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Everything posted by Daniel0

  1. No need. I can do that myself: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/product It fits the definition fine. Besides, it is entirely irrelevant whether you're advertising a product or a project. Of course it is, and I never said there was anything wrong with your project being politically motivated. I was saying that whether you're in this for monetary gain or for spreading your political ideologies doesn't make a difference whether or not you're making unsolicited advertisements (specifically recruiting ads). How weren't you given enough time? I don't care whether you take one minute or one year to write your post before you click the submit button. However, I will judge your posts based on what I can see right now, and not based what you might say in the future. The entire concept of doing that is ludicrous. Am I supposed to ban you because you have the possibility of posting child pornography here, or were my previous (temporary and joking) promotion of you correct because you may one day become an extremely valuable member of this community? There are an infinite number of things you could do in the future, how am I supposed to know which path you're going to take?
  2. This doesn't make any sense, as I needed help. If a doctor advertised himself as being a helpful doctor that you could come to if you needed help (just get yet another online account), then I would expect him to talk with me about Viagra instead of saying "Ewww!" then punching me in the face and running away with my chart. The people filling my inbox with Viagra ads need help finding people to fill their bank accounts. You need help finding people to participate in the development of a product, which you are creating for political reasons. The gain may be different, but that doesn't change the fact that it is still unsolicited advertisements. Thank you for removing me from a group I did not rightfully earn (I might consider myself quite PHP educated, but I have not been perceived as such by the members of this forum), but I do not appreciate people messing with my account as a joke while I am away, especially one that has to do with my intellectual stature (it's your forum you can do what you want, but makes me uninterested). That is exactly the point I was making. You come to this community with an overinflated sense of entitlement leading you to believe it's perfectly fine advertising your projects here. Had you been a longstanding contributor to this community, you have have been given some slack, but why should we do that to someone who has contributed nothing? The fact that we don't have a "project announcement" board doesn't mean you can just post it elsewhere against the rules. To my knowledge, you didn't ask any member of staff if you could post this advertisement, nor did you request the creation of any such board.
  3. In light of your immense contributions to this site, I've made you a guru.
  4. I'm sure you don't appreciate all the viagra sales and penis enlargement announcement you receive by email. Having a penis, it's incomprehensible why you wouldn't want to cooperate with people by having them fill your inbox.
  5. That the server needs to be online. That you have to write the code yourself. By praying to garden gnomes.
  6. You can't.
  7. Traversable is a built-in internals-only interface. User land code will have to use the Iterator interface.
  8. Pretty sure most schools have vacation now.
  9. You're doing it wrong. The standard procedure of getting help around here is repeating "it still doesn't work" until someone has written you a complete solution that you can plug into your existing system effortlessly
  10. Those don't count towards your total.
  11. I would do the same thing. Plus it looks tidier IMO. +1
  12. I would hardly call it a language. It qualifies quite fine as a domain-specific language (DSL) to me.
  13. Who wrote the code? A master at ASP.NET and average at PHP? What kind of opcode cache did they use for PHP? Did they use any at all? How did they configure PHP? How did they configure ASP.NET? How did they make sure that their benchmarks were representative of each language's strong point (e.g. ASP.NET may be faster at doing X, but PHP may be faster at doing Y)? Which platform did they run it on? What compiler flags did they use? The list goes on and on and on. There are too many factors to make any meaningful conclusion about their relative speed.
  14. Of course you cannot sort an iterator. Iterators just iterate over some sort of object. If you wish to change the order then you have to sort the elements you're iterating over.
  15. Not entirely, no, but it can make it more difficult for people. Same reason why you can't get the building schematics for the NSA HQ for instance.
  16. Using GNU dd on Linux: dd if=/dev/sda1 | gzip > backup.img.gz (assuming that the Windows install is on /dev/sda1)
  17. "C is a programming language, so why would you write a new one using C?" Source: Nobody, I made it up. It happens to be a non sequitur like the quote from Rasmus though.
  18. Are you sure that your Content-Type header is sent correctly?
  19. This should do what you want: <?php function encrypt($string) { return strtr($string, 'QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm', 'WERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMQwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq'); } echo encrypt('WSX');
  20. strtr('qazwsx', 'wsxedc', $string); Fill out the rest yourself. http://php.net/strtr
  21. How did you come up with those transformations? Did you just pick them at random?
  22. A 20% probability means that you have a 20/100 probability of that happening. You can just pick a random number like mt_rand(1, 100) and declare 20 of them the "positive" choice. Assuming that the output of PHP's PRNG is uniformly distributed, you can simply just choose the lower 20. Thus, you should be able to do it like this: function iCantThinkOfAGoodNameForThisFunction($probability) { return mt_rand(1, 100) <= $probability; } Then there should be a 20% probability that iCantThinkOfAGoodNameForThisFunction(20) returns true.
  23. Next time you feel like copying from Wikipedia, please honor the content licensing (CC by-sa) that requires you to provide attribution. It would probably be easier to just link to the article itself though: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intern#United_States
  24. Add 1%: new = original * (1 + 0.01) = original * 1.01 Subtract 1%: new = original * (1 - 0.01) = original * 0.99
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