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Everything posted by Adam

  1. How would that work? You'd have to start at the end of the text and scroll to the start, making it unreadable.
  2. http://www.funatiq.com/images/100-history-personalities.jpg
  3. Perhaps try this.. var qna = [['question 1', 'answer 1'], ['question 2', 'answer 2'], ['question 3', 'answer 3']]; var i = 0; window.onload = function() { display(); } function backStep() { i = (i == 0) ? qna.length-1 : i-1; display(); } function nextStep() { i = (i == qna.length-1) ? 0 : i+1; display(); } function display() { document.getElementById('question').innerHTML = qna[i][0]; document.getElementById('answer').innerHTML = qna[i][1]; }
  4. Heh, it'll get moved! Also have a quick read .. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,268845.0.html
  5. Are you the interviewer or the candidate?
  6. Unfortunately seems to be the same case here for me too. Cheers jcombs for the link.
  7. Might get more luck in the freelance board? People are here to assist you, not do all the work for you.
  8. Hah, yeah good point. I have mentioned to the client several times to upgrade his browser but so far he's not been interested. I've requested some stats on his current site to find out exactly what % of his users use IE6 or below and I'll go from there. I fear though that the target audience are those more likely to be using IE6.
  9. Hi guys. Just working on a new design project that seems to make use of a lot of PNG images. Just wondering what you guys generally use to fix PNG support for IE6 versions and below? Several methods available but what's the most reliable, light-weight fix? Thanks Adam
  10. ...And what have you got so far?
  11. You could do it like so: var i = 1; while (obj = document.getElementById('xDates_0000_' + i)) { // do this and that i++; } // carry on
  12. I doubt anybody has a list of 'all email service providers' laying around handy. I'm assuming you mean the most common email service providers, in which case still, whatever list anybody came up with someone else would always have another. Try.. http://email.about.com/od/freeemailreviews/tp/free_email.htm Why do you actually need a list?
  13. Very dull, I didn't actually read past about the 5th slide if I'm honest. Think you should re-consider the media you're using to present this; slide shows are mainly used to back up a presentation. Used in this way you may as well have just written it as an article.
  14. Special characters like the new line character must be within double quotes... $message = 'Property id: ' . $_POST['id'] . "\n";
  15. Bloody wonderful. Thanks for that.
  16. Mmm, perhaps the success you speak of is "how not to get a job and bum off the state all your life".
  17. Someone sent me this link... http://spaceflightnow.com/ares1x/status.html
  18. haha durr [attachment deleted by admin]
  19. ... how did it not work? Did you get an error? Blank screen?
  20. Aha! I remember back at school in about 2002 creating geocities websites in lessons to say how err, homosexual our friends were.
  21. Haha?? ..... What the eff cee youu kaay are you talking about?
  22. Not a great deal to say really. It's quite simple, does it's job. As eatfishy said, the banner doesn't look particularly good though. There's a spelling mistake on the home page: I'd expect to see a contact form from a web developer! There's also a couple of validation errors you should sort out.
  23. Hah say good bye to geocities: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2009/10/geocities-closing.html And sites like these.. http://xkcd.com/
  24. The error's very basically saying you're trying to use "session_start()" after you've started outputting HTML/text. Is this code being included by another file?
  25. Well what exactly does happen when you run the code? You are right though that using a+ will attempt to create the file if it doesn't exist and then append to the end. Edit: Didn't see what you said at first. The way the file write functions work would mean that moving the pointer to the start of the file would over-write the text currently at the start of the file. Take a look at the manual for rewind and look at the examples. May need to re-think what you're trying to do here.
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