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Everything posted by Azu

  1. What happens if you just happen to make a PHP script that is very similar or the same as someone else's, without knowing it, and their's is copyrighted?
  2. This is probably because you have more inbound links to the index.php. Whenever the URL is different in any way, Google will usually consider it as a separate page, even if it's the same. The one without the index.php might also be being penalized for duplicate content if Google found the index.php first.
  3. I would include an efficient opcode cache in it and have it enabled by default so that 3rd party applications aren't needed to make PHP fast. I would include a function that lets you instantly kill the current PHP process without sending any packets to the client. I would make sure a 64bit version is officially released on the official PHP website. I would standardize the function names. So that they are all in the same format. Like have them either all use camelCapsLikeThis or all use underscores_like_this instead of the random mix and match it is now. I would make the stuff in the functions be in the same order. Like always have the haystack first, or always the needle first, instead it being random like it is now. Pretty much everything else I can think of off the top of my head is already included in PHP 6 Edit: oh and I'd add an option to the php.ini to disable all of the error checking, so that scripts that are no longer being developed and don't have any errors in them will be able to run faster since the overhead of checking for all the errors will be gone.
  4. GMail is a mail application, for which there are alternatives. I use the alternatives. I do not use Gmail, for a few simple reasons: I think the interface sucks, I don't like using web-based applications, and it's powered by Google. There are clauses in the licenses of nearly every single non-free application that specify how you can and can't use it, how you can and can't distribute it, and how trying to change the behavior is a violation of the license. You're stuck with the behavior provided by the developer, never mind the fact that it may not be what you want. And I don't care that I don't want to modify every single application I use - all I want is the ability to do so if I desire. I'm a huge proponent of freedom, be it the freedom to speak your mind, the freedom to travel within your own country without telling the police where you are (a law in some European countries), or the freedom to analyze the software you're using, modify it however you see fit, and distribute the modified software to your friends (or the world). Please note that I'm not picking on Google. I just don't like supporting their rise to power and being one more user dependent on them. Oh okay. Well maybe you should start a class action lawsuit against them if you fear they are becoming a monopoly? And please put my post back to how I had it. When I quote someone I expect that they won't be able to take it back. That's kind of the whole point of quoting.
  5. You missed the point. They're not "too good." They're too powerful. They have the ability to make all of our lives miserable. When people get dependent enough on a particular organization, entity, whatever, it's time to start worrying. Someone's behind the scenes (or right out in front) pulling all of the strings, and they can do whatever they want. It's not just browsers, it's all software. I have one non-free piece of software on my computer, and that's the firmware for my wireless network card. Every other piece of software on it is completely free and open source. And half of the time, it's not access to the source that I'm worried about, it's the freedom to use it however I want and distribute it to whoever I want, however I want. Yes, it's nice to be able to hack something, add your own features or change a bit of functionality, and maybe re-distribute it, but that's usually not very high on my list of priorities. And I seriously hope that you're not comparing applications to websites. They're not even remotely close to the same thing. Yes, some websites are very nearly applications, but it's still not the same. I think it's safe to call GMail an application. And you can do whatever you want with closed-source (but free) programs. You can use them however you want. Send them to whoever you want whenever you want for whatever you want. You can modify it however you want if it has capability for extensions (which I think someone posted that Opera does) So I'm really not sure what the problem is. And so what if a lot of people are used to Google and are dependant on them? The same can be said about the oil companies. I think it's silly to pick on Google when they aren't even being bad. Edit by neylitalo: Fixed a typo in my quoted message. Powerfufl isn't a word, silly me...
  6. You don't like Google because it is to good..? Maybe ask them to make a crappy version of it for you then? o_o; *Confused* But anyways.. you don't have a problem using websites even though you don't have access to their source.. why have a problem with browsers for not being opensource then? 0.o And yes Google COULD use their power for bad but is there any reason to assume that they WILL? Whenever you give your personal information to someone, they might be able to use it for bad, but that doesn't mean they WILL.. And so far Google seems pretty trustworthy to me. What wrong have they done?
  7. Thanks for the articles and explanations. I'm not using pconnect though, since it doesn't seem to make ANY differance to performance (no slower, no faster) so it's not what I am looking for. I was just wandering if there is a way to make my website just use a single connection instead of reconnecting over and over. And if there would be a problem with this then I would like to find a way around it.
  8. But why dont you use C++ ?? C++ TCP sockets are easy and reliable. I think that it would take a long time to learn all of the C++ that I will need for my web applications, and that it would take a lot longer to write the code for them in C++..
  9. Which is faster for websites? PHP or Python?
  10. Oh okay thanks.. so basically there is a memory leak if the connection is left open? Is there a way to fix it (besides closing and reopening the connection over and over)? Or if not, is there a way to just make it do it anyways, and just have it automatically restart once in a while? I have plenty RAM..
  11. You're correct, it doesn't cost anything to use it, but that's not what I mean. I mean that you aren't free to analyze and modify the source code and then re-distribute the modified version. I'm using the word "free" in the sense of freedom of speech, not free beer. You aren't free to download Google's source code, analyze, modify it, and re-use either.
  12. lol same here. And I'd rather be being productive
  13. You used to be able to uninstall IE. But this was a long time, in a very old browsers. Nowadays IE is embedded into the Windows core, so it's nearly impossible to get rid of it without killing Windows.
  14. Gaia online ;p I think Paypal does to.. it says it uses unix apache..
  15. PHP is definitely better then ASP, but there are a lot of extremely old-fashioned backwards companies out there that aren't capable of understanding this, so there will probably be some clients that can't benefit from your PHP skills. No big deal though. You get the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that you are using free, open source, operating system independent, more secure and faster language, which more then makes up for it
  16. [quote author=Pi_Mastuh link=topic=122346.msg504570#msg504570 date=1168790001] Windows Mac Linux Other [/quote]Linux is definitely hands down the best Operating System. But sadly, most people are unable to make good games that can run on Linux, so I am forced to use windows or else not be able to play my favorite games :( *Sigh* damn monopoly..
  17. I use Firefox when I need lots of awesome features. Opera when I just want to do bare minimum web surfing on websites that don't have ads (opera doesn't have awesome ad blocking extensions like Firefox) and find the slight speed increase worth it. Basically just for benchmarking my site's speed. There is never any excuse whatsoever to use IE though, other then windows update. P.S. opera is free.
  18. [quote author=neylitalo link=topic=105646.msg656523#msg656523 date=1185683614] [quote author=Azu link=topic=105646.msg652627#msg652627 date=1185256274] Well, I hope you don't get caught :) I know that if I caught someone trying to hack into my network and steal my internet, I would definitely press charges, and I'm sure most people would to. [/quote] Just out of curiosity, how do you plan to translate a MAC address (which you may or may not be able to determine, depending on the quality of your AP) to a person to press charges against?[/quote]Dunno. I guess I'd leave that to the police/FBI/whatever.
  19. Ya um.. PHP is an opensource website scripting language, and MSN is a proprietary instant messaging client. You can't really compare them. It would be like trying to compare airplanes to doors.
  20. Azu


    Try getting yourself hypnotized to think that you are a bird. Then, if you end up thinking you are a bird, you will know that it has worked!
  21. Oh and I think I worded something wrong before. See the problem is that every single time a page is loaded, PHP starts a whole new connection to MySQL. This is obviously a horrible waste of resources, so I need to find out how to make it so that it just opens ONE connection, and then just keeps that single connection open forever and uses it for all future requests, instead of constantly having to open a new connection every single time a page is opened. So that there is no more connection overhead. I thought that the _pconnect would do this but like I have said, it doesn't. So how do I do this? Please tell me.. I really really need to know..
  22. Thanks for the help guys. Just one more question. How do I set MySQL to use named pipes, since they are faster then TCP/IP? And yes I am using localhost to connect.. would it be better to use or my IP address? Or is localhost okay? P.S. I think I have the user permissions just on the default "allow all" or whatever the default is.
  23. Is there any operating systems that only support DirectX? I wasn't aware of any such.. =S And I got into the discussion by replying to somebody saying why they didn't like OpenGL, I think.. not really sure now lol.
  24. I thought bash meant like a command prompt? How do you write a program in that? And thanks for the clarification about python/perl ^^
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