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Everything posted by TheFilmGod

  1. I seen that template before. It gets boring to see the same thing done over with a few things changed. Your site bores me. I'm tired of you, "buying templates" and changing a few pictures. And then making it seem like you did a lot of work. So go to your site and change a lot more stuff and personnalize it and make us critique more than just a, "Bought Design." You are wasting mine and everyone else's time.
  2. Anyone else? I'd like to know what you think about it! Do you like the changes and how it looks? TheFilmGod.com
  3. New version of TheFilmGod! Rollover images for the navigation, verdana font, clean colors, good looking images, and much much more! Tell me what you think! TheFilmGod.com Here is a sneak peak of the new video page: TheFilmGod.com/test/1.php
  4. It worked! I'm going to stick with "<?php" as this is the safe way to go! Thanks for the help!
  5. I want to transfer a variable to the next page. Here is the code: First Page: $page="1"; <a href="fav.php?page=$page">I like it!</a> Second Page, (retrieves the variable) $page = $_GET['$page'];
  6. Can you give me an example? Like 10 / 3 (round up)
  7. how do I do integer divide in php. E.G. 10 / 3 = 3 not 3.333333
  8. Use meta refresh and then it would redirect users. But what you want to do is very complicated. Sounds like php and then you can embed links within the php like this: <?php if... else...javascript redirect. ?> As you see, this is complicated. And requires javascript and php!
  9. TheFilmGod


    Actually, use div tags. That is what I here. I currently use tables and it works just fine, but some professionals are saying to stick with div tags because it is easier. I don't agree, but if you want to be super modern, use that!
  10. You are right, everybody now says to have div tags instead of pure tables for their website designs. But I'll tell you, it doesn't matter. As long as it looks like you want it to look like, you are good. That's what I'm sticking to, at least for a while!
  11. You may have overlapped tags. this can screw your html up badly!
  12. Instead of this: <!-- Commajkl;dfjiaosjdfijasdifjaisdjfiasjd;fja;isdjfiasdfjaisdjfiasdjfiasjdif asdfasdfasidfjaiospdjfpoaisjdfpioajsdfipo asdifj aispodjfiosdjf sidjfsdij f dd asdifjasdif aspiod fjapsid fasidjf apisjdfpiajsd fpiojasdfij aspidfj aisjdfiasjdf asdfisdf --> Have this: <!-- Comment aodfijdsifjsdifisdfjsdijfisdjfiosdfo --> <!-- Comment continued aidsfjapiodjfpioasjdfd --> It works!
  13. Thanks! I tried it out and it validated that piece of code. I guess you learn something new. - Actually the code error was from google adsense "gasp!"
  14. it depends on what you mean "buttons." You can go to another page by <a href="http://www.yoursite.com>Click here to go to my website</a> But if you want to use images to link to a page its a different story. And if you want to make a button, well good luck to you! That is going to take sometime. Because you need to use rollover pictures with javascript or use flash. I used javascript for rollover images but it took me over an year to actually do it. So for now stick to normal text or image links. As you get more experience in html and javascript you can go to "button" links. Hope that helps!
  15. 16. Started 10 months ago. I know a good amount of html for less than a year of experience. But I know barely any mysql or php. - Getting there!
  16. This is the worse site I ever visited: http://www.apgamers.com What about you? What horrible sites have you visited?
  17. I'm trying to grab the value count from mysql and add one to it. This is very simple, but I"m still completely lost! here is the code: require("connect.php"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT fav_count FROM favs WHERE page_id = $page"); $result++; mysql_query("UPDATE favs SET fav_count = $result WHERE page_id = $page"); echo "Thank you for telling us you like this!<br />Please wait..."; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=\"2; URL=link.php\">"; Any help is greatly appreciated!
  18. LINUX, windows may have issue supporting php. As according to godaddy.com.
  19. you can test the script out at: http://www.TheFilmGod.com/test/favs.php I don't really know what is happending, help!
  20. Hi. I'm trying to get a php script working, but it still has errors. Any help is appreciated! What it does: If a visitor likes a video than he will click on "I Like It" link. This is supposed to trigger a php script that refreshes the page and adds a count to the total number who like the video. Sorta like "Favorited this many times." Here is the code for the page with the link: <?php $page="1"; ?> <a href="fav.php?page=$page">I like it!</a> <?php require("connect.php"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT fav_count FROM favs WHERE page_id = $page"); // echo the number of hits echo $result; ?> And here is the script that is supposed to be triggered: <?php // Page ID $page = $_GET['page']; require("connect.php"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT fav_count FROM favs WHERE page_id = $page"); $t_count = mysql_num_rows($result); if($t_count > 0){ $cnt = mysql_result($result, 0, 'fav_count'); $cnt++; mysql_query("UPDATE favs SET fav_count = $cnt WHERE page_id = $page"); }else{ mysql_query("INSERT INTO favs ( page_id , fav_count ) VALUES ($page, '1')"); } echo "Thank you for telling us you like this!<br />Please wait..."; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=\"2; URL=favs.php\">"; ?> Connecting and the table on the Mysql works fine. It is the above code that has errors. Please help!
  21. I tried it and it doesn't work. It says it has an error. The error is: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/content/T/h/e/TheFilmGod/html/test/fav.php on line 17 Thank you for telling us you like this! Please wait..
  22. This would refresh the page and trigger the php code, right?
  23. Is there any way to have a link that would trigger a php code to work? Like if the visitor clicked a "I like it link" it would trigger php to add 1 to the count of "how many like it"?
  24. I'll try that one out too. But the one before that you gave me worked perfectly! Thanks soo much. Thanks to everyone else to help me out on getting it to work. You don't know how relieved I am that it finally started working. You can check out the test out at: http://www.TheFilmGod.com/test/scripty Now I'm going to add it into my currently running pages on my site. Check out TheFilmGod.com out soon to it action (underneath its movie it will have total views: (Number of views) - Thanks to all you)! Again, without phpfreaks and this forum I don't know what I would do. Is there any way to recommend those who helped me?
  25. Thank you soo much for all your help! I'm going to try it out and see if it works
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