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Everything posted by suma237

  1. Do you check the upload folder permission?.tick all permissions.
  2. select Distinct(col_name) from table name;-apply this query and delete the rest
  3. check this code. echo "Welcome <b>ddd</b>. <br><br>" .'"'."Games are not available at this time, please check back soon.".'"';
  4. use UPDATE statment inside if statment.
  5. check the below code...Problem is that I'm unable to display 2 value's selected in the drop down.The drop down will showing only last id from the variable ($REPORTTO= "0003,0004".why?how can i solve this? <code> <? $REPORTTO = "0003,0004"; //echo "Reported To<br>".$REPORTTO;echo "<br>"; $sql_repto = "SELECT a.AtxUserID,a.AtxUserName FROM uniuserprofile a,unigroupdetails b WHERE a.AtxUserID = b.ugdContactID "; $result1 = mysql_query($sql_repto) or die("Could not select"); echo " <select name='reportto[]' multiple>"; echo" <option value='0'>Please Select</option>"; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result1)) { $AtxUID = $row['AtxUserID']; $AtxUName = $row['AtxUserName']; $arraybreak = explode(",", $REPORTTO); $arrayLength= count($arraybreak); for($p=0; $p <= $arrayLength-1; $p++) { if ($AtxUID == $arraybreak[$p]) { // set the variable $selected to selected if records match $strSelected ="selected"; } else { // leave it blank if records not found $strSelected=""; } } //end of for echo "<OPTION VALUE=".$AtxUID ." $strSelected> ".$AtxUName."</OPTION>"; }//end of while echo"</select>"; ?> </code>
  6. 1.correct submit button as <input type='submit' value='retrieve pdf' name='submit1'> 2.Use if codition as if(isset($_POST['submit1'])) { //conditon }
  7. hi, Does anybody have an idea about how to make all the pages with the same URL/address in an application/website ? Thanks ...
  8. hi, Does anybody have an idea about how to make all the pages with the same URL/address in an application/website ? Thanks ...
  9. hi, I have 3 linked drop down boxes ( Eg: Country, State and City ) . I've set values for the drop down boxes initially and I would like to edit the values later. Is it possible to show/highlighte the set values ( the value I've put earlier ) while editing the drop down boxes using PHP or AJAX. Thanks
  10. hi, I have 3 linked drop down boxes ( Eg: Country, State and City ) . I've set values for the drop down boxes initially and I would like to edit the values later. Is it possible to show/highlighte the set values ( the value I've put earlier ) while editing the drop down boxes using AJAX. Thanks
  11. check this site http://www.tizag.com/phpT/fileupload.php
  12. the query is working fine?.what is the error?please mention that,so that i can check it.
  13. im not sure about it.Check this echo $query; };----WHY THIS SEMICOLON?
  14. thanx jithesh .. but i'm not asking for a new script. i belive there are some small mistakes (in a for loop) in my script and i would like to go on with my script if someone will spot the error and help me to correct it.
  15. R u using any form method <FORM method=post></FORM>?
  16. check this isset($_POST['remember']) ? time() + (60*60*24*365) : 0;
  17. zip file [attachment deleted by admin]
  18. Hi Friends, Need some urgent help with PHP dynamic tree structure/ hierarchal view. I'm unable to post the scrips here coz it's a big file. if anyone here have an idea may please reply .
  19. Try this.. $con2 = mysql_connect("sameserver","username","pass"); mysql_select_db("4tenclients", $con2); $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM websites WHERE table='$user'")or die("Could not select the table"); WHERE table='$user'"-the 'table' STANDS FOR ANY ANY FEILD.
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