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Everything posted by suma237

  1. try this $url=index.php; header("Location:$url");
  2. you have any problem in the code?what you really want to do?
  3. solution1-- <tr> <td align="left" valign="top">Desired Password</td> <td><input name="password" type="password" id="password"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top">Confirm Password</td> <td><input name="password2" type="password" id="password"></td> </tr> solution2 check the condition if(password1!=password2)then display error message
  4. try this <? $x=" you soon redarrow"; $word=array("a","see","c"); $message=explode(" ",$x); for($i=0; $i < count ($message); $i++){ if(in_array($message[$i], $word)){ echo"You entred a bad word!"; exit; }else{ echo "Word is good!"; exit; } } ?>
  5. post the code so that it's more clear to us
  6. check the loop is executing or not? while($fldb = mysql_fetch_field($result3)) { if ($fldb->name!='match_id' && $fldb->name!='match_name' && $fldb->name!='score' && $fldb->name!='result' && $fldb->name!='date') { echo"im here"; $m=$fldb->name; echo "<option value=$m>$m</option>"; } }
  7. why?.Use dynamic variable $a=a; select * from test where f1='$a',the result will be 1 | a | one | aa | 2 | a | two | bb | 3 | a | three | cc |
  8. ohhh....create a new file instead of index3test.php. after that you will be able to understand the problem.
  9. check userid is passing to the second page or not? also echo select statment...then you will be able to rectify the error
  10. or ...you can try this select field3 where field1='a';
  11. try this select feild3 from table name where feild3 LIKE '%a'
  12. keep the mail function out the while loop and also check the variable $msg1
  13. try this echo('<h4>You have <b>Not</b> purchased Supporter Status for your Shadow Lords Account.<br> you can return to Shadow Lords <a href="www.crikeygames.com.au/shadowlords">here</a>.</h4>');
  14. try this $big = $row_Recordset2['bigimagename']; <td valign="top" aliign="CENTER"> <a href="editphoto.php?id=<?=$big?>">click here to view</a></td> edit.php $id1=$_REQUEST['id']; <img src="<?=id1?>" border="0" align="top" />
  15. i think unset(session variable name);
  16. configure php.ini...try this im not sure SMTP = localhost ip; for Win32 only smtp_port = portnumber sendmail_from= mailid; for Win32 only ; For Win32 only. ;sendmail_from = mailid ; For Unix only. You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i"). ;sendmail_path =
  17. post the code in the page edit.php
  18. try this <?php session_start(); ob_start(); .... ?>
  19. can you post the code?
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