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Everything posted by Daniel0
Why is it you don't take (yo)ur time to make those two extra key strokes so it is "your" and not "ur"?
The same goes for UNIX based installations except that they will have to .so extension instead.
There is a difference between sites from Germany and sites in German. For example, on Google Danmark (Denmark), there are three options: "søg på nettet" (search the internet), "sider på dansk" (sites in Danish) and "sider fra Danmark" (pages from Denmark). Same goes for Google Deutschland with "Das Web", "Seiten auf Deutsch" and "Seiten aus Deutschland" and Google España with "la Web", "páginas en español" and "páginas de España". English (international) users (google.com) will not see those options, and English (UK) users (google.co.uk) will only have two options: "the web" and "pages from the UK". [attachment deleted by admin]
Remove the line saying something like extension= and then something with soap in your php.ini. Alternatively, you could also just comment it out by prepending a semi-colon.
Are you sure that your IDE does not use some version of php-cgi.exe shipped with it? That for instance how Zend Studio does it. Anyways, do you get any errors when using the Apache module version of PHP? Are there any errors in Windows' error log concerning this issue?
You talking about Flash?
If they do like sites like YouTube and such, then you can download the flv file and then view it with a flv viewer or convert it to another movie format.
Yeah, laptop keyboards can sometimes be a little annoying, but for the mouse: just purchase one that can be plugged in your USB port.
I believe those attributes are for applications such as text readers. E.g. Spanish pronunciation rules and English pronunciation rules are different, so a text reader needs to know what language the text is in (or at least if it isn't English it needs to know).
Has he tried another client than SmartFTP?
Sure .htaccess can be used. It just requires that it is running Apache. IIS does not have .htaccess.
@bachx: It depends on how you do it. If you update the a field in the database telling when the user was last active it will, if not, then it won't.
Look at my code here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,130341.msg546805.html#msg546805 Now tell me/us: What additions/changes was made from the original code here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,130341.msg546801.html#msg546801 Now you should be able to apply it again yourself. It might help if I told you that the ?: syntax is called the ternary operator. More information here: http://php.net/operators.comparison Basically, $var = $something == "abc123" ? "hello" : "hi"; is the same as if($something == "abc123") { $var = "hello"; } else { $var = "hi"; }
You might want to put ob_start() at the very top, and ob_end_flush() on the bottom. That way, when you echo/print, it doesn't actually do it, but rather buffers it and then eventually do it at the end of script execution.
Go to sleep and start again tomorrow then... If you need people to finish it for you, then start a topic in the freelancing forum stating that it is unpaid.
The referrer means the page from which you were directed to another page. At least in this context. It is the page that referred you to it.
Just apply my above snippet to those three lines. It shouldn't be that difficult to distinct the new additions from the old original code.
$hp = $playerinfo['hp']>0 ? round(($playerinfo['hp']/$playerinfo['maxhp'])*100) : intval(0);
Suggestion: Lookup "HEREDOC" Note: Does not resolve the problem, but improves code readability.
Well, I just assumed that the last_logged_in field would hold the timestamp of when they actually did log in, but if it actually holds their last activity timestamp, then the result will be the same.
How about people who have been browsing the forum for over two minutes? You'd rather make a sessions table where you update their last activity timestamp and check against that instead.
Try this: foreach($_POST as $k => $v) { $price = $v; list($term, $milmon, $class, $level) = explode("*", $k); $months = $milmon{0}.$milmon{1}; $miles = substr($milmon, 2); echo "{$term} {$months} {$miles} {$class} {$level} {$price}"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rates WHERE class='{$class}' AND newterm='{$term}' AND level='{$level}' AND months='{$months}' AND mileage='{$miles}'"); $res = mysql_fetch_array($query); mysql_query("UPDATE rates SET price='$price' WHERE id='{$res["id"]}'"); }
I don't get what you mean, it just adds a user and then renders the table afterwards.
Seeing as Ruby is popular as well, here is a new link: http://www.google.com/trends?q=php%2C+perl%2C+python%2C+asp%2C+ruby&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all
Interesting... I wonder what people mean by "windows programming". Additionally you could use Google Trends: http://www.google.com/trends?q=php%2C+perl%2C+python%2C+asp People search more for PHP than ASP, Perl and Python, but there are more news references for ASP.