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Everything posted by suma237

  1. ok gevo12321.You have any idea about GETTEXT function and how to use this?
  2. $row_groups = mysql_fetch_assoc($groups);---remove this
  3. i want to translate the whole site with out defining the variable.using gettext function. is it possible ? or give me some idea .
  4. give me some idea about how to translate the whole site's content into another language by click on the flag
  5. Translation of whole site into various languages by click the flags. "GNU gettext " how to implement this? Thanks
  6. hi Yesideez .. thank u very much for your help .. got it solved ultimately.. thank u all ..
  7. post your code.or use while loop
  8. i also tried the code that you posted.No error is showing in the browser. i am not sure about the validity.
  9. $currenttime=date("H:i:s"); echo "$currenttime";
  10. i will try to rectify this error and let you know the progress..please help me now i can't do this code...tomorrow i will try..any way thanks a lot.Thanks
  11. i changed the code ERROR 2 fields in line 1: 52gghg SQL=INSERT INTO test (`name`,`address`) VALUES ('suma','52gghg') Error at line 1 2 fields in line 2: 21 Flat SQL=INSERT INTO test (`name`,`address`) VALUES ('shilpa','21 Flat') Error at line 2 2 fields in line 3: 23 tower road SQL=INSERT INTO test (`name`,`address`) VALUES ('kumar','23 tower road') Error at line 3
  12. type of the field is varchar error is 2 fields in line 1: 52gghg SQL=INSERT INTO test (`name`,`address`) VALUES ('suma',52gghg) Error at line 1 2 fields in line 2: 21 Flat SQL=INSERT INTO test (`name`,`address`) VALUES ('shilpa',21 Flat) Error at line 2 2 fields in line 3: 23 tower road SQL=INSERT INTO test (`name`,`address`) VALUES ('kumar',23 tower road) Error at line 3
  13. now error is showing the value is not inserting into the database ERROR 2 fields in line 1: 52gghg SQL=INSERT INTO test (`name`,`address`) VALUES ('suma',52gghg) Error at line 1 2 fields in line 2: 21 Flat SQL=INSERT INTO test (`name`,`address`) VALUES ('shilpa',21 Flat) Error at line 2 2 fields in line 3: 23 tower road SQL=INSERT INTO test (`name`,`address`) VALUES ('kumar',23 tower road) Error at line 3
  14. why that error is coming? csv format is suma,52 flat34 shilpa,21 Flat kumar,23 tower road
  15. you r right...insert statement is showing error error 2 fields in line 1: Address SQL=INSERT INTO test(name,address) VALUES (Name,Address) Error at line 1 2 fields in line 2: shanthalayam SQL=INSERT INTO test(name,address) VALUES (suma,shanthalayam) Error at line 2 2 fields in line 3: 21 Flat SQL=INSERT INTO test(name,address) VALUES (shilpa,21 Flat) Error at line 3 2 fields in line 4: 23 tower road SQL=INSERT INTO test(name,address) VALUES (kumar,23 tower road) Error at line 4
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