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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Amen! It needs to die already. There is no reason not to upgrade to IE7.
  2. Azu

    Best PHP CMS

    There is no "best". It's a matter of preference. If you could give us specific details about what kind of CMS you are looking for, maybe we can find one that will suit your needs good.
  3. Agreed, except I don't think there is a "best" game that is better then all other games. I think it's a matter of personal taste.
  4. Sorry thought it was self explanatory. If not, I'm not really sure how to summarize it.
  5. [quote author=GingerRobot link=topic=105646.msg690010#msg690010 date=1189091997] [quote author=Azu link=topic=105646.msg689505#msg689505 date=1189032590] ANYWAYS, a crime is a crime. Trying to say that there is a crime that is worse then it is pretty stupid. [/quote] That is actually one of the most rediculous things i've heard in my life! Of course some crimes are worse than others![/quote] No shit sherlock. Why don't you try to comprehend what I wrote? Here I'll try to spell it out in baby words for you; no SHIT that stealing a god damned CAR is bad. But just because one crime is worse then another crime doesn't mean it's okay to commit the other crime! Wtf is so hard to understand about this? Sheesh! Is it really THAT hard to follow the law?
  6. Azu


    Hello. I'm working on making a function that pluralizes words, but I'm having a hard time with some kinds. Like geese for example. What the rule that causes it to be geese and not gooses? And also feet. Why isn't it foots? I can't find the rule (reason) that causes these words to be spelled like this when they are plural please help. Looking through all the words in the dictionary and hard coding these weird ones isn't an option. I want to find the pattern that makes them like this.
  7. I wonder what is wrong with you guys.I wander what's wrong with you. Well, whatever, if you wanna eat your own words, that's fine with me. Just don't try to deny what you said before.
  8. Hello Right now I only know how to do this in PHP, and it only recurses as many times as I put the code. What is the MySQL query that will do this without PHP, and without a limit on recursions? Please help.. I'm stumped..
  9. Hello How can I make the results be returned backwards without using the super expensive Order By command?
  10. Azu


    Change your IP?
  11. Azu

    XBOX 360

    You expected the xbox360 to be different from the other xboxes?
  12. Let's see. Hmm. Maybe because it's completely free, anyone can use it on any computer, the source code is public so if there is something about it that isn't perfect that you don't like, you can change it to be exactly how you want it. The millions of people that use it can all contribute their improvements to it? There's just to many benefits to list. You'd have to be pretty retarded to think that Apache is going to die just become of some FLAWED statistic on some random website. People just aren't THAT gullible nowadays (at least MOST aren't). Stop flaming PHP and Apache already, it's getting old. And your stale, repeated arguments are now very boring. Did you get cyber-molested by a PHP script when you were little or something?
  13. If something free is better then something that costs money, then it is obviously better period. If there are free things that are better then something, and the something costs money; the something SUCKS.
  14. Except not everyone has unlimited bandwidth and connection speed. So although it wouldn't be like completely stealing their car, it would be like stealing gas out of it that they paid for. It makes it run out faster. It can catch them unaware and end up with them running out of it when they aren't expecting that to happen it. It makes them have to pay more money to buy more it. ANYWAYS, a crime is a crime. Trying to say that there is a crime that is worse then it is pretty stupid. If you break the law, be prepared to be punished, and don't be surprised if you are. And if you are, don't even think of trying to tell the judge "OMG I DIDN'T STEAL A CAR OR KILL ANYONE!!!"
  15. See on the first row where for "id" it says "25"? That's what it's value is. For the new column, if it says "0" then it would mean not approved yet, "1" would mean it is.
  16. Whoa wtf why is this suddenly like 100 pages long. Not even going to TRY to read that all.
  17. [quote author=markjoe link=topic=105646.msg686295#msg686295 date=1188636218]It's not the same as stealing someones car.[/quote]Ah, the old "if I can't physically touch it, then I should be able to do whatever I want to it without being punished for breaking the law" argument. Tut tut tut...
  18. Don't take it so lightly either. netcraft is doing this survey for 12 years and is recognised by the industry. And they make sure which domains are active. They even recognise how many servers a site has. So, not so useless indeed. the truth is IIS is threatning apache quite well. There is another survey conducted by fortune mag that track 1000 top sites. IIS is running 85% of them. So, just brushing it off is not such a good idea. Just think, there was a time when very few hosts provided windows hosting. But now almost all hosts have windows hosting available. I wasn't saying it's completely useless, just that the STATISTICS section on it is, since most domains are just parked domains, and most parked domains are using IIS.
  19. Why are you all going on about memory usage? My question has nothing to do with memory usage. I want to set mysql-nt.exe to realtime(or high) priority but it won't let me do it in the windows task manager. How do I do it?
  20. Yes, there is much more overhead in opening up a file, reading it's contents, re-initializing the interpreter, interpreting the new file, and running it's code. There's just no comparison. Having your code in 1 file will be faster by leaps and bounds.
  21. Ya most of those IIS/ASP ones are just parked domains so the statistics are pretty useless. Apparently it can't even detect what OS/webserver I'm running. Says unknown. Doesn't seem very dependable to me. So ya, you should pretty much take that thing with a grain salt.
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