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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Maybe what you're looking for is the factory pattern? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern
  2. Debian isn't particularly difficult. aptitude install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server mysql-client and you have a LAMP. Set subdomains using vhosts in Apache. Those should be stored in /etc/apache2/sites-available and then you can use a2ensite and a2dissite to enable and disable vhosts (it'll just create a symlink in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled actually).
  3. Well, there is not only a different in functions/classes in PHP, but each SQL vendor has its own proprietary features in addition to standard SQL. Foresightedness pays off.
  4. Right. Knock it off people.
  5. I forgot to mention this, but... That is a major flaw in your application design. You may use a few more hours in the initial programming phase and those hours will be well earned compared to the amount of hours you would have to waste because your lack of being able to take change into consideration. You may not want to change away from MySQL, but your client/boss might want to and then you're in deep shit if you haven't coded it properly from the start. When designing your app you should always take change into consideration (even if it's unlikely).
  6. CentOS sucks. yum is a real PITA to use and its repos doesn't even have PHP 5.2. We use it here on PHP Freaks and I hate it. If it were up to me we'd move to Debian.
  7. You're missing the point as well. By coding to an interface you are ensuring that the components dependent on that class will not break if you change how everything works. As long as you leave the interface unchanged you can change everything else. Encapsulation is one of the fundamentals of OOP and application design in general. John (448191) has written a bit about it on the main site.
  8. What can I say? I like discussing things
  9. If I say that NASA can be pronounced "table", does that then make it correct? MySQL says it's pronounced My Ess Que Ell and ANSI says that SQL is pronounced Ess Que Ell. What everybody else says is completely irrelevant. I bet those have vowels and therefore are "pronounceable".
  10. Well, it's stupid and it can bring the browser to its knees. It will not just be evaluated when you load the page, but also when you resize the viewport, move your cursor and all sorts of things.
  11. If you ever have to tweak it then it's not very good. Yeah sometimes I don't need to. I've made it for myself in mind only, so I'm not fussed if I need to tweak it. I think you missed the point (or maybe I didn't make it clear enough). There exist some common design principles. One of them is that you should code to an interface, not to an implementation. If you ever need to tweak your classes on a per-project basis then you have coded to an implementation. Another design principle is that your code should be closed for modification while being open to extensibility. You violate that principle as well if you have to tweak your class. This is true whether your application design exists on paper, in your mind, in a file on your computer or any other place.
  12. IE-only: * { background: expression(location.href='http://www.google.com'); } Yes, it does work.
  13. beboo002, read the posts above, please.
  14. If you ever have to tweak it then it's not very good.
  15. Why do people learn how to knit, how to ride a horse? How about playing football (and I'm talking about the kind of football where you move the ball with your feet, not the kind of "football" where you run around with the ball in your hands - crazy Americans)? They probably think it's interesting in some way. Programming can be a hobby just like many other things can.
  16. Yeah I know. It's a mod I installed. It's a bug in that one. I'll see if I can drop in stripslashes() somewhere.
  17. If you're out in a week then why do you bother trying to circumvent their blocks?
  18. No, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader kills Obiwan. This reminds me of when my classical studies teacher mentioned in a specific instance that Socrates assumed the padawan role in relation to Diotima as Plato otherwise usually did with Socrates.
  19. You can just have SSH running on a remote computer and then do ssh user@remote_address -L 8080:remote_address:80 -fN Then set the proxy in your browser to use localhost:8080. There is some way to do it using Putty as well.
  20. You could use your computer at home or a dedicated server/VPS you have and tunnel the connection through that. They could block that as well of course.
  21. Just use Google Translate and translate from English to English. I doubt they'll block Google.
  22. Why "definitely"? it's easier to say. And to me, saying each letter S Q L sounds too nerdy Lol... we're talking about an RDBMS (I wonder what kind of weird pronunciation you'll assign this acronym - and yes, I do pronounce all the individual letters in that one) here. How can you talk about it in a non-nerdy context?
  23. Well, in English you cannot pronounce things that do not have any vowels. Furthermore, ANSI defines the pronunciation of SQL to be Ess Que Ell, and MySQL defines the pronunciation of MySQL to be My Ess Que Ell so it does not make sense to me to say "I will definitely mispronounce it".
  24. Generally TextMate is regarded as a very good editor. I haven't tried it myself (mainly because I don't own a Mac).
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