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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. Who says Python > PHP?
  2. Wouldn't it be easier to take the CRC32 checksum of some data added together from whatever is already unique, say the username for instance.
  3. Just use the identical with operator: === Example: <?php $var1 = "Hello"; $var2 = "hello"; var_dump($var1 === $var2); //outputs: bool(false) ?>
  4. Or ?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 which will get the PHP logo (as in my avatar):
  5. https://services.google.com/tcbin/tc.py <-- definitely some Python there.
  6. I know, but it was to retain the word "cow". Oh well, I'm not a cow/animal expert.
  7. To use the functions given by thorpe, this code should do the trick: $name = "{$_SESSION['Username']}_images"; if(is_dir($name)) { mkdir($name); }
  8. Seriously, quit typing certain parts of your post in uppercase. Many people (including myself) consider it shouting. Anyways, check the manual here: http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/
  9. But baby cows drink milk
  10. PHP does not have a built-in template system.
  11. Alright, I got stuck at step seven... I cannot think of any animal starting with Y. Sure about that? I've got lots of them in my house
  12. For some reason my brain kept adding a zero at the end of the two-digit numbers... resulting in 5000 >_< The actual result is 4100 though.
  13. Post spoils the result: Is it ok if you let PHP count them? <?php $n = count_chars("FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS."); echo $n[ord("F")]; ?> Anyways, my brain counted three F's in the sentence. After looking at PHP's result I figured out that my brain skipped the F's in the three OF's. Pretty funny...
  14. Just plain HTML. Anything (if the IPS will let it pass through) will do. The code boxes are generated from the <code> tags.
  15. 2...
  16. Tags might work out ok with your site. You could make the tags one-word-only or phrases, your choice - both will work out fine. As for the tag cloud: I think (correct me if I'm wrong), that most times the tag cloud is generated from how many objects having that tag, and not the popularity of the objects themselves. If you are worrying about the directory listing, then you could retain the categories (allow multiple) along with the tags, or else you could allow users to search for tags.
  17. Try to check your cookie path setting.
  18. The vhosts file is just a file included in httpd.conf, so basically you could put in there as well.
  19. Yeah... blame the OS that the software not from the OS's manufacturer not necessarily works. Besides, many programs can run if you turn compatibility mode on for the executable.
  20. Also the distinct blue color for the Google Ads are just plain annoying.
  21. Daniel0 leads straight to PHP Freaks Edit: Or well... first two results leads to my main site profile and my forum profile, respectively. There are 9670 results on Daniel0, but that is probably because I am most likely not the only one using that username on the entire internet.
  22. PHP.NET?
  23. Well, if you don't think you can use up 4 GB, then I think you should go with the 2 GB one. The other would be waste of money then.
  24. Daniel0


  25. I am not exactly sure what you are trying to do, but is this it? $query = "SELECT column1, column2, column3, DATE_FORMAT(column4,'%d-%m-%y') AS column4, column5 FROM table1 WHERE column1 = '$customerid'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Unable to retrieve values.".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $variable = $row['column4']; echo $variable; }
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