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Everything posted by Adam

  1. What do you mean by "access it via a link method"?
  2. You're passing document.myform.list into the functions, but a quick search found no check inputs named "list".
  3. ... Which brings us back to the original point, for something like this IE8 support is essential. Based on your own source of statistics, it's still used just as much as IE9. This thread has derailed enough, let's just wait for The Little Guy to actually give his own input.
  4. Adam


    You're escaping the variables again: $update = sprintf("...", mysql_real_escape_string($subjects), mysql_real_escape_string($codeA));
  5. Adam


    Why not just disable magic quotes altogether?
  6. Mahngiel, this isn't a debate about standards support, it's about current usage and what browsers should be supported by a plug-in like this. Let's focus on the OP..
  7. Given this is a plug-in shared across the net that people include on their own websites, it should either be made cross-browser compatible or state clearly which browsers are supported. As jesirose says, IE8 is still in use. I can understand IE6, and maybe at a push IE7, so long as there was a message stating so. You're using jQuery though, so there's no need for IE6/7/8 not working in terms of JS. Also I've just noticed that you've provided protocol-less URLs for the script, but your site doesn't support SSL. Not supporting SSL is a problem in itself.
  8. Few issues to fix before anything else: * It doesn't work in <= IE8 * You're loading jQuery from your own site instead of a well-established CDN (i.e. Google) * You're making multiple requests for files of the same type, instead of building them into one and minifying * Your "get the code" snippet is linking to a script that returns a 301 redirect
  9. I don't understand how you're trying to use delay() and queue() together, they are very different in what they do. The code you posted didn't include any usage of delay() either. Could you explain a little more what you're trying to achieve please?
  10. That's how JS works: http://jsfiddle.net/hMvgu/
  11. HTML has this already. <input placeholder="this is what you should enter here" /> That's part of the HTML5 spec, and shouldn't be used if you want full cross-browser support. Have you tried viewing the site in Chrome? It will offer to translate each page as you load it.
  12. Congrats
  13. It looks like it's being output as 'entities'. I would raise a new issue for this, you might get someone with mathml or CKeditor experience join in a lot quicker. Post as much context / code as you think could be relevant though.
  14. Never. I have a fairly vague understanding though.
  15. function sendRichMessage(editorName, message) { CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertText(editorName, message); } The first argument to the function is meant to be the editor name, that's used within the CK call. And the CK API doesn't expect the name, given you're referencing it before (instances.editor1). CKEDITOR.instances[editorName].insertText(message); var pta = window.opener.document.getElementById("editor1"); pta.value = cta; opener.sendRichMessage('editor1', cta); self.close(); Scrap trying to write to the textarea, CK will do that. You just need to call the parent window's function, which will call the CK API, which will handle it.
  16. You're inserting the text from the child window, so the code should be there. A nice abstraction would be to have a method within the parent handling the communication with CKeditor though. For example.. In the parent function sendRichMessage(editorName, message) { // ... } In the child opener.sendRichMessage('editor1', 'abcdef');
  17. Yeah, but accessing it through the opener window.
  18. Adam


    Waaait up. Sorry, misread this post. I'm not sure why I suggested that. Dumb
  19. Adam


    You want: var rounded = Math.round(number).toFixed(2);
  20. isset and empty both check that a variable, array index or property exist; something defined. They can't do that if you're trying to pass in a returned value.
  21. At a guess it's to add support for PNG transparency in IE6.
  22. Do you have a link? I'm guessing given it's a photo gallery it's the pictures taking forever to load, probably because the file sizes are large?
  23. Looks like Ckeditor just inserts itself into the global scope (so in the parent window object). You should be able to access it just by prefixing the code I linked to with "opener."
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