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Everything posted by tomfmason

  1. I would have to agree with you on this one. I think that putting the full resources of sun behind mysql will do nothing but good. I look forward to the acquisition.
  2. I am! Ruby was the next step for me after php. Once you learn the syntax you will find that most other languages seem really long winded. The next language that I plan on learning is server side javascript with rhino and after that maybe groovy.
  3. I would have to agree with Thorpe on this one. I am not all that familiar with smf or writing mods for it. However, as a general rule modifying an application can become a real problem when updating that application. So by the administration keeping the smf modifications to a bare minimum they are saving everyone from a potential major headache. Keep in mind that future versions of smf may have conflicts with modifications already in place. Why add to this potential headache if it is not absolutely necessary?
  4. Ah.. I remember those days. I have seen on many occasions where someone would ask a really simple question and then would decide to switch out the content of the first post with something like "mod please remove this post" or whatever. Questions that many find easy or stupid may indeed be what is hanging other people up on their work. For the people like my self that can't spell or make many common grammatical errors, just make sure your post is correct before posting it . Firefox has a built in spell checker that makes my life easier. Now all I need to do is learn how to form a sentence correctly...
  5. I think gimp 2.4 is one of the best image editors on the market period. I have a copy of the Adobe Web Premium Package but I tend to use gimp instead. Once you learn how to use it correctly I find that I can do almost everything that I can do in ps but much faster.
  6. Yes they are a little slower to load and that is mostly due to the fact that when using table based layouts you tend to have almost twice the amount of code that you would have in a css and div based layout.
  7. (this time limit on editing posts is annoying) I really don't like that fact that you used tables for the layout. They should only be used to display tabular data.
  8. The welcome image is pretty pixelated. I would open that image in your image editing software and zoom in to about 300% to 400%(until you can see individual pixels) and remove the offending pixels. You can do this by changing the color of that pixel to match the color behind it. Otherwise it is a decent site. I would work on the color scheme though. I don't really think that green matches that pink very well.
  9. I think revraz posted a valid solution. I am finding my self in a similar situation and I have decided that if the client does not pay the remaining balance I will just save the code for a project that is similar to it.
  10. You can create user interactive sites in any of the languages listed above.
  11. I picked python because, like daniel0, it is my favorite of the ones listed above. However, I would have to say that ruby is my favorite language to work with.
  12. It is a family owned company and they are originally from Bulgaria. I think everyone that works there is related in one way or another.
  13. I had several servers hosted with them for about a year and never really had a problem. Maybe you just got some retarded support reps or something. Their dedicated server support always seemed knowledgeable and had quick responses to my support requests.
  14. TextMate is a great editor! I wish that they made versions for the other main two platforms(*nix and Windows). The good news for Windows users is that there is an equivalent and that is e-texteditor. This is one of the best editors out there imo. It uses the same bundles as TextMate but with minor modifications for the windows platform. I use this editor for css, html, javascript, actionscript, flex(just use xml style syntax highlighting), bash/batch, php, ruby/ROR, python and java. As you can see it covers everything that I need to do and is light weight.
  15. I stopped supporting IE6 for the most part. I generally work on projects that require both flash and javascript. Most of these applications require that the user have the latest stable release of adobe flash player and I then assume that they also have the latest stable version of microShaft IE. I know that there is likely to be people still using dialup and IE6 but most of my applications involve some type of streaming media and require highspeed internet access. I say that I don't support IE6 but I almost always check the first draft in all major browsers and fix any major layout problems but I wont waste alot of time working my app into an old and outdated browser. This just seems to be a real waste of time and money. I always tell my clients this and also tell them that if they want the application to appear and act exactly the same in IE6 then I will have to adjust my total bid accordingly. It can take several hours to track down a bug in IE6 and I am not going to take that time out of my profit.
  16. Ext Js is a powerful and feature rich javascript library. It is a bit bulky but makes up for it in the current feature set. You can do some really cool things very fast with this library. It has lower level javascript functions(standard js lib stuff) and it also has ui components. These ui components are styled nicely and are easy to customize. Here is an example usage(from http://extjs.com/learn/Tutorial:Introduction_to_Ext_2.0) Ext.onReady(function() { var myData = [ ['Apple',29.89,0.24,0.81,'9/1 12:00am'], ['Ext',83.81,0.28,0.34,'9/12 12:00am'], ['Google',71.72,0.02,0.03,'10/1 12:00am'], ['Microsoft',52.55,0.01,0.02,'7/4 12:00am'], ['Yahoo!',29.01,0.42,1.47,'5/22 12:00am'] ]; var myReader = new Ext.data.ArrayReader({}, [ {name: 'company'}, {name: 'price', type: 'float'}, {name: 'change', type: 'float'}, {name: 'pctChange', type: 'float'}, {name: 'lastChange', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'n/j h:ia'} ]); var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store: new Ext.data.Store({ data: myData, reader: myReader }), columns: [ {header: 'Company', width: 120, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'company'}, {header: 'Price', width: 90, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'price'}, {header: 'Change', width: 90, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'change'}, {header: '% Change', width: 90, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'pctChange'}, {header: 'Last Updated', width: 120, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'), dataIndex: 'lastChange'} ], viewConfig: { forceFit: true }, renderTo: 'content', title: 'My First Grid', width: 500, frame: true }); grid.getSelectionModel().selectFirstRow(); }); And this would be the resulting grid I am using this library on a current project of mine and so far I am loving it.
  17. tomfmason


    I know that godaddy is not very popular with most of us here but they have very reasonable prices for their ssl certs http://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/compare/gdcompare_ssl.asp . It less then $90 /year and I have not had a problem yet.
  18. Quirksmode is another good reference for css , javascript and some html
  19. You may want to look over your ISP's TOS agreement. I would be willing to bet that they have a clause that prevents anyone, other then users with business accounts, from hosting a server. If you have a dynamic ip I would be willing to bet that they have something like that and they could either charge you a higher monthly subscription fee or possibly even suspend your service altogether.
  20. Most routers have port forwarding/triggering. My old router had it hidden under applications and gaming. You will need to forward port 80 to your machine, assuming port 80 is not blocked by your isp.
  21. I started with php after I got out of the US Army almost 3 years ago. I am a semi professional no-limit texas holdem player and needed something that I could use to keep track of my stats. I was given a quote of nearly $10k from a web development firm for what I needed. I thought that was crazy and decided that I would just do it my self. After six months or so I had developed a pretty comprehensive poker statistics application which helped me to improve my game almost 100 fold.
  22. I agree. A line height of between 1.2 and 1.4 would look better.
  23. sorry I meant that you need to clean up the edges on your tabs. They are a little pixelated on the corners. I looked at them after taking the screen shot and there are 2-3 pixels on each side that are causing them to look pixelated. Erase them and you they will look much smoother. I would lighten the inner shadow on the signup button. Also, the edges of the images in the blue header are pixelated as well. Clean those up and it would look cleaner.
  24. At a client width of less then 1000px the graphics in the blue header drop below it. Also you need to clean up with navigation buttons a bit. This should be rather simple. Take your image editing software(I prefer The Gimp) and blow the image up until you can see each pixel. You will then see that you have a few pixels out of place on the outside edges. Erase them and it will look much better. Other then that I think it is a major improvement. I have attached a screen shot to show how the page looks at a client width of less then 1000px in FireFox.
  25. I was playing around with ideas for a logo and decided to try something 3d-ish . So I fired up blend and came up with this. and then tried using it in my header like this What do you guys think?
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