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Everything posted by TheFilmGod

  1. Are you on crack? (no offense)
  2. That should work. If it doesn't try put the the contents into a nested table. - It's ugly html code, but if all fails do that.
  3. I'm not exactly sure what you want to do but I have dynamic meta tags and it works for me. <html> <?php include('meta.php') ?> <body> blah blah </body> </html> Now make the meta.php file to be in the same file directory (or change that) and have it read this: <head> <title> Page Title </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="description" content="Description of page here"> <meta name="keywords" content="Keywords here"> </head> It works for me.
  4. GODADDY.COM YEAH! Best thing every. Great hosting plan for about 4 dollars a month. Great service, awesome php, asp, and other language support, great email support. Pretty much everything! Or, buy a domain from them for about 9 dollars, and get a free hosting account to come with it. Limited ads, all great possibilites!
  5. heh! Unique page counter, page counter, forum, up to date stats, movie upload, image editing, WYSIWYG editor, user names and login, dynamic website, 5 star rating, latest additions box, latest user that signed up, blog, personnal page like myspace. Should I continue?
  6. My 2 cents. This is not true, why wouldn't a browser be back compatible? Take FF for example, its the new generation browser that make crappy code shine! I.E. will bound to do the some. I agree with everyone to some limits. Yes validating code is a good way of coding, but sometimes can waste your time. Whenever I see a site with a picture at the bottom, "validate html" or "validate css" I can care less. Its great you wanted to validate, but you spend that time working on making the website better. So yes, this topic could go both ways. About google ranking validate websites better - Changes everything....
  7. GODADDY.COM I love them! Awesome service and the only service provider I know that had commercials in a super bowl. Gotta love them! I have used them for almost a year now and I don't have a problem with them. If you forget to pay for a domain, they hold it for you for a period of 90 days where you can pay a 80 dollar fee and get it back. This is like a last resort type of thing. They also have a great hosting servers and the best email support. The only issue I had with them so far is that my server was down for like an hour. But they quickly got it up and running. - maybe I was daydreaming because I barely noticed it in my traffic stats. DO NOT use 1and1.com becuase they steal too. I inputted a few cool domain names and they sold the names for a few hundred dollars - they were good names.
  8. That's right. If possible, try finding a font that you like that isn't a "custom" font. That's the way I look at it. The solutions listed by the previous post seem to complicate the situation. So reconsider your choice on using a custom font.
  9. go to adsense setup when you are logged into google adsense. Then follow the simple instructions.
  10. you can use php. If size exceeds this size use scrollbar css, if it is small enough than stick with the table
  11. For shame!!!! The extraneous markup required to achieve your layout with a table can VASTLY increase the download time for your page. Site maintainence is also MUCH more complicated with a table based layout (especially if you have lots of nested tables). I completely disagree. Using a table doesn't "vastly"' increase download time. A few kb won't harm the visitor. I don't know what host you are using. About site maintainence, that really depends. If you are using php include pretty much every where changing the whole layout would be mad easy. But for someone who sticks with static html then div tags are the way to go!
  12. split the cell or table into two rows. Have one cell have valign="center" and the other one to be valign="bottom"
  13. A good alternative is internet explorer. Simply write in: ftp://yourwebsite.com . Make sure you have your option on, "Allow FTP pages shown up" in the -> Tools ->Options. The best one I have ever used was the FTP that my webserver provider provides, Godaddy.com. They have this javascript one that never fails. Check if you host has one to provide you.
  14. Hi, I'm trying to download a video from youtube and putting the file on my web server but I'm having no luck. I got the file to download but it seems like the code I'm using doesn't work. Here's the code: <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="425" height="350" id="FLVPlayer"> <param name="movie" value="FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" /> <param name="salign" value="lt" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="scale" value="noscale" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Corona_Skin_2&streamName=video/test&autoPlay=true&autoRewind=false" /> <embed src="FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" flashvars="&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Corona_Skin_2&streamName=video/test&autoPlay=true&autoRewind=false" quality="high" scale="noscale" width="425" height="350" name="FLVPlayer" salign="LT" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /> The video seems to get transferred onto the visitor's computer but nothing shows up! Any clue?
  15. TheFilmGod


    LOL. I know exactly what you mean. You don't use html for this. You use php. It's very easy. php code: <?php include('javascript_code.php') ?> What it does is actually insert the javascript into the html page and make it run as though it was there. It doesn't really save bandwidth. It saves disk space. Change "javascript_code" to the file path. Keep the file as a php file since it works best like that. It doesn't matter if it isn't even php. - just put the javascript in there.
  16. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="description" content="------Put Description Here------"> <meta name="keywords" content=" ----Put Keyords Here-----"> Don't change the first one. The second one is the thing that google posts. The keywords are only used by yahoo search engine.
  17. This won't be easy. Scan a map, (that you are allowed to use) and make a huge picture of it. Then cut it into regions. These regions would act as links to another page. These other pages would have the region cut out and blown up on the screen then you start doing the stuff you want. These would be a nice beginning since simply seeing a whole country doesn't help. But seeing a specific region allows users to see a closer view of their house and everything. I have no clue on how to do this. But you can make a coordinate system. The using some javascript when a user hovers over an area a coordinate shows. Use pixels for coordinates. Then when a trainer wants to be added somewhere, have them hover over. Input the coordinates to a form and use some php, mysql, and javascript and boom! Use php where the inputted coordinates makes php write to the main file a div float box with it x and y from the left and top of the page using the coordinates. That is the best way to do it. Issue is that I.E. and Firefox and resolution skew the allignment of the map image so be careful! Or even better, make the map image a fixed distance using div. Beaware of ugly coding!... Hope that helps.
  18. Hi, I need some help in php writing. What I want to do is for people to put information into a form and after they hit "submit" a system automatically creates a copy of a php page. Then, it inserts the inputted info from the form in the new php page. The pages would be numberically named and accessed easily like this. Everything is set up on the php page where only variables are needed to be changed. How do I take the submitted variables and write it into a newly created numbered page and insert the variables?
  19. Too many color for the text. Limit to three or less color text. Fix a layout a bit. Put the "most recent" users in a box, or a cell with a one pixel border. Its good though.
  20. How would I use mysql to fetch data from a table and list the top 10 watched movies. The database is "TheFilmGod" and uses "views" as the column for the number of views. Then php would output the top ten watched videos by sending out the page ids. So each row would have "views" and a "page_id" column. So I want the mysql to search and find the top 10 largest numbers in the "views" column send back the "page_id" back. I'm totally confused. Any help on any of the steps is greatly appreciated!
  21. It's like a 13 yr old built a website in 1995 and then puked all over his design. Why can't these people pull their heads out of these 1990s-no skill sites. For christ sake, go spend $40 on a template from templatemonster.com Actually, the site was made by a 13 year old. The site creator was my friend from school but he moved to Vegas recently. Anyway, it turns out he got caught clicking his own ads by google. - google adsense. So he was kicked off without earning any money and off google rankings. That degrades his site even more!
  22. Okay. I got a mysql/php view counter to work when you view a video: TheFilmGod.com/video/15 The rating was changed to more of a black color with a white border Navigation Bar has rollover images Clean Edges for all background pics "Top Videos" element at top left was fixed 2 Ads were taken off and replaced for site content Tell me what you think of the changes. I'd really like to hear any critique. Recently I signed up with another forum to critique my site and one person threw a tantrum after seeing my website. So please, however you feel or however much you hate the site tell me! Any comments appreciated!
  23. Hold your horses! This may be much harder than you think. Simply connecting to the folder isn't enough. You would need to use a ftp program, or a simple one to upload and downlaod files. You would need to create restrictions, and be aware of "bad" files on your server - viruses. I would recommend finding a way to upload and download files through a free ftp program and try posting it on the site. After you got that working worry about connecting to the files. Because right now, there is no point connecting to the folder without FTP. Good Luck! If you get this done it will be an accomplishment!
  24. I always create diagrams. I don't know about other programmers but I always draw a simply diagram. This is because it gives you an idea beforehand. So you don't completely do a horrible job by just simply adding things in as you go. Now, when I make a diagram it is simply and fast. Don't waste five hours to just draw it, do a simply sketch and get going on it. The idea is to have all your ideas down on paper and reference to it, so you don't miss anything. As you go, you will fix and change the design. And thats good. That is the whole idea of "programming."
  25. I have google adsense ads that run on my ads. If a user doesn't have javascript I can easily do the <no script> tag. But what if they have a ad blocker on their browser. How can I tell the browser to replace the ads with something else? It looks messed up to see a black background when the ads are missing. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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