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Everything posted by Azu

  1. Thanks roopurt! And I'm sorry andy, I didn't mean it that way.. I'm just saying that I don't want to make a test script just to prove that Order By causes overhead.. I mean doesn't everyone know it causes overhead?? Why do I need to prove that?? Every optimization guide I've read has said so.. No offense.. =\
  2. Please don't get me wrong! I hate internet explorer! But somebody voiced a concern about something not working in IE6, and was considering messing with their website to ensure it works right in IE7. I'm just trying to say, screw IE6, using internet explorer is one thing, but using a stone-aged version of it is just unforgivable, and anyone using it should expect problems. Just like if someone is using windows 95, they should expect problems. No need to go out of your way and mess with your stuff to make sure stone-age stuff can run it. That leads to very ugly/bloated/non-compliant/tag soup code..
  3. Azu


    I'm sorry but don't I thought only NOUNS can be plural? Not verbs/adjectives? *Confused* You can have a plural form of both verbs and adjectives. It is for example "he walks" (3rd person singular) while it's "they walk" (3rd person plural). In English you can't have plural adjectives (I can't think of any example at least), but there are other languages in which you can. I thought that the S in walks in that context only means "present tense" not "plural"? And "walked" would be "past tense:.. "walk" would be "present tense" I think? Hmm. And with some things I think it would be very hard to know for sure.. like "side walks". Does it mean walking to the side/sideways? Or is it the plural of a side walk(object)? I think there might even be some situations where a human could get confused and not be able to tell for sure.. Why is this language so.. random? X_X;;;
  4. Azu


    Good question! I'm guessing it would need to somehow interpret the sentence enough to understand the context.. I think that this would probably be complicated though.. and is one of the reasons I am looking for an extremely detailed database of verbs/nouns etc.. I don't think it would be possible without one.. I mean it can't just GUESS whether something is a noun or adjective or whatever, something like this would have to already be known. Unless it would some kind of super extremely advanced AI capable of learning languages on it's own. That would take an insane effort though.
  5. It's not really a matter of commercial usage, I just want to make my site as possible. I want to see if I can get the average response time for my pages to be similar to plain HTML (non-scripting) response times. And I don't really have any money.. Well, thanks anyways ^^ I guess I'll search for a few more days and see if I can find anything.. if I do I'll post it here..
  6. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lose my temper. Just please don't attack PHP, insulting it and calling it "amateur". That's just not cool.. if it sucks so bad then make a better free/open source scripting language. I doubt you can. <-- at topic starter
  7. How did you make all that code if you don't know PHP?
  8. But can't PHP extensions (written in C) do anything that can be done in C..?
  9. Thanks! I don't know of any that word on Windows XP Professional 64bit Service Pack 2 that don't demand money, though.. Could you please link me one? I would greatly appreciate it!
  10. It's not, idiot. Sorry for the bluntness, but you're really an idiot if you meant what you just said. No offense, just truth. Please save the genepool and thus the future of mankind.. by dieing. NOW!
  11. Azu


    I'm sorry but don't I thought only NOUNS can be plural? Not verbs/adjectives? *Confused*
  12. Azu


    Hotmail users cannot receive email unless they have exclusively requested to receive email from the person's email address? If you're right, then hotmail really IS retarded..
  13. You obviously never underwent the horror that was the initial release of SP2. Some superstition is based on facts. A business doesn't have the time to waste. We have over 200 pcs. When SP2 first came out, after downloading, installing, trying to debug all the many and varied problems (only to discover that SP2 was causing them) then uninstalling it, we decided to stick with SP1. When MS finally got their act together a year ago and fixed the SP2 problems, it wasn't worth the wasted man hours trying it again. We tightened up our servers and firewall and have been fine ever since. Personally, I have no issue with SP2. Win XP is the most stable OS MS ever released. But a business doesn't need to waste time when what they have works just fine. For business purposes, we don't need IE 7 anyway. HUH. Interesting. Well, SP2 works fine now, and there is absolutely no "time to waste" necessary. Just don't waste time by disabling automatic updates! It will update automatically on it's own. You don't have to do shit. And IE6 obviously DOESN'T "work just fine" or Microsoft would not have spent god knows how much money creating and releasing IE7! They aren't just "bumping the version number for the fun of it" you know.. not with this release anyways.. To summarize it; SP2>SP1 IE7>IE6 You haven't said ANY REAL REASONS WHATSOEVER as to why somebody would prefer IE7, besides "laziness" which isn't even true unless somebody wasted time purpousfully turning off automatic updates.. which they wouldn't do if they were lazy, anyways. DIE IE6, DIE! All heil modern browsers.
  14. I can't think of any reason for there to be overhead just from returning the results the other way around. And yes Order By is expensive. It makes queries take significantly longer. If you don't want to take my word for it try it yourself or search google for statistics. This is completely besides the point and irrelevant though. All I'm asking is how to return the results backwards. Please tell me how..
  15. And all of it's subtopics.. yes. That's what the code I posted in the first post does. But how can I do it in pure MySQL?
  16. Find a website that checks your ports, and have it check the port your mail server is using. If it doesn't work, and your firewall isn't blocking it, your ISP is.
  17. Topics is like this topic, and posts is like, well, this post. And you can make topics inside of other topics, unlimited, as deep as you want. The code above fixes the counts for the amount of replies in a topic, and amount of sub-topics in it, since my forum isn't finished/perfect yet those values get messed up sometimes.
  18. Thanks guys but I don't think any of these solutions will work right. I just want the results to be returned in reverse, that's all. I don't want extra overhead slowing it down. I just wanna flip the results upsidedown.
  19. Maybe I ask WHY the hell anyone in their right mind would not upgrade to SP2? Obviously you refuse to update your computer it's not going to work with new stuff. That's a given. And when it's completely free and can be done completely automatically.. only an utter FOOL would refuse to. Unless they have that "OMIGAWD SP2 WIL MEZ UP MI COMPUTAR LULZ" superstition. In which they are need to die before the gene pool is corrupted.
  20. Azu


    Well obviously you can't just force them to unblock you or it would be impossible to block spammers LOL they would just unblock themselves.. So ya, you're gonna have to convince them to take you off their block lists. As for what you should say? I dunno. Maybe an apology and promise that you won't do it again?
  21. Azu

    XBOX 360

    lolololololol teh modz0r said MICROSHIT letz al say it 2 nooow.. DUR.... @_@ But seriously. He's right. Microsoft is shit.
  22. Azu


    I'm sorry but I don't understand. If it was common sense, then you would be able to know that it is geese and not gooses, WITHOUT having to be told before hand "Hey, the plural word for goose is GEESE for some reason". And AI is the EXACT OPPISITE of just hard-coding what should be returned. Anyways.. how can there be no reason or logic whatsoever to the word? I mean surely it wasn't just created randomly by some drunk guy who wanted to purposefully make English a bad language?
  23. Hmm? IE7 works fine in XP. I'm using XP right now and IE7 is fine. Even in the 64bit version. And it's definitely less buggy then IE6. I can't think of any valid excuse for somebody not to update to IE7. There is every reason to and no reason not to. Better yet, upgrade to Firefox or Opera or something. Why do people still use IE nowadays? It died a long time ago.
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