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Everything posted by s0c0

  1. $30? Are you kidding? Most I would do for that is maybe install someone's printer drivers. And I generally charge $40 for stuff like that (on-site). I wouldn't do much coding for $30 though. Well you may have more than a year experience under you belt. I also live in an area where cost of living is low (housing is literally half or less than half what it is in California, New York etc...) so $30 an hour is a good money. For instance, I pay $600 a month for a decent sized 1 bedroom apt. So take a 40 hour project at $30/hr and thats enough to pay my rent for the next 2 months Certainly as I gain more experience the price will rise.
  2. I've had success forcing html files to parse PHP, but when I've tried it in other file types such as XML I have had bad luck. What are you trying to accomplish?
  3. Don't re-invent the wheel. Take your pick between TinyMCE or fckEditor. Just google these two web-based WYSIWYG editors and you're done. You will want to wrap the posted data in addslashes(). When returning it, you will want to stripslashes().
  4. I always thought this $200 or whatever for a 5 page site stuff was hilarious. You know what I would do if I needed a website designed that was beyond my skills (and I'm talking just the design layout). I would go to one of these people who charge like this and say hey I just need one page developed, so I'd get the 1 page for maybe $50 or $100. Then I'd take that it use across like 10-15 pages or however many are on my site. It just boggles my mind, your site keeps the same layout across the page. So I mean WTF LOL? Whenever I see these I just disregard these people as naive (no offense but its true) to how a site is designed.
  5. s0c0

    Adobe AIR

    Anyone try developing with this? Would like to hear some comments from you folks if you have.
  6. Not sure that as an American I would trust someone from a third world country to design my site for me, especially at $200. But I guess if I was on a really low budget and had some safe-guards in place I'd consider it. Frankly, I rather give money to an American though. I work it like this I have a set price I charge for side projects. Generally I shoot for $30-$35 based on the project scope (if I had more experience and a larger portfolio I would charge more believe me). If the client doesn't want to pay I tell them this: Basically a programmer is like anything else you buy. You get a cheap knife and it might work well, it might break, it might not last long. You buy an expensive knife, then you get a solid piece that will last a long time. So it's your decision, but anything below $30 isn't worth throwing my free time away since I have a full time job already.
  7. Our corporate intranet's page authentication and credentialling system is ancient and not scalable so we are looking to either do a hack job and make it do what we need (which I am opposed to) or doing a new slick infinitely scalable version mirroring the logic behind security and groups in Active Directory (which I have created a flowchart and ERD for). Of course my boss is opposed to doing the correct way do to time constraints and yada-yada-yada... I'm thinking if there is already something written out there that does what the system I designed does then it would be an easier sell. Basically each page in the system has a rule associated with it, users are members of groups which have rules associated with them. When the login they inherit all the rules in the session, the pages with those rules populate in the navigation area, and each time they go to the page it verifies that they have the rule required to access the page. Is there something out there already written (utilizing PHP/MySQL) that does this? I briefly browsed phpclasses and sourceforge but couldn't find anything. Thanks.
  8. I've been using my current design for a while but I'm always looking to make the site more appealing, any ideas? http://www.mp3crib.com
  9. Ideas: As other have said push the main content area or the "mat" if you prefer down from the top. Add padding to your text, its to close to the outside of the "mat" add like a 10px padding all the way around. Play around with different fonts I don't like the one you are using but that could just be me. Font choice is very important in web design. In Safari and FireFox the content is centered, but in IE7 it is not it goes over to the left. Get rid of the underline on your " Welcome To The Japan Karate-Do Federation" I like the "mat" and the logo, but not that "Japan Karatedo Federation" image, again try some different fonts and this site could look pretty good. Also put in a doctype, if you don't know what that is then google it and invest 5-10 minutes of your time learning what it is. You are using CSS...good. Use what ever doctype you prefer a lot of zealot bitch asses think you HAVE to use XHTML. I use it just because I'm tired of the bitch ass web designers complaining to me. But in the end they are retarted since 99.999 percent of your users will never look at the HTML code, so who gives a a flying *explicit*
  10. php.ini setting on max script execution time perhaps. do you have the ability to at least try modifying this through the php ini set function (i forget the exact name).
  11. Damn dude I wrote something like this a whole back to have it check my primary server from a remote host. If the connection took longer than 20 seconds it would fire off an SMS message to my cell phone. Haha found it: $fo = fsockopen('domain.com', 80); if(!$fo) { mail('email@email.com', 'site down', 'unable to connect on port 80 @ '.$date('H:m:s')); } I've seen some fancier stuff on phpclasses.org but I wanted something quick and dirty and thats exactly what this is. You could use something like curl and use its functionality for the exact HTTP code if this is a web server, but anyways there are plenty of ways to skin this one. Hope that works for you.
  12. well you could completely script it in PHP....but why? If its mysql just write a simple bash script using mysqldump and put it in a cron job.
  13. Is this possible? A client of mine has CMS on domain1.com and a seperate one for domain2.com. I am developing the CMS for domain2 and have made the sessions look the same to facilitate easily moving between the two. Can I pass the session id through a url or post if they are on the same server? Do I need to instead use a cookie? Or is this impossible. Thanks.
  14. I've been developing OOP in PHP for about 6 months now, prior to that it was all procedural. I've been wondering what the advantages to using frameworks like cake and symphony are? Yes I know I could just try them out, but I want some feedback first. Specifically do these frameworks decrease development time without impacting performance? Am I better of using my own MVC type framework? Just wondering, and for those who have used multiple frameworks which have you found to be best and why? Thanks.
  15. I am writing a custom CMS for a client. I am trying to decide whether when the CMS creates a new page I should just ad a record in the database containing the information or whether the CMS should create an entirely new file. Here are my concerns: DB Method: It's easier, but the "page" would be accessed using URL GET strings for instance they are on the about.php page and want to access the sucess stories so they click on a link which is really about.php?get=success+stories. What will the load on the clients DB look with this approach, not to mention the size of the records in there... Does this method hurt my client when it comes to SEO? File Method If the DB method hurts my clients SEO and DB load I think I have to go with this method. It's a bit harder and I may have to tell them it will push the project back a bit. Other things to consider, the client is on a shared host, thats why i am concerned with DB load not to mention size. Don't worry about any other things, I've thought of them already and don't want to make this post a book, I'm just stuck on which method to go with. Please advise....
  16. For christ sake I found it after searching an hour. If I ever see this SOB I'll slap him across the face 17th century-style and challenge him to a duel!
  17. I am working on a project (the old developer is no where to be found) and am trying to find where a class that is extended within another class is. I have tried searching for the class using Zends search feature (no I don't have shell access), but have found nothing. It looks some like this: class name extendeds other_class { // methods here } I need to find the file that houses that other_class. Any ideas on how I can trace this? Seriously developers who use extends and don't at least document or have some sort of framework for their code need to walk off a cliff.
  18. I am primarily a PHP and Javascript developer but as part of my consultant work I am often asked to do some HTML and CSS work. My skills are decent enough in these areas but I have struggled with getting rounded borders to work. Here are the two pages: http://www.wtalent.com/preview/site.php?app=home&event=join_w http://www.wtalent.com/preview/site.php?app=home&event=contact You can view source to see how I've attempted doing. Here is the CSS code from the style sheet: /* ROUND CORNERS */ .tl{ background: transparent url('/preview/img/tl-round.gif') no-repeat; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:10px; } .tr{ background:transparent url('/preview/img/tr-round.gif') no-repeat; position:absolute; top:0px; right:0px; width:10px; } .bl{ background: transparent url('/preview/img/bl-round.gif') no-repeat; position:absolute; top:97.5%; left:0px; width:10px; } .br{ background: transparent url('/preview/img/br-round.gif') no-repeat; position:absolute; top:97.5%; right:0px; width:10px; } I put these inside this CSS class: .whiteBlock { top:0px; position:relative; background-color: #FFF; color:#222222; font-size:12px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; } And then use a bit of inline CSS to further manipulate this. Any ideas? If I can't get it one-hundred precent in the big 3 browsers (IE, FireFox,Safari) then I will have to do what I've done in the past using 2 images one on top spanning the entire width of the CSS div where the content goes and the other on the bottom. Thanks for reading.
  19. I heard from a developer I work with the other day that Zend IDE has a thing that automatically creates WDSL files. I also just purchased a book called Pro PHP XML and Web Services which looks good, but its 800 pages so I'm still working my way through it.
  20. Our development department at company XYZ constantly releases bugs, some of these bugs are major and result in loss of money, loss of customers, and for me a demoralizing blow my confidence. I believe its because this company values speedy releases of features over slower but more quality releases. I've been working there for a year and we are on our 5th beta tester since I started, there are no guidelines given from management on how the Q/A process should be done, no mandates for test cases let a lone lists of what to test. This to me shows a lack of commitment to the Q/A process. Everything is now now now and guess what we just had a major bug because everything was now now now and we had to stay there all night last night cleaning up the mess. Is this the reality of development or this management bass ackwards? Am I posting this because I am just young and don't understand business? Is this post a reflection of my lack of experience? Is this post a reflection of my bitchy attitude? Please advise.
  21. Excuse me but you don't understand the first thing about bandwidth. Bandwidth is in fact a finite resource. If I operate a website that can transfer 1.5 Mbps, but users are requesting 10 Mbps from me cause I'm some hip media site then it will take much longer for the user to receive the data they've requested. Owning your own server has nothing to do with bandwidth. Yes I have a degree in computer network systems, but it doesn't take a degree or 4 years in I/T to know this. Sorry if I came off like an ass, which I bet I did. I'm not sure how youtube makes money.... I never click on those damn ads, they must make money off impressions too, which even if its only a half cent per impression is a lot of money with the amount of hits they get!
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