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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Actually that's perfectly valid. Do you see the "The the highest XP is" text? You may have errors disabled. Add at the top of your code: ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);
  2. That appears to be JSON created with JS. How are you querying the database?
  3. Odd. What does the crontab look like?
  4. What does var_dump($securimage->check($_POST['captcha_code'])); return in both situations?
  5. Yeah, pretty easily. The basic code would be something like: var url = prompt('Prompt message here..'); if (url) { window.location = url; } You'll most likely want to add in some URL validation though.
  6. Theoretically yeah, just consider the differences in the SQL for future queries. Your function could use some work.
  7. It's not PHP that's the problem, in-fact it'd actually handle that pretty easily. It's the browser rendering the 1000x1000 grid that takes most of the time up. There's no way you're going to get around that though.
  8. No worries!
  9. You have an extra comma at the end: (...) gmdate($date)',)"; mysql_error would have probably altered you to that.
  10. I agree, the site is average; bit plain to look at. With very minimal effort you could greatly improve the appearance just by applying a few varied fonts. I chucked together a quick example using Firebug to show you the difference, but with a bit more time and experimentation you could get much better results. [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. Hmm have you recently changed that? Last time I looked it didn't do anything. Okay well if you look at your loop, you have the UL tag inside it, which means for every iteration it'll re-open the UL:
  12. The demo would suggest you've fixed this?
  13. You should wrap it in a function.
  14. I can't seem to see anything in your code about two arrows? Perhaps a demo or screen shot may help. What I will add looking at the code though, setTimeout("adjustRatio(img)",1) - you're firing the time out every millisecond? That's a thousand times a second! You're already using the resize event, why do you need the time-out?
  15. You want us to look through their code for a very specific problem you're having with you're implementation, and fix it for you? You've not even given us a demo to reproduce the error. Why not contact the author of the script? I highly doubt you're going to get that kind of help around here without parting with a bit of money.
  16. No point. All you're doing is making it a little more awkward for them - they'll get if they want it.
  17. What troubles are you having exactly?
  18. You need to add a "From" header to your headers parameter when calling mail, and set the value to $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].
  19. Do you have a demo? Hard to judge the worth of something based only on a vague description.
  20. You've got "funtion" on line 10, should be "function".
  21. Ha, many people think the same. Just takes a bit of time..
  22. Use round.
  23. if (str.match(/[0-9]/)) { // contains a number }
  24. Because their wheel costs money?
  25. Sorry I think I misunderstood what you were asking before (thought you were asking to validate there was at least 1 check box ticked for an entry in the database). Start again... --- Right then rather than giving each check box a unique name, store them as an array: <input type="checkbox" name="egroup[]" value="My check box" /> On the PHP side you can then spit out the error if the array is empty: if (empty($_POST['egroup'])) { exit('You must select a group. No selection has been made'); } The value for the check box is only posted if it's been checked.
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