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Everything posted by s0c0

  1. Well you have an alternating image as your header. One is in plain text and white and I think its the best, the others are more difficult to read. The layout is very simple and boring and there is nothing to make the links on the side stand out. As a good point your site is not hideous and painful to look at. Thats a huge plus, it could just be designed better. I would try perhaps a curved border for your main body area, set your navigation on the left to a background so they stand out, and stick with one image for your header image.
  2. I could tell it said mytech, but to be honest I didn't know it was a power button until I read your post. I dig the graphic, and if you're going to stick with it my only suggestion is changing the color scheme to something less boring, unless those colors already fit the colors in your site layout.
  3. ORDER BY timeDate DESC resolves issue, thanks, I swear I tried that but then again SQL is not a strong point for me, appreciated much teng84
  4. That won't work, you can't count a table. If you wanted to do this inside the query (which is not a bad idea at all) you would do a count(username) instead of count(classified).
  5. Here is my current query: SELECT tbl1.id, tbl1.username, tbl1.status, tbl1.joined, tbl2.timeDate, tbl1.directory FROM tbl1, tbl2 WHERE tbl1.id = tbl2.users_id GROUP BY tbl1.id This returns their oldest ie first login. I use this for analytics on the backend to determine user activity. So I would like a query that instead that returns the most recent tbl2.timeDate And ideas? Thanks in advanced.
  6. You can find some classes on phpclasses.org that utilize "ajax" and php for file browsing. That is your best bet if your on a timeline and don't know how to pull this off yourself.
  7. $sql = "select * from classifieds where user='$username'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $numRows = mysql_num_rows($result); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result) { // your code here } the number of rows returned will be stored in the $numRows variable.
  8. Why don't you tell us the email address you are actually putting in as the sender. If its a bs domain your putting in, then I doubt there is a way around it. If hotmail believes your server is potentially black mailed then you have to get your server on the "good list." Are you sending from a static or dynamic IP address btw. Answer those questions for us please.
  9. I would like to optimize my site for the best search term in regards to my niche "industry." Currently I rank at the very bottom of the 1st page for free mp3 storage, the bottom of the 3rd page for free mp3 hosting, and the middle of the 8th page for mp3 hosting. Not bad for a domain that is only about 3-4 months old, but I'm just not sure which of these terms get hit the most, and what other terms I should be targeting. Is there a site I can go to for this? Any other suggestions?
  10. I started in December of 2006 because I wanted to create a site like this: www.mp3crib.com which I did. Then 5 months later I got a job as a web developer. I'd say I'm catching on pretty fast.
  11. Wow 59 views and not a single reply to even tell me know its not possible to access php files/classes outside the web root with ajax?
  12. I've always been taught to keep my php objects outside of the document root for security purposes, this way they are only accessible to the server. I've been trying to learn ajax as of late and would like to keep doing it this way. The examples I read have me creating a dumb php script (pageA.php for example) that echo's out data from a mysql table to a page and the ajax does a GET and prints this data to the current page (pageB.html for example)? Is there a way to call my existing objects that are outside of apache's documen root and still return using the XMLHttpRequest? Hopefully this has made sense. I'd like to do this myself and not use an existing framework such as saja, I am open to json as my boss has requested i become familiar with it, but id like to get the basics down before learning a framework.
  13. Wow its great your obviously a skilled programmer
  14. Well check it out http://www.mp3crib.com It allows you to upload, store, and play your music anywhere you have high speed internet access.
  15. Usability seems good, but it doesn't catch the eye as some of the other more established ones.
  16. Seems like a cool app, but I don't use IE. I like the web design though.
  17. It's all semantics, in the end its easier to just say hackers because then everyone knows who you are talking about.
  18. This question is too vague to answer. Let me ask you which is better a Car or Truck.
  19. http://us.php.net/readdir if not then try google, this should be very simple to do.
  20. Wow that sucks. See if you can create a symbolic link (for linux) in windows umm im not sure what it would be, i guess like a shortcut to the php.ini in every directory. The idea is to have one php.ini in your www root, and then have "links" to it everywhere else. In linux it would be something like: ln -s php.ini /directory/where/its/stored/in or the otherway around, just google the ln shell command.
  21. Overall the site design is good and clean. I would not personally go with this type of color scheme, but I'm much more conservative in my approach to web design as well. My main suggestion is to add some sort of graphic somewhere in your logo at the top. Weird to see background patterns making a comeback in web design.
  22. Yeah I've been thinking about moving the nav to the top area, and then putting some flash type stuff or neat javascript stuff that catches the eye where the nav currently is. When you say the headphone graphics do you mean the one that is next to my header or the ones next to the links in the nav, thanks.
  23. s0c0

    New Site

    Your site is in a tough market, but every existing market on the internet is tough to get into so don't let that discourage you, but you didn't come here for business advice did you. I think you site is pretty decent. I don't like the landing page idea though and to me the graphic doesn't make much sense. Other than that I don't have many complaints. I didn't sign up because I don't need a job. I think targeting that niche in the job site market is a pretty good idea though, I've never really heard of someone targeting that niche before. Would be a good place for companies like for cheap student labor to go to. Under the hood your html is clean.
  24. I dig the design and the idea, your html is so clean I would eat dinner off it. Your site has been bookmarked, nice job. edit: to give you some constructive criticism i don't dig the cloud pic at the top, and im not sure I like the green mixed in the orange for the site title at the top, but these are very minor criticisms.
  25. wow not one review, i'll take it as a good thing i guess.
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