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Posts posted by mga_ka_php

  1. i see that they use array in getting records from the database.


    while ( $row = @mysql_fetch_object( $this->result ) ) {
        $this->last_result[$num_rows] = $row;


    what if my records is 50,000. does array can hold that number of records, or does it use to much memory?

  2. why does wordpress is using foreach rather than while in listing records?



    while ($products = mysql_fetch_object($rs) {


    but wordpress is using foreach

    foreach ($posts as $post) {


    which is better? because i'm trying to create my own code for database connection.


  3. how do you optimize this query?

    SELECT SUBSTR(eventDetails, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|Name') + 8, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|StartDate') - INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|Name') -  eventTitle, SUBSTR(eventDetails, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|City') + 8, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|State') - INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|City') -  city, IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(SUBSTR(eventDetails, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|StartDate') + 13, 10)) = 0, SUBSTR(eventDetails, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|StartDate') + 13, 10), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(SUBSTR(eventDetails, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|StartDate') + 13, 10))) eventStartDate, IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(SUBSTR(eventDetails, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|EndDate') + 11, 10)) = 0, SUBSTR(eventDetails, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|EndDate') + 11, 10), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(SUBSTR(eventDetails, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|EndDate') + 11, 10))) eventEndDate, SUBSTR(eventDetails, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|State') + 9, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|Zip') - INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|State') - 9) eventState
    FROM events 
    WHERE eventDetails NOT LIKE '%Canceled:YES%' 
    AND eventDetails NOT LIKE '%State:|#|%' 
    AND eventDetails NOT LIKE '%Status:DELETED%' 
    AND (eventDetails NOT LIKE '%PromoterPhone:|#|%' OR eventDetails NOT LIKE '%Link1:' OR eventDetails NOT LIKE '%UserNumber:0|#|%' OR eventDetails NOT LIKE '%UserNumber:|#|%')
    AND SUBSTR(eventDetails, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|State') + 9, INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|Zip') - INSTR(eventDetails, '|#|State') - 9) = 'RI' 
    HAVING ((eventStartDate BETWEEN '1261980000' AND '1282712400') AND (eventEndDate BETWEEN '1261980000' AND '1282712400')) 
    ORDER BY eventStartDate ASC LIMIT 0, 20;

  4. <?php
    class cache {
    var $cache_dir = "cache/"; // Directory where the cache files will be stored
    var $cache_time = 7320; // How much time will keep the cache files in seconds
    var $caching = false;
    var $cache_file = "";
    // Constructor of the class
    function cache() {
    	$this->cache_file = $this->cache_dir . md5(urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]));
    	if (file_exists($this->cache_file)) {
    		//Grab the cache:
    		$handle = fopen($this->cache_file, "r");
    		do {
    			$data = fread($handle, 8192);
    			if (strlen($data) == 0) {
    			echo $data;
    		} while (true);
    		echo "<span style='font-size:8px;'>cache page loaded</span>";
    	} else {
    		//create cache :
    		$this->caching = true;
       // You should have this at the end of each page
    function close() {
    	if ($this->caching) {
    		// You were caching the contents so display them, and write the cache file
    		$data = ob_get_clean();
    		echo $data;
    		$fp = fopen(str_replace("/ww.", "/", $this->cache_file), 'w');
    		fwrite($fp, $data);


    <?php include("cache.class.php"); ?>
    <?php $ch = new cache(); ?>
    <?php $ch->close(); ?>

  5. Create two buttons on the page of the form that do separate stuff?


    one way is:

    function dothis() {
    function dothat() {
    <input type="button" onclick="dothis()" value="Do This" />
    <input type="button" onclick="dothat()" value="Do That" />


    it's a start, research further.

  6. use this


    header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
        Resize an image to 25 x 25
        Resize an image to 50% the size
        Resize an image to 50 pixels wide and autocompute the height
        Resize an image to 100 pixels tall and autocompute the width
        Resize to 50 pixels width OR 100 pixels tall, whichever resulting image is smaller
    JPEG / PNG Image Resizer
    Parameters (passed via URL):
    img = path / url of jpeg or png image file
    percent = if this is defined, image is resized by it's
              value in percent (i.e. 50 to divide by 50 percent)
    w = image width
    h = image height
    constrain = if this is parameter is passed and w and h are set
                to a size value then the size of the resulting image
                is constrained by whichever dimension is smaller
    Requires the PHP GD Extension
    Outputs the resulting image in JPEG Format
    By: Michael John G. Lopez - www.sydel.net
    Filename : imgsize.php
    $img = $_GET['img'];
    $percent = $_GET['percent'];
    $constrain = $_GET['constrain'];
    $w = $_GET['w'];
    $h = $_GET['h'];
    // get image size of img
    $x = @getimagesize($img);
    // image width
    $sw = $x[0];
    // image height
    $sh = $x[1];
    if ($percent > 0) {
    // calculate resized height and width if percent is defined
    $percent = $percent * 0.01;
    $w = $sw * $percent;
    $h = $sh * $percent;
    } else {
    if (isset ($w) AND !isset ($h)) {
    	// autocompute height if only width is set
    	$h = (100 / ($sw / $w)) * .01;
    	$h = @round ($sh * $h);
    } elseif (isset ($h) AND !isset ($w)) {
    	// autocompute width if only height is set
    	$w = (100 / ($sh / $h)) * .01;
    	$w = @round ($sw * $w);
    } elseif (isset ($h) AND isset ($w) AND isset ($constrain)) {
    	// get the smaller resulting image dimension if both height
    	// and width are set and $constrain is also set
    	$hx = (100 / ($sw / $w)) * .01;
    	$hx = @round ($sh * $hx);
    	$wx = (100 / ($sh / $h)) * .01;
    	$wx = @round ($sw * $wx);
    	if ($hx < $h) {
    		$h = (100 / ($sw / $w)) * .01;
    		$h = @round ($sh * $h);
    	} else {
    		$w = (100 / ($sh / $h)) * .01;
    		$w = @round ($sw * $w);
    $im = @ImageCreateFromJPEG ($img) or // Read JPEG Image
    $im = @ImageCreateFromPNG ($img) or // or PNG Image
    $im = @ImageCreateFromGIF ($img) or // or GIF Image
    $im = false; // If image is not JPEG, PNG, or GIF
    if (!$im) {
    // We get errors from PHP's ImageCreate functions...
    // So let's echo back the contents of the actual image.
    readfile ($img);
    } else {
    // Create the resized image destination
    $thumb = @ImageCreateTrueColor ($w, $h);
    // Copy from image source, resize it, and paste to image destination
    @ImageCopyResampled ($thumb, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $sw, $sh);
    // Output resized image
    @ImageJPEG ($thumb);

  7. how do you compute an equation inside a variable?


    $row['equation'] - from database. example content: ORIGINAL_PRICE - (ORIGINAL_PRICE * 0.50)



    define('ORIGINAL_PRICE', 49.97);
    $value = $row['equation'];


    is it possible?


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