, completely unrelated. We have a canon scanner at home that appears to be unsupported in Linux; it's an LiDE 70. I have a couple of ideas on how I might get it to work, short of writing a driver myself (not gonna happen). 1) I could try installing the windows drivers with wine. Not ideal, but if it gets the job done I guess it'll hold over until the scanner is actually supported. 2) This one is a little far fetched and I'm curious if anyone has tried anything like it. There is a driver for Mac OS X, which is Unix under the hood. Canon provides the driver in a .dmg file, which I can convert to an .iso and mount. Perhaps the necessary drivers are available inside as a .rpm or .deb or something I can install natively. I'll let you folks know how this one goes!
  14. I always come under fire for recommending this, but IMO c is still the best place to really learn how to program. No other language comes close to teaching you as much about programming methodologies as c does. Although not always the best language for the task, there isn't any program that can't be written in c. As long as there is a c compiler for the intended platform, you can accomplish anything in c. c will really teach you about computer memory. A lot of people struggle with pointers in c, but if you get that concept down it builds a strong foundation IMO. Also, you can't really appreciate references until you understand pointers; they're similar but there is a slight difference. You will never truly appreciate how easy strings are in a language like PHP until you've dealt with them in c. Want a good exercise in frustration? Write a c function that reads an arbitrarily long string from a file. Implementing abstract data types (linked lists, tree, hash tables, queues, etc.) in c will give you a great foundation for understanding how these work in other languages. Or how other languages might be doing some things under the hood. For example, if you think PHP's array_search() has to look at every element in an array to find a match, then you're way off the mark. You won't ever truly appreciate (nor understand why) we have object-oriented languages until you write medium-sized c programs. The same can be said for function overloading and to an extent, parameter defaults. Seriously, even though I haven't used c in probably 4 years, I still think it is the best all-around programming language. Now I'm not saying to dedicate your life to c. If you spent a few hours a week for a few months on it, that would probably be sufficient. Honestly all you need from c is a good understanding of strings, memory management, and then to create a few ADTs (abstract data types) like a linked list, queue, hash-table, and probably binary search tree. After that, write a couple algorithms that sort long lists of strings. It's not as hard as it sounds. You'll be much better off for it. Just my $.02
  15. If you spent $700 on a program and then learned how to use it, wouldn't you want to keep using it? Then there's that.
  16. Forgive me for the self-plug, but I just installed Photoshop CS2 on Ubuntu in a much more simple and straight-forward fashion that most web sites would have you believe possible. Most of the How-tos out there require an existing CS2 installation on Windows and what seems like headache I didn't want to bother with. You can read my solution here: http://rbredlau.com/drupal/node/9 Or...
  17. I'll have to look into it more on my own time since very few of our users have Firefox. Very strange though.
  18. I was just showing a site that uses AJAX to someone else and it doesn't work. We're both using Firefox and I have Firebug while the other person doesn't. I disabled Firebug on my Firefox and sure enough the AJAX functionality went away. Has anyone else noticed this?
  19. I plan to look into this more deeply later in the week when I have the time, but if anyone knows off the bat it'd be a big help. My fiance is downloading photos off her Canon digital camera and they're all being saved in one folder with the current date and time. She'd like them organized according to the date and time they were taken. Is there a tool or shell script that will either pull the images off the camera and save them in sub-folders according to the time they were taken or batch rename them based on the metadata? I can write one myself later in the week if need be, but I'd prefer not to. I'm sure someone else has ran into this same problem.
  20. If you're viewing it in IE, I noticed on my own site that if the web server was compressing the pages they would sometimes come up blank. Turning off caching on the web server fixed it.
  21. IMO it's this underlying knowledge that gives those with a CS degree the upper-hand. I would say if you're young, have the time, and can afford it, then you should suffer through college. Going to college never hurt anyone and the worst it does is give you more options when applying for a job. In general, a college degree looks good. More specifically, if all you know is web stuff, that's all you can really work in. I happen to do web stuff too, but if I decided to program something else I have a better chance of getting my foot in the door than someone who doesn't have a degree, granted it will probably be entry-level position for that field. College is mostly BS though; I hated almost every moment of it.
  22. The install process was a breeze with Ubuntu, you just follow the on-screen instructions really. I suggest using the Ubuntu live CD without installing just to see that all your hardware is recognized by the OS. The only hiccup I had was I had originally wanted to dual-boot. I went through some hassle trying to resize my windows partition, managed to do it, and then realized that I was running fake-raid and it would cause problems with Linux in a dual-boot scenario. Then I just said, "Screw it." and erased my entire windows install.
  23. Fixed, in terms of pagination.php
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