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Posts posted by mga_ka_php

  1. 1stly you have to create a form:


    <form action="" method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="name">
    <input type="text" name="age">
    <input type="text" name="hobbies">

    Then in PHP:

    Connect to mysql and db...
    //insert into table
    $sql="insert into personal(name,age)values('$_POST['name']','$_POST['age']')";
    $query=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
    //write the rest for other tables.....


    This is just a basic idea, try to build it for your need.



    additional to this, if your going to use the id of first sql query,

    $sql="insert into personal(name,age)values('$_POST['name']','$_POST['age']')";
    $query=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
    $sql="insert into hobbies(hobbies,personal_id)values('$_POST['hobbies']','$last_id')";
    $query=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());


  2. $myname = $_POST["myname"];
    $mymail = $_POST["mymail"];
    $msubj = $_POST["msubj"];
    $mbody = $_POST["mbody"];
    $mcompany= $_POST["mcompany"]; // INSERT THIS
    $mphone= $_POST["mphone"]; // INSERT THIS
    $fpmanager = popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail dmcnzl@gmail.com","w");
    fputs($fpmanager,"Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n");
    fputs($fpmanager,"From: ". $mymail ."\n");
    fputs($fpmanager,"Subject: Website Enquiry > $msubj");
    fputs($fpmanager,"\n\nMessage Subject > $msubj\n\n"); 
    fputs($fpmanager,"Message Content > \n"); 
    fputs($fpmanager,"$mcompany\n\n");  // INSERT THIS
    fputs($fpmanager,"$mphone\n\n");  // INSERT THIS
    fputs($fpmanager,"\n\nMessage From > $myname ($mymail) \n\n"); 
    fputs($fpmanager,"User IP Address > ". $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ."\n"); 

  3. $name=stripslashes($_POST['name']);
    //Let's start our headers
    $header="MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
    $header.="Content-type: text/html\n";
    $header.="From: Free Form Blister Pack Customer: $name<$email>";
    $message="<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>";
    $message.="</table><br /><br />";
    // send the message
    mail("email address","Contact Form",$message,$headers); 

  4. use mysql_insert_id.


    like this


    $album = clean_full($_POST['album']);

    $artistid = $_POST['artist'];

    $year = (int)($_POST['year']);

    $review =  clean_body($_POST['review']);

    $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];


    $query = "INSERT

      INTO albums


      id = '', // This id will auto-increment in the database but I need to get the number it is assigned

    artist_id = '$artistid',

    title = '$album',

    year = '$year',

    user_id = '$user_id',

    created_at = NOW()




    $result = mysql_query($query);




    $query1 = "INSERT

      INTO reviews


      id = '',

    artist_id = '$artistid',

    album_id = $prev_id // I need to get the id from the previous insert and place it here

    body = '$review',

    user_id = '$user_id',

    created_at = NOW()



    mysql_insert_id() = get the id from the previous sql statement

  5. how do you explode string with two conditions, space and newline?

    i use strtok but i could only use 1 condition

    i cannot use the 2 condition space and newline

    i want to explode a string with if a string has a space and newline?

    how do i do that?


    thanks in advance.

  6. how do i input textarea value to mysql database that will preserve the format?


    if i input a text in textarea


    line one

    line two


    and transfer it to mysql database and retreive it

    the text will look like this


    line one            line two


    it will not put it to the next line.


    thank you.

  7. i used this script but it doesn't work?


    First off, you need to be adjusting your action to reflect the page you're wanting to submit to. Try something like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var myForm = document.forms[0];
    function submitAdd() {
      myForm.action = "users.php?do=add";
    function submitEdit() {
      myForm.action = "users.php?do=edit";
    <a href="#" onclick="return submitAdd();">new</a>
    <a href="#" onclick="return submitEdit();">edit</a>


    Also, I'm moving this to the javascript forum since it has nothing to do with PHP ;)

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