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Everything posted by markjoe

  1. Absolutely, don't be afraid to apply for a job. I was always hesitant to apply for jobs because they wanted someone with a degree, but I have since learned that most job postings are really only stating what is the optimal (not minimal) candidate. I am a self-taught developer and landed my first real developer job 2 years ago. I was told that the biggest reason that got me hired is that I had personal projects outside of work (where I did Dev work but it was not my primary function). We in fact just filled a entry level developer spot, it took 4 months to find someone.
  2. It really depends on what you want to do. C is a great place to start learning programming, but won't do you much good for most of the stuff in your original post. PHP is great in that it is easy to learn and use, has tons of libraries and extensions available and runs pretty much everywhere. I like Java for much of the same reasons, but it adds support for GUIs, is a bit more powerful and real OOP (as opposed to php where oop support was added). Those are my first 2 daily use languages, JavaScript is my 3rd out of necessity. Ultimately it's a more personal decision that a technical one. Lots of people love Perl because there are many way to accomplish the same thing. I don't like Perl for the same reason. I plan on giving Ruby a try because it's philosophy is just the opposite of that. I've tried a bit of python, it seems to leave a lot of the work of programming out of the way and let you focus just on the goal. However I feel this can come back to bite you in that it allows for sloppy program design.
  3. LOL, sorry for the typo. Perhaps I should read what I type a closer... I even did it twice...
  4. Quite possible. Exploits have be executed through javascript and would typically be obfuscated, so AVG may alert simply because it is minified (obfuscated to AVG). I'd say test it out with the minified and dev file. I know I'm curious to see. I use jQuery quite a bit and haven't had this problem.
  5. quicks mode is just what IE falls back on when it doesn't know what type of document it's dealing with. What you'd want to read up on is the DOCTYPE declaration and what it actually does. And if you're writing XHTML, make sure you have a solid understanding of XML. Don't know of any good resources off the top of my head.
  6. ".thisisnotadomain" would actually not pass "\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}". The "{2,4}" says: 2 minimum, 4 maximum. But if you need to validate only certain tlds, then I see how you're stuck to the array. Instead of using "+" (which says 1 or more), use {min, max}. You could even iterate through the array and find min and max values.
  7. http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Language-2nd-Brian-Kernighan/dp/0131103628/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1304372497&sr=8-1 My advice is to be careful about learning more languages just for the sake of it. You're better off knowing 2 or 3 languages very well than only being slightly familiar with 5 or 6.
  8. I don't intend to be offensive, but unless I'm missing some requirement, this is a terrible way to validate a url. Do you only want to validate certain TLDs? What about .cc, .us, .ws, .jp, .info, etc.... ? You'd be much better off validating the pattern only and not the actual text. (what regular expressions are meant to do) Such as, instead of a list of tlds, use the pattern: "\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}". What exactly do you want to validate, just a domain name? no protocol, uri, etc ?
  9. IE is rendering in quicks mode. There is something in your php file pushing the DOCTYPE line down to the 3rd line. DOCTYPE declarations MUST be on the first line or they will be ignored.
  10. I have not used the Yahoo framework, but if it is anything like jQuery (and not completely stupid) getElementsByClassName should be returning an array. Note is says "Elements", plural. So if you want to use that method, you will need to iterate though the array and find which element matches the button clicked. But you don't actually know what button was clicked in your function. Which brings us back to gizmola's answer: Add those lines at the top of your function (don't forget the 'e' argument) and in place of YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName('hey').value use target.value. I'll confess, I was going to make a condescending comment and point you to the Yahoo documentation, but I then found that the Yahoo docs for YUI suck as bad as YUI does. I'd recommend learning the language and basic programming techniques first before trying to use any framework like this. But if you still want a framework, try jQuery, it really is easier than plain JS in many cases.
  11. I think objects need to be serialized to be stored in the $_SESSION array. Then of course unserialized when retrieved.
  12. To start off, you have html code in your php tags. If you really want to interlace html and php together, you need to close and reopen the php tags around the html. also, are we to assume $db is a database object that has already been instantiated and connected to the database? Any time you get the blank page ("white screen of death" as some people like to call it) always check your php error logs first.
  13. Forgot it was named differently on Windows, but that's the same config file. I don't know what you mean by socket being set to mysql, but make sure the port is set to 3306. This is not a php coding problem, I'm not entirely sure it's a MySQL configuration problem. If the port checks out and you're certain you don't have a firewall issue, maybe look into permissions next. Make sure that Apache httpd is allowed to open a socket and MySQL is allowed to as well. Maybe try to telnet to localhost 3306 to make sure it is responding. I'm just throwing out guesses based on my minimal Windows server administration experience, figured they couldn't hurt.
  14. Looks like firewall or mysql config problem. check firewall settings, and mysql socket and port settings (my.cnf).
  15. check your open and close php tags. Anything outside the tags will be returned to the browser. <?php echo "one"; ?> will return one line containing 'one' <?php echo "one"; ?> will return 3 blank lined before 'one' and one after
  16. My point is you have inconsistent test cases and incomplete info here. You listed php source, but the 2 buttons point to different php files. So my first guess is that the other php file is sending different data, actually I know this and have proven it. My recommendation is to look at the differences between hunter_test.php and hunter_test3.php.
  17. Still unsolved? Your php script is returning a JSON array but your javascript is looking for an object with a "value" property. Changing $("#element").html(data.value); to $("#element").html(data[0]); will put "144" in the div. Hopefully this will get you on the right track.
  18. Subfighter, the line breaks don't show in a div because they are ignored by the html parser. Dialog boxed show plain text , not HTML. xjermx, it appears you need to get your code and files cleaned up a bit. button 2 calls "hunter_test3.php?myshield=" but button 3 calls "hunter_test.php?myshield=". "hunter_test3.php?myshield=2" returns buckler shield "hunter_test.php?myshield=2" returns buckler shield
  19. php4????? yea maybe, I don't know it would do in php4 off the top of my head. why on earth would you be using php4? the get as float parameter was added in 5. best advice is to get the string value and chop it up to get the "unique" int you want and read this: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.microtime.php
  20. Careful MrAdam, if you bind an anonymous function, there is no way to unbind it without unbinding everything else. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=330223.0
  21. I must say that I have no idea what "hash based" website means. But you shouldn't need to re-bind the other events, just don't wipe them out in the first place. function loadComments(){ ... } // then use: $(window).bind('scroll', loadComments); // and: $(window).unbind('scroll', loadComments); //as you need At least I think this speaks to the issue your having...
  22. Yes I meant to use it alone. microtime(true) * 10000 // 13026477307764
  23. at a glance: is the form submitting back to itself and overwriting your changes to the page? onsubmit returning false would fix that.
  24. I 2nd that. You said it yourself: " Just like the browsers back button does." So why not ask the browser to do it?
  25. So you need to store a microtime in an Int field? microtime() returns a string or float. http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.microtime.php how about microtime(true)*10000 ??
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