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Posts posted by KevinM1

  1. Ah, okay, I think I've got it.  In the first URL I made, the values sent are handled by viewthread.php, correct?  And the links themselves are basically put together by getting the info from the database and appending them to the end of the link.
  2. I wasn't exactly sure where to ask this.  I was thinking about putting it in the design section of the forum, but this seems too general for that.  In any event, here's my question:

    I've seen a lot of URLs, especially in message boards, that have a structure like: www.somesite.com/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=1&thread_id=1#post_1234.  Even the address of the page I'm at right now ends in ?action=post;board=14.0.  Something like that is basically a $_GET[] way of producing the correct page, right?  Is there any particular reason as to why this action method is the method of choice for things like message boards?
  3. [quote author=SharkBait link=topic=111699.msg458204#msg458204 date=1161889685]
    I havent changed the code but IE isnt liking it any more and doesn't remember the menu's state.

    Firefox handles it fine but in the Javascript Console I get this error:

    Error in parsing value for property 'display'. Declaration dropped.  Line: 0

    Well nothing on line 0 so I am not sure where to look.

    Isn't the correct syntax element.style.display?  That might be the cause of your problem.
  4. Now it's working.

    I like it.  A simple, clean look that makes it easy for a user to navigate the site.  I think you might want to put a border around the shopping basket in the header.  Right now I think it blends in a bit too much.  You also might want to have fewer rows of the latest products.  I'd limit it to only three or four rows.  I also suggest making each navigation button at the top a link, rather than just their individual text.  If the average user is like my mother, they won't immediately figure out that only the text is the link.

    Otherwise, good job! :)
  5. My name is Kevin.  I'm 26 years old, and I live in New Hampshire, which is not quite the redneck center of New England (that honor goes to Maine).

    I was born with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, a non-progressive congenital condition that has severely affected my muscular and skeletal systems.  Bone deformaties and muscle weakness/missing muscles are the basic symptoms.  For example, tendon transfers are pretty common.  In my case, some of my pectorals were transfered to my biceps, so yes, if I want to flex my arms at the elbow, it's basically my chest doing the work.

    Because of my condition, I've had 40+ surgical procedures, all pretty painful.  These include back surgery (two 18' rods), hip surgery (a plate in each), a ton of osteotomies, and others.  My mobility is dependent on my electric wheelchair.

    I graduated from UNH a couple years ago with a degree in communication.  Given my condition, and my desire to not rely on the state to pay for all my expenses, I figured I had to get a job that would let me earn a respectable amount of money.  I've spent the last couple of years slowly learning what I figure I need to know.  Right now, I feel it's a lack of experience that is hampering my progression.  The various languages (XHTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, etc.) aren't hard to learn.  Knowing how to use them properly and efficiently is the trick.

    Like Joyel above me, I'm a gamer.  Unlike him, I'm not a threat to society if I don't get a game.  I'm not sure what the last game was that I bought...I think it was Tourist Trophy for the PS2 months ago.  I spend most of my time reading my web development text books and frequenting message boards like this one.  Even though Sony is evil, I've been saving up for a PS3, and I should be able to get one when they come out (depending on avalablity, of course).  I also play WOW occassionally on a carebear RP server.

    Quick Hits (because I'm [b]so[/b] interesting :P ):
    Favorite Band: Tool

    Favorite Color: Black or silver

    Favorite Sports Team(s): Boston Bruins (yeah yeah, don't laugh), New England Patriots

    Favorite TV Shows: The Shield, Battlestar Galactica (the new one), Mythbusters, Extreme Engineering, Megastructures, Iron Chef (both the original and the American versions), Good Eats (because Alton Brown is great), Neon Genesis Evangelion, Robotech (cheezy 80's, baby!), Scrubs

    Least Favorite Band: Any country music

    Least Favorite Color: Any bright shade of purple/lavendar

    Least Favorite Sports Team(s): New York Yankees, Indianapolis Colts, Fernando Alonso during this last F-1 season

    Least Favorite TV Shows: Pretty much anything that I didn't mention above.
  6. Well, I've decided to change the name of the team for a couple of reasons:

    1. Newport Nightslayers does indeed suck

    2. I don't live in Newport (the guy I was running the team with does)

    So, I've decided on the Barrington Icehawks.  I've picked out the colors, but I'm having a hard time creating the logo.  I have an idea of it in my head, but my artistic 'skills' should probably be considered an affront to the laws of nature.  I want a pissed off, sylized (think something like Jim Lee would make) looking golden/yellow (something along the lines of #E0ED27) hawk head in the center of my design.  I have the lettering (yes, I like the Backslash font) and the field where the logo proper should be, but I just don't have the talent to create the hawk head.  Here's what I have so far:


    It looks a lot more pixelated in person than in Photoshop...any ideas why?  In any event, I suppose I could lift an image from someplace online and change the colors, but I really don't want to if I can avoid it.  So, does anyone mind helping me out with the logo?
  7. [quote author=448191 link=topic=112573.msg457488#msg457488 date=1161796208]
    I turned into stone. Just reverted, to write this reply.

    "Newport Nightslayers"??? C'mon. You can do better than that. "there will be no slaying of night, young man."...


    Haha, yeah, it's pretty bad.  I might change it, but since I suck at creating logos, I'm not sure if I can come up with a better looking option.

    To the poster above you: I hear you on the player, but since he's an Edmonton Oiler -- a team whose colors don't match the fantasy team's -- I tried blending him into the color scheme.  I should scan the roster and see if there are any NJ Devils on the team to replace him with.

    EDIT: Yes, my plan is for a fixed-width site.  It seems that most of the NHL sites have a fixed width, so I decided to go that route.
  8. I'm currently designing my fantasy hockey site, specifically working on the header.  I'd like it to look more professional, so any ideas are welcome.


    Thanks! :)
  9. Yeah, that lovable octopus can be a bastard when he wants to be. ;)  It's been a while, but that part is before getting Terra back, right?

    I think it's kind of strange that Square-Enix never had the villain of their other Final Fantasies win.  I mean, Kefka actually accomplished his goal, and the world was covered in darkness for over a year because of it.

    Oh well...I'm just glad I can enjoy the memories by looking through my Amano artbook.  Some great designs, there.
  10. You have a logic problem.

    You originally define the function checkType as one that takes one argument:

    function checkType($type){
      if($_POST['type1'] == true && $_POST['type2'] == false){
          $type = 1;

      elseif($_POST['type1'] == false && $_POST['type2'] == true){
          $type = 2;

      elseif($_POST['type1'] == false && $_POST['type2'] == false){
          echo "<font color='red'>ERROR: You must select a tournament type.</font>";

          $type = 3;

    return $type;

    But when you use it, you don't pass it an argument (line 54):
    $type = checkType();

    With the way you have your function defined, you don't really use the argument to pass to it, so try using:
    function checkType(){
      if($_POST['type1'] == true && $_POST['type2'] == false){
          $type = 1;

      elseif($_POST['type1'] == false && $_POST['type2'] == true){
          $type = 2;

      elseif($_POST['type1'] == false && $_POST['type2'] == false){
          echo "<font color='red'>ERROR: You must select a tournament type.</font>";

          $type = 3;

    return $type;
  11. The error stems from you using double quotes to both echo output and to set a font color on that line.  If you use double quotes for output, you need to use single quotes for HTML tags that you set properties on within that output.  Try the following and see if it works:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>GSmash Tournament registration</title>

    // Check to make sure that the user isnt spamming people via the form:
    function spamcheck($field){
      if(eregi("to:", $field) || eregi("cc:", $field) || eregi(";", $field)){
          return true;

          return false;

    function checkType($type){
      if($_POST['type1'] == true && $_POST['type2'] == false){
          $type = 1;

      elseif($_POST['type1'] == false && $_POST['type2'] == true){
          $type = 2;

      elseif($_POST['type1'] == false && $_POST['type2'] == false){
          echo "<font color='red'>ERROR: You must select a tournament type.</font>";

          $type = 3;

    return $type;

    //Make sure the form is filled out:
      //check if the email address is invalid
      $mailcheck = spamcheck($_POST['email']);

      if((bool)$mailcheck == true){
          echo "Sorry, the e-mail you have entered is invalid, please re-enter it.";

          //send email if the e-mail is valid
          $email = $_POST['email'];
          $subject = "Smash Entry For: " . $_POST['name'];
          $type = checkType();
          $message = $_POST['sname'] . ", " . $_POST['char'] . ", " . $type;
          mail("Linkmaster424@aol.com", "Subject: " . $subject, $message, "From: " . $email . "\r\n");
          echo "Thanks for your entry!  Your data will be sent to the tournament staff.";

      <h1 align="center">Glenwood SSBM Tournament Form</h1>
      <hr />
      <br />
      <h3 align="center">Fill out the form and click the &quot;Send&quot; button.</h3>
      <form method="post" action="ssbm.php">
      Email: <input type="text" name="email" /><br />
      Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br />
      Smash Name: <input type="text" name="sname" max=4 min=1 size=16><br />
      Character: <input type="text" name="char" /><br />
      Entry Type(select at least one):<br />
      One on One:<input type="checkbox" name="type1"><br />
      Teams:<input type="checkbox" name="type2"><br />

      <p><em>Note: In order to join the tournament, you will be required to pay an entry fee
      of $5.00 upon entry. &nbsp;This is mandatory for both teams and singles,
      meaning that if you are on a team, you AND your partner will need to pay the entry fee,
      totalling ten dollars. &nbsp;The same goes if you were to enter in both tournaments, you
      would have to pay a fee of ten dollars(five for each tournament).</em></p>
      <br />

      <p><font size="2">&copy;2006 By Tristan Nolan.</font></p>

  12. [quote author=obsidian link=topic=112148.msg455078#msg455078 date=1161366199]
    try placing your internal <ul> tags within your <li>:
      <li>Master Category 3
          <li>Sub 1</li>
          <li>Sub 2</li>
    to be perfectly honest, i don't know if it will help validation since i don't have a good way to check right this minute, but try it and see ;)

    Doing it this way should validate.  I use the same structure on my French site's flyout menus, and it validates as XHTML Strict.
  13. It looks very...minty.  I'm not a big fan of bright colors anyway, but the mint green with slightly darker green links is a bit overpowering.

    I agree with the logo/footer combo looking bottom-heavy.

    It all looks a bit spartan.  I'm no graphics designer, but if I had access to one (which you claim you do), I'd definitely use their services.  This looks more like a site a college professer would post assignments on rather than a site that's supposed to entice someone to purchase your services.  Where are the graphical sub-headers?

    You should really give the user the ability to return to your homepage, either by making a link that explicitly says 'Home' or by making your logo a link back home (or, even better, do both).
  14. [quote author=obsidian link=topic=111389.msg454937#msg454937 date=1161351276]
    ok, nightslyr, i've got a question for you: why are you completely redrawing the calendar for every month? IMHO, you'd be better off to draw up all your calendars using PHP and then use javascript to simply show the proper month based on what the user supplies. that way, you can simpy have a show/hide function where you pass it the ID of the div or table that contains the calendar you want to show.

    is this an option, or could you just explain why you're writing the whole thing up to be written by javascript each month?

    also, your link above comes up with a 404 error :(

    Ah, well, like I originally said, I was doing this to help someone on another message board and to get more experience using JavaScript myself.  If I was doing something like this for myself, PHP would be the only way I'd do it.  I'd have a form that would allow users to input their appointments, rather than to code them directly into the script (which is what the JS script relies on now, which is horrible).  I'd also give it the option to either print out one month (like you suggested) or the entire year at once.

    Since the person I was helping had made the original in JS and only wanted to have something that would properly print out different classes of appointments (he's a firefighter, so knowing when each watch is on duty seemed to be his biggest concern), and since I wasn't sure whether or not they have access to a db to store the appointments, I figured I might as well just rewrite it in the same language.  I did PM him with the suggestions I wrote above, though.  There's really no reason for him to be doing it the hard way if they have access to a db.  And now that I have it working in JS, transferring it over shouldn't be much of a problem if they do decide to go that route.  The logic should basically remain the same.

    The 404 error stems from me renaming my html file.  I tend to save drafts as I go in case I need something from a previous version, so the one I last linked to was the third draft.  The new, working link is http://www.nightslyr.com/calendar/calendar.html.  Most of the appointments on there were tests to ensure that they printed correctly over multiple months and that the proper color for multiple appointments on the same day printed when needed.  The appointment info itself is displayed when the mouse is hovering over an appointment day...the cell's title property does that, rather than an event handler.

    It's not pretty, but it's functional.
  15. Actually, I found an even better way to do it -- getElementsByTagName.  Just start the loop at the proper start day of that array, and iterate through it until the end of the month.  For some reason, I always forget about that method until I need to use it.

    My script seems to be working properly now.  I just need to tweak some CSS for the legend/key to look good.

    Again, thanks for your patience and help! :)
  16. I figured I'd use this thread to pose my next question as I'm still writing my calendar/appointments script and I don't want to pollute the board with another new thread.

    With my current setup (XHTML at http://www.nightslyr.com/calendar/calendar3.html), I have the calendars' structure coded directly in the markup.  I give each month's table an id (the month name), and I give each cell of the first week of every month an id based on position (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc) so I can start outputting my dates at the right spot.

    What I'm wondering is this: Say I want to print February, which I believe started on a Thursday this year.  I put the number 1 inside the cell February5 (first Thursday of February).  Is there an easy way for me to print dates 2-28, in this instance, without having to give every cell in my calendars an id, thereby not having to use document.getElementById for every single date?

    Thanks. :)
  17. [quote author=Intelly XAD link=topic=111877.msg453681#msg453681 date=1161167636]
    Hi, I have a script that changes an element according to the id that is putted into the function, I am doing this with 'eval', as an example:

    function changecolor(id) {
       id = eval("divitem_" + id);
       id.style.bgColor = '#000000';

    this works fine though, but I was wondering if it could be done on the W3C standart, I tried this but it doesn't work:

    document.getElementById('divitem_' + id).style.bgColor = '#000000';

    Many Thnx in advance  :D


    That's because bgColor isn't what JavaScript uses to set an element's background-color property.  Try backgroundColor instead. :)
  18. Well, this is all in relation to the calendar/appointment script I'm trying to make.

    Because I've been relying on an external script to print everything (tables and the data inside) using innerHTML, they're not 'seeing' my external CSS file.  I figure that I can code the nested tables (one for the overall structure (3 months across by 4 months high), one for each calendar month) directly into the markup in order to ensure the CSS formatting works as a yearly calendar's overall structure will always remain the same (12 months to a year, at most 5 weeks/rows, depending on how late a month starts, a month).  All that will change are the dates, which are derived by the script.
  19. [quote author=fenway link=topic=111769.msg453391#msg453391 date=1161123472]
    What do you mean by "source code"? Where isn't it appearing?

    What I mean is this:
    I have a very simple XHTML page that literally only consists of an empty body element (well, there's the normal XHTML Strict head element goodies...).

    My script outputs the calendar, which are nested tables, as the innerHTML of the body element.

    When I try to view the XHTML source code from the browser, all it shows is my empty body element without any of the innerHTML stuff my script created within it.

    Is this normal?  I thought that whatever was placed in innerHTML would be visible in the XHTML source if I looked at the source after the page was rendered.
  20. I just tried it without any XHTML references in the head and it's still doing the same thing.  innerHTML should show whatever I have in it in the source, correct?  Because right now it's only showing the empty body element that I used innerHTML to fill.

    EDIT: I have a copy of my XHTML at http://www.nightslyr.com/calendar/calendar2.html
    The JavaScript can be found at http://www.nightslyr.com/calendar/calendar.js
    The CSS (which isn't working at this point because of my error) is at http://www.nightslyr.com/calendar/calendar.css
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