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Everything posted by suma237

  1. Thanks.. How can i add the below function in the statment echo '<a href="' . $file . '">' . $file . '</a> '; function playmusic($music) { //function here } Please help me.Thanks a lot
  2. hai, the output of this code is "track1.mp3track2.mp3track3.mp3",i want to include <a href> for each music file and on the click of each music file the song have to play. <? $dir = "song"; $dh = opendir($dir) or die ("could not open dir"); while ( !(($file = readdir($dh)) === false) ){ if ($file == "." || $file == "..") continue; if (eregi(".mp3",$file)){ echo $sheets[] .= $file; } } ?> Thanks
  3. 1.you can use dreamweaver,save it as *.php 2.You can redirect the page by clicking the submit button
  4. thanks i will check that coding
  5. thanks.do you know Howto Make a PHP MP3 Player?
  6. why this error? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"' in D:\Suma\music\test_music.php on line 26 exec("D:\Suma\music\WAV.EXE D:\Suma\music\song\".$foo." /Q"); Thanks
  7. check for alpha numeric and the first letter should be alphabet. checking for first letter is not working i can enter number also as 1st character. function is_alpha_numeric(str) { if(!str.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$/)) return false; return true; } if(!is_alpha_numeric(frm.V_DepartmentName.value)) { alert("Please Enter Department Name in character"); frm.V_DepartmentName.focus(); return false; } Please help me...thanks
  8. i want to include an image instead of the symbol ">>".Image is kept inside the folder images/next.gif. Statement is 1. echo "- Next >>"; 2. echo "<a href=\"index.php?page=" . ($page + 1) . "\"> - Next >></a>"; can anyone help me
  9. i want to display current date if the value is empty. <input type="text" name="I_CreatedOn" class='textbox' readonly value='if(empty($row[i_CreatedOn]))? echo $date_now;:echo $row[i_CreatedOn];'> Thanks
  10. try this echo '<table bgcolor="#ffffff" class="MainBody1" border="0">'; echo '<tr><td colspan="3" align="right" class="underline">Date:'.$date;echo '</td></tr>'; echo'<tr>'; echo '<td >'; echo $status; echo'</td>'; echo '<td >'; echo $time; echo'</td>'; echo '<td > '; echo $notes; echo'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table><br>';
  11. echo '<table bgcolor="#ffffff" class="MainBody1" border="0">'; echo '<tr><td colspan="3" align="right" class="underline">Date:'.$date;echo '</td>'; echo '<td align="left" colspan="3">'; echo $status; echo'</td>'; echo '<td align="left" colspan="3">'; echo $time; echo'</td>'; echo '<td align="left" colspan="3"> '; echo $notes; echo'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table><br>';
  12. can you show an example to me. view of the output?
  13. in the select statement you use one condition where id=...check whether the id have how many entries?
  14. 1.check for the member,if already vote (same ip and in same date )use update command instead of insert command
  15. i am reading that manual but how to install it? how to apply it?
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