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Everything posted by calabiyau

  1. And the examples people have given are simplified layouts, where the code savings maybe are not that great. In a complex design using tables, the code can become littered with useless table elements to attempt to get things to align correctly, elements that serve not other purpose than to add space. If you are just doing a header, columns, footer affair, with straight content in each block, not so bad, but if your design breaks out of that mold, the table method is going to get crazy pretty fast, and from accessibility standpoint, a screen reader for example is going to have to move through elements in an order that makes no sense.
  2. I think you're looking for ajax to do what you're asking for.
  3. I'm looking in IE 6 and there is still a noticeable change in color between the top and bottom of the main section. Every moniter will look slightly different though. I've run into this problem many times, as it seems photoshop image file of your end point of your gradient does not always correspond to the browser's interpretation of the color, when you tell it to color something. Sometimes it happens with firefox, sometimes with IE. Maybe try doing your gradient image in your editor, but only make the gradient run maybe 90% of the height and fill in the rest with the color of the end point of the gradient. Use that image as you are right now. Then crop the image on the last 10% and use that image to fill the body element. Assuming all the layers on top of the body element will have some color or image, it should work to provide a seamless transition from gradient to final color.
  4. if ($handle = opendir(DOCROOT . 'global/images/content')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { //explode the file name by the underscore and check the first element in the array //which will be your number at the beginning of the filename. //then in the conditional check, check to see if the number is in the range you want //of course this will only work if you standardaize your file names and make sure the //number is always first in the file name $numbers = explode('_',$file); if ( $file != '.' && $file != '..' && ($numbers[0]>200) && ($numbers[0]<290) ) { echo $file . <br />; } } closedir($handle); }
  5. Yeah it works in IE 6 for me too. But I just did a test with one image on a blank page. Maybe something else in your css is overriding it somehow.
  6. Maybe I'm missing something about what you want to do, but why can't you just apply the padding and border to the image itself, without the need for the div? <img src="youpic.gif"/> then in css img {padding: 1px; border: 1px solid black;} or you could give your images a class, if there are other images on the page you don't want to effect. <img src="yourpic.gif" class="gallery"/> then css: .gallery {padding: 1px; border: 1px solid black;}
  7. I don't know, I don't think it is that bad actually. I like the colors, the header and logo are nice and things are properly spaced and proportioned in the content area. If this is some kind of sim game or such then perhaps you could make use of your landing page, which currently serves no purpose and actually explain there what this site is all about. I mean a person really would have no idea based on what you've presented. Also you really should make this work in IE 6, still a very popular browser. You're top menu is all messed up in IE 6. I believe there are some simple javascript fixes which will make your nested ul's work cross browser.
  8. You can float your fixed width column left and next in the source comes the dynamic content column...give that column a margin-left equal to the width of the fixed width column. No need to give it a percent width as it will automatically take up the rest of the page width. css #fixed_width { float: left; width: 200px;} #dynamic { margin-left: 200px;} html <div id="fixed_width"></div> <div id="dynamic"></div>
  9. Eliminate your "wrapper" div and give your wrapper2 div a margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; in your css.
  10. Um...I only tried to work with position fixed one time on one project but from the research I did, IE 6 you can fix the background-image on the body element only. Sorry if I confused you. As far as applying position:fixed to a div or any other element on the page, I don't think it will work at all. I think IE 6 interprets it as position: absolute. I'm not sure if there is any workaround or hack that can do what you want, but you can try to make it so that it looks right still in IE 6 but still has the correct behavior in other browsers.
  11. IE 6 only allows position: fixed on the body element, unfortunately.
  12. aren't you missing the dollar sign in front of your str var in the foreach loop?
  13. Okay I jumped the gun in assuming it was equal height, expandable columns that OP was talking about. However even with it being two boxes side by side, the OP's website, the boxes don't have borders or anything fancy, it is just two blocks of color side by side. So why wouldn't the code below work? It works for two simple boxes in IE 6 and Firefox and is dead simple, as long as OP doesn't need to do anything crazy. Not trying to be argumentative, just curious. Seems to work in this case at least. body {margin: 0; padding: 0; color: white;} #container { width: 700px; background: url(column-bg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y; } #left {width: 200px;float: left;} #right {width: 500px; float: left;} </style> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="left"> </div> <div id="right"> </div> <div style="clear: left;"></div> </div> </body> </html>
  14. Maybe we are not talking about the same thing but it does work. I just tested in IE 6 and Firefox, presumably IE 7, now having the html>body and correct application of expanding heights of containers will follow suit but I stand to be corrected on that one. Try it, make a faux column bg with 200px left and 500px right. Fills the screen when content is less than full screen and expands when content is longer than full screen. html {height: 100%; } body {height: 100%;color: white;margin: 0; padding: 0;} #container { width: 700px; height: 100%; background: url(column-bg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y; } html>body #container {min-height: 100%; height: auto;} #left {width: 200px;float: left;} #right {width: 500px; float: left;} <div id="container"> <div id="left"> </div> <div id="right"> </div> <div style="clear: left;"></div> </div>
  15. EDIT: JUST HAD ANOTHER LOOK. I ASSUMED YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT EQUAL HEIGHT COLUMNS THAT AUTOMATICALLY TAKE UP THE FULL HEIGHT OF THE BROWSER AND EXPAND IF CONTENT IS LONGER. IF THAT IS NOT THE CASE...IGNORE ALL BELOW I think in your case you would put the background image within your container div. But it would not be a 1px x 1px image. It would be as wide as your container div and 1px high. So in photoshop or whatever create a new image the width of your container, with the color of your left column taking up the width of your left column and same for right column. Then in your css within the container portion #container { width: 750px //or whatever your width is background: url(faux_column_bg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-y; height: 100%; } You will also have to give your html and body a height 100%, for internet explorer 6 to work so: Within your css file html { height: 100%; } body { height: 100%; } If your content will sometimes be longer then a full screen then you will need a further hack for Firefox and IE7, and give your container that has the repeating background image the ability to expand html>body #container {min-height: 100%; height: auto;} Should work across all browsers that way. The code i've given is stuff to add to whatever you already have.
  16. I'm trying to remember but it goes something like this. you append a ?var=some_random_number to the image src <img src="yourpic.jpg?time=<?php echo time(); ?>"/> Should force the browser to get the newest image
  17. Is register globals on or off? Might have something to do with it, as you are not referring to the variables with the $_SESSION['variable'] name syntax but relying simply on $variable_name. If register globals is off then these values would be empty. http://www.phpriot.com/d/articles/php/fundamentals/intro-php-sessions/page7.html Try this link for working with storing arrays in sessions.
  18. I think you need $tables = mysql_list_tables($database); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($tables)) { $table_list[] = $row[0]; } for ($i=0; $i < count($table_list); $i++) { $results = mysql_query('DESCRIBE '.$table_list[$i]); while($row= mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$table_list[$i]." WHERE ".$row['Field']." LIKE %".$your_seach_term."%"; //execute your query and while looping through results //echo your results here } } I'm sure there is a way to do some kind of fancy join, but this is from a database backup script. sorry if there are a few minor errors but you could do it this way i think
  19. it is an excellent, clean, uncluttered design as always...for some reason I don't like the curved log in at the top...not sure why...there are no other curved features on the page maybe...kind of stands out to me, but I am far from a designer. but the images chosen convey the right atmosphere for people looking for that perfect home. it's nice...
  20. i just mean there are a bizillion sites out there...if you want to attract people, it might be better to focus in on a specific topic or area instead of being just a general site for people to post.
  21. hey I just signed up and tried to make a new sticky, there is no submit button. or are you still working on that part? i think you need an identity..a niche...too general if you know what i mean. you must have interests, make it about that.
  22. If you can still make these changes to ytour database, you could add a datetime field or a timestamp when the order was placed and then when you are selecting your orders for the day, couldn't you just select orders that were placed within a certain range of time?
  23. #842426 for the red is a good staring point..what about the font? seriously, I would lose the bird, but if you are married to the idea...eh, what can I do to convince you?...maybe at least make that section of the page not as tall and bring it down closer to your content. the content shouldn't be so far down the page...i'm sure you could manipulate all those images to make them less tall...make the header wider to match the rest of the page and still have your bird if you must.
  24. http://www.4webhelp.net/tutorials/php/basics.php google found this. hope it helps.
  25. Like below: <?php foreach (glob("images/*.jpg") as $filename) { echo '<img class="sketchbookimages" src="' . $filename . '"><br/>'; } ?>
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