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Everything posted by s0c0

  1. Awstats is more for hit tracking and that kind of stuff (I'm already using something else for that purpose). The phpnetadmin is the same thing. I am looking for something similiar to ntop, but with a lower overhead and much simpler interface.
  2. For a first site its not bad. My first one was horrible, but then again that was 10 years ago and I was about 12 anyone remember expages? A good idea is too look at other sites in your industry and get ideas from them (thats not that same as ripping em off). This site certainly isn't going to blow any potential customers away though.
  3. I don't like it. The entire content of the page is stuffed over to the right and I don't like the color scheme. Did you write the blog app yourself? If not, perhaps look at using wordpress. I use wordpress for my blog: http://cnizz.com/blog and it only took like maybe an hour to setup.
  4. Well let me know what you think. The only thing I'm not sure about is the choice of font color for my h1, h2, and h3 fonts. Perhaps a blue-scale color goes best with grey? Let me know what you think, thanks. http://www.mp3crib.com
  5. yes do that and have someone steal your idea.
  6. I need a way of tracking inbound and outbound traffic on my server. I have setup ntop, but I find the interface far to complex for my needs. What other options are out there. I'd prefer a web frontend and it must run on linux debian etch.
  7. Okay so this is not a believe it or not thread. But I think you should all go out and replace some of your regular lights bulbs with fluorescent light bulbs cuz it reduces c02 emissions and saves you money on power bills. Plus they last 5 years. I just changed a bunch in my house in stupid places where you dont care about really nice lighting like closets, outside lights, stove lights, and hallway lights. So yeah go do it. If you're a guy more girls will want you and if you're a girl more intelligent nice guys will want you. Here is someother shnit you can do: http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/whatyoucando/index.html
  8. Yup javascript is the way to go, no page reload.
  9. Sorry I've never even heard of this function until now. Crazy how many cool functions are built into php. Here's what I would do first in your situation. Change the max execution time in your php.ini file to something reasonable that way you will get a timeout error instead of having to close your browser when this thing hangs. Next try running the function without using the variables. Like they are doing in some of the examples here: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.imap-open.php
  10. Its dooable and if this was tasked to me I could figure it out within a reasonable amount of time, but I'm not going to write the code for you instead look at the following functions via php.net: substr and explode These will help in what our looking to do. You may also want to look at preg_replace, this is just a matter of using the right functions with the right logic.
  11. The code you posted is extremely convoluted and streaches far past the width of the screen which makes it a bear to read. Just though I would give it a shot. Post the entire code and in a sane matter and I will try helping you once again. In theory the sql query should return the rows in an array and then you can just play the array elements into the link. So post the code and I will try showing you how to do that in a sanner manner than this guy programmer of yours did.
  12. s0c0


    If this question is directed at me then Debian or CentOS for those looking at a good server distro. For this looking at a good desktop distro Suse or Ubuntu/Kubuntu.
  13. I am looking for a query a that will allow me to select all where charecter length in a given column is greater than 5. I ahve tried the following: SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(col) > 5; But mysql returns an error near CHAR_LENGTH. Any ideas?
  14. Try fopen on a url, store the fopen as a variable and then do a string search on the variable for whatever you are looking for. This is off the top of my head, but it can be done using fopen.
  15. Wwll you should be able to do 1 of the following 2. If the links are displayed using straight html then just do: <a href="your_page_here.html">Link</a> or if its being displayed using php: echo '<a href="your_page_here.html">Link</a>'; Not sure why anyone would use javascript for that.
  16. It looks like I may indeed be diving deeply into DOM and JSON shortly. My boss has informed me that I will be the go to guy for implementing ajax where needed in our corporate intranet and client facing websites. This should be fun and challenging all the while beefing up my resume Thanks for the responses.
  17. Nagios is great, but I need something on the outside looking in to let me know if my pipe goes down.
  18. Gotta love php. I answered my own question. I found this service called teleflip that sends free sms to any number simply by emailing phonenumber@teleflip.com So I'll either use some existing php classes to monitor my server and run them every few minutes via cronjob or write my own. When the ismyserverup function returns false i'll just kick out an email to mynumber@teleflip.com, bam instant free and easy server monitoring and alert notification. I can use my existing hosting for my blog to run the script, generate the email, and setup the cronjob.
  19. Hello all, I'd like to setup remote monitoring of my server so I know when my server is down, apache is funkt up, postfix is wacky etc.. A quick google yielded plenty of results, but I am looking for something very bare bones. I'd like it basically to monitor if my server is up via pings or whatever and maybe a few services. If something goes down I'd like it to kick me a text message. That's all. The power must have went out at my house last night and stupid me doesn't have battery backups on his servers so I didn't realize my server was down for several hours after the incident...which sucks! So if you know of any cheap server (like a few bucks a month) please let me know.
  20. Agreed, but some Friday's I am too tired from working a 50-60 hour week to go out yet I still want to relax. Alcohol is relaxing and programming is my hobby so mixing the two works for me. Just don't make a habit out of it folks.
  21. I am interested in implementing so called ajax features into my web application without having to take the time to learn javascript. Basically I want something light that allows me to use existing php functions and returns the data from these functions without having to reload the page. So far I have looked at and played around with SAJA. It's a very simple, small, and easy to use set of php and javascript that does exactly what I am looking for so I will probably go with that. I am still interested in your thoughts and opinions on SAJA and othe PHP Ajax frameworks. So what ones have you used? What did you like? What didn't you like and what is your suggestion?
  22. You can try creating a function that gets called if the file exists. The function would then use the rand function to append a random number on the end of the file name. The function would look something like this: function randomName() { $randNum = rand(1,100000); // returns random number between 1 and 100,000 $_FILES["file"]["name"] = $_FILES["file"]["name"].$randNum; return $_FILES["file"]["name"]; Go(); } Ofcourse you would have to put your existing code into a function, so in the end it would look something like this: function Go ($uploadFile) { // your existing code in here // if file exists then call randomFile() } Not sure if that will work and none of that code has been tested, but give it a shot.
  23. I'm only making 40k, but I had no previous work-related experience so or degree in CS (mine is in information technology). So I took what I could get as a stepping stone.
  24. In my opinion php dominates small business, has a slight lead in medium sized business, but .net takes the cake in the enterprise class. You can't go wrong either way in my opinion. You may get a higher paying job in ASP.net though IMO.
  25. Yeah I wrote some php scripts to do a remote backup of my code base and mysql tables last night while buzzed. I only had 4 beers though. I bet if I had doubled that amount and tried things wouldn't have gone so well. Buzzed programming = fun Shnit faced drunk programming = no fun
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