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Everything posted by Azu

  1. You can use echo without surrounding stuff in (), thus saving time coding and disk space and a lil bit of CPU. "Print" is longer then "echo" thus takes longer to type and more disk space. Print (pointlessly) returns true, thus making print slower, where as echo just outposts the text. "Echo" sounds more cool and unique then "print", and rolls off the tongue better. Sure you can argue that the benefits aren't huge, but that doesn't change the fact. Is there any benefit to using print instead of echo?
  2. Can somebody please explain to me the differance between this OOP chain thing and procedural nesting of functions?
  3. But PHP IS better then HTML! HTML can't even access databases.
  4. Okay.. please show me the right way to do this then.. I'm new to subqueries :-/
  5. Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar etc. require Javascript... Well, Gmail does have a HTML only version, but it's not nearly as good. I understand that Ajax is completely javascript driven and there's no way around that. I'm talking about using it for presentation and links and stuff so that you can't even navigate the site without javascript, when CSS or plain HTML would have worked fine.
  6. Hi, can somebody please tell me how to fix my query? update `Table` set `PreviousID`=(select `ID` from `Table` where `NextID`=`Table`.`ID`) For some reason it is giving me this weird error;
  7. Hmm nope that's defiantly not Ascii, and if this "editplus" thing is telling you that it is, then it's VERY bugged up. Use notepad or something.
  8. The thing is, chances are if your host won't even let you disable magic_quotes, it's probably one of those stupid hosts that is going to keep using extremely outdated versions of PHP forever and ever..
  9. Only stupid sites like microsoft still use javascript/activex for presentation. If a site won't even display right without javascript, it shouldn't even exist.
  10. Wow... THIS is the greatest problem on Earth!? AMAZING!!!
  11. There is no excuse for using Javascript as presentation. That was the stone age. Time to move on to CSS
  12. Copy the first 20 characters in one of the bugged PHP files and post it here.
  13. $a=stream_get_contents(fopen('http://www.google.com/','rb')); Would make $a= the contents of google.com fopen('http://www.google.com/','rb'); would send a request to google.com, but wouldn't actually download it.
  14. I don't think it's a good idea to block all emails that have one of those words in it. It would be better to just block emails that have the URL of the spam site in it (the spam emails are including a URL, right?)
  15. Never use magic quotes. If it is on turn it off. If your hosting company refuses to let you turn it off, find another one. They are officially deprecated, and will be completely removed in PHP6.
  16. Javascript is the past, CSS is the future.
  17. Okay thanks for the explanations guys ^^
  18. Just run mysql_real_escape_string on the input, that will make it safe.
  19. What is a lawsuit developer?
  20. Ya I'm pretty sure everyone here knows that getting better hardware will make your computer run faster. That's totally irrelevant though and using a faster language will still run faster then a slower one. So.. which one is fastest for websites? o_O
  21. I'm starting to get the feeling that this conversation is starting to go off-track... let's call it quits, shall we? And I changed "powerfufl" to "powerful"... I'm not sure what you're upset about. I'm not upset. I was just asking you to change my post back to how I originally posted it, unless there was something in it that was violating the forum rules? I don't think "powerfufl" is though.. o_O
  22. I know it's unlikely for it to happen, I was asking what would happen if it did.
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