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Everything posted by Azu

  1. What if they use new IP/Account and clear cookies? How would you detect them?
  2. Azu

    IE and FF

    Any site that is valid xhtml and identifies itself correctly.
  3. Don't even bother with the javascript. Anyone wanting to find exploits is going to have javascript either completely killed, or just block whatever protection you put in it. And on top of that, you will only piss off legitimate users, maybe forcing them to just give up entirely and not try to use the form ever again. Just let PHP remove any bad data. No problems then.
  4. Azu

    IE and FF

    I'm pretty sure that if you try to open a compliant (XHTML) website in IE, IE will ask if you want to download it (so that you can view it in a good browser) So it doesn't really matter if IE will display websites right anymore, because it won't even TRY to open modern websites now.
  5. Azu

    CSS Fill Div?

    overflow:hidden Done
  6. Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for Is there a way to emulate nix programs to run on Windows?
  7. [quote author=dark dude link=topic=101004.msg401604#msg401604 date=1153564938] If "Assembly language" is C/C+/C++ then yes, I do knowa small amount of Assembly language =] [/quote]I'm pretty sure that C and all of it's variants are or originally were CREATED BY Assembly. And most high level languages like PHP are created from creations of Assembly.
  8. I care about security so I always disable it, unless it is a website that I trust and there is actually a good reason to enable it (E.G. the website fails to function without it). When it is disabled, XSS is either completely impossible or close to impossible. (XSS = stealing your passwords/identity/personal information E.G. credit card numbers phone numbers etc)
  9. If you use analyze.it then some people might try analyzeit.com or analyze.it.com or analyzedotit.com None of that could ever happen if you just stuck with a .com address.
  10. [quote author=kilbad link=topic=105646.msg422101#msg422101 date=1156541661] Is it "wrong" to piggyback off someone's wireless network? If so, in what sense? [/quote]Yes just like it is wrong to "piggyback" off of somebody's phone. Hell it might even BE their phone for all that you know!
  11. Self taught rules. Look at microsoft's cruddy non-compliant website that only works right in a single browser. That's what happens when you pay to write code. It's much better to write code for free, or even get paid to write code. :)
  12. No offense but I personally think a computer is better then all of the above because 1. You can emulate consoles on a computer so that you can play any console game you want whenever you want without having to buy all of the consoles in the universe. 2. Computers can be used to do virtually anything, where as consoles can only be used for playing games on, unless you mod and hack the hell out of it, which costs lots of money and takes lots of time. 3. If a part on a computer breaks, it's very easy to just replace that part. 4. You can upgrade just whatever part of your computer needs upgraded, instead of having to buy a whole new system just to play the newest games. 5. You don't even HAVE to buy a new computer or even parts of a new computer to play new games. You can just play the new games on lower settings. So even if you are a poor bum you can play all the newest games. 6. It's much easier to update/modify/change games on a computer then on a console for obvious reasons. Such as having an operating system that you can use to change whatever you want. 7. You can have warranties on individual parts instead of just a warranty on a prebuilt system, so that if you do mod it/upgrade it/whatever, you won't void your (one single) warranty like you would on a console. 8. You can do work through and thus make money through a computer, so that it can pay for itself. 9. You wouldn't be able to use PHP if you didn't have one. 10. You know you would hate not having one, and all your geeky friends would laugh at you.
  13. I didn't think this would be hard to find out but I haven't been able to find anything useful on the matter Please tell me how to multi thread in PHP. Like for example so I can have PHP doing something else in the background while waiting for a long mysql query to complete.
  14. Looks fine for me but I can't find the login page. And it says I am using windows server 2003 but I am not, I am using windows xp 64bit. Oh I found the login button.. for some reason it says "logout" even though I am not logged in. And when I try to log in it prints some text over the submit button. Hard to read what it says.
  15. Aren't double quotes slower since they look for variables in the string?
  16. Try this; session_start(); $_SESSION['variable']=($_SESSION['variable']&&!$_POST['whatever'])?$_SESSION['variable']:$_POST['whatever']; echo"<input type='text' name='whatever'".(($_SESSION['variable'])?" value='$_SESSION[variable]'":'')."/>";
  17. This will mess it up if the browser sends \r for newlines instead of \n Better to just replace the $keyword=split("\n",$input); With $keyword=split("\n",str_replace(array('\r\n','\n\r','\r'),'\n',$input)); This way there is no chance of it messing anything up.
  18. Thanks, I already tried that though and it didn't make a differance.. Try <?$a=array_sum(explode(' ',microtime())); mysql_connect(localhost,"root","password"); echo'MYSQL connection time:'.round(round(array_sum(explode(' ',microtime()))-$a,5)*1000,1).' milliseconds';?> And then try replacing the mysql_connect with mysql_pconnect and refresh a few times It always takes 8 milliseconds on every page load no matter which one I use T_T please tell me how I can fix it..
  19. So those are the second worst terrorist group. Well I know what the worst one is; the bush administration!
  20. Hello I have a search on my site and basically it uses this query select `id`,`name` from `database`.`data` where `name` like '%test%' limit 20,40 And I have the id AND the name column both indexed, so that it should be using the index to go fast. The problem is, it's ignoring the index! explain select `id`,`name` from `database`.`data` where `name` like '%test%' limit 20,40 returns select_type=simple table=data type=all possible_keys=(null) key=(null) key_len=(null) ref=(null) rows=22515 extra=using where And it takes around 100ms per query. Please tell me how I can fix it so that it will use the index. ID is unique and has a unique index. And name has an index (not unique).
  21. Sorry I think I didn't explain it right. What I meant was, the mysql_connect is taking as long as everything else in the page put together. So it is making it take twice as much load. So I am wandering how can I make it so that PHP just stays connected to it so that it doesn't have to keep reconnecting on every page load. I THOUGHT that this was what mysql_pconnect was for but now I think I was wrong because it does not make any differance then using mysql_connect. So ya basically I just want my website to always have a single connection to mysql open all the time so that it doesn't have to keep reconnecting on every page load.
  22. I thought that using pconnect instead of normal connect made it so that it doesn't have to keep reconnecting. But either way it adds an extra 8ms to page generation. How can I fix it so that it doesn't have to keep connecting over and over and over and over so that it is just always connected so that there is no more needing to keep connecting and slowing down the page loading every time? And yes 8ms is a lot when the average time it takes to generate the page is ~16ms and there is a lot of traffic. It would be cutting the load in half if I could get rid of that. Please tell me how I can.
  23. Thank you! This is what I am looking for. And it is just for making my navigation links not show up on all my search results, so I'm pretty sure I won't get in trouble for it.
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