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Posts posted by mga_ka_php

  1. i have this url



    this is my rewrite rule


    RewriteRule ^dvds/search/page/([0-9+])/$ /index2.php


    i could fetch the values of keywords, radius, zip, startdate and enddate


    but i can't get the page number


    if i do this RewriteRule ^dvds/search/page/([0-9+])/$ /index2.php?page=$1


    i could get the page number but i can't get the values of keywords, radius, zip, startdate and enddate


    and if i do this RewriteRule ^dvds/search/page/([0-9+])/(.+)$ /index2.php?page=$1&Keywords=$2


    i get ERROR 404 File not Found


    any suggestions?



  2. from


    $q = "SELECT CONCAT('horse_name, 'user_name') AS info FROM horses WHERE horse_name = $hn";




    $q = "SELECT CONCAT('horse_name, 'user_name') AS info FROM horses WHERE horse_name = '$hn'";


    see the ' at $hn


  3. are you sure the meta didn't work, i use it a lot without a problem.


    if the meta didn't work. move


    // Connects to your Database
    mysql_connect("localhost", "0607197", "12345") or die(mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db("db0607197") or die(mysql_error());
    //Checks if there is a login cookie
    //if there is, it logs you in and directes you to the members page
    $username = $_COOKIE['ID_my_site'];
    $pass = $_COOKIE['Key_my_site'];
    $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = '$username'")or die(mysql_error());
    while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $check )){
    	if ($pass != $info['password']){
    		header("Location: book1.php");
    //if the login form is submitted
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // if form has been submitted
    // makes sure they filled it in
    if(!$_POST['username'] | !$_POST['pass'] | !$_POST['pass'] ) {
    die('<h2><b>You did not fill in a required field.</b><a href="login.php"><font color="#b9c059">Back</a></font></h2>');
    // checks it against the database
    if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $_POST['email'] = addslashes($_POST['email']);
    $check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username = '".$_POST['username']."'")or die(mysql_error());
    //Gives error if user dosen't exist
    $check2 = mysql_num_rows($check);
    if ($check2 == 0) {
    die('<h2>No Such Account. <a href=register.php><font color="#b9c059">Click Here to Register</a></font></h2>');
    while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $check ))
    $_POST['pass'] = stripslashes($_POST['pass']);
    $info['password'] = stripslashes($info['password']);
    $_POST['pass'] = md5($_POST['pass']);
    //gives error if the password is wrong
    if ($_POST['pass'] != $info['password']) {
    die('<h2> Incorrect password, please <a href=login.php><font color="#b9c059">Try again.</a></font>');
    // if login is ok then we add a cookie
    $_POST['username'] = stripslashes($_POST['username']);
    $hour = time() + 3600;
    setcookie(ID_my_site, $_POST['username'], $hour);
    setcookie(Key_my_site, $_POST['pass'], $hour);
    //then redirect them to the members area
    header("Location: book1.php");
    // if they are not logged in


    before <html>


    if your going to use header(), always put that before <html>

  4. Wahey, that works! Only problem is with a trailing slash, /contact/ it gets confused with where the images/css files are - probably because it thinks its a folder.


    Anyway around this?


    Thanks alot! :)


    got the same problem which i'm looking for a solution.

  5. I have a table which contain an ID and Description


    ID  |  Description


    1  |  Number:1033837|#|Date:2009-03-29|#|Canceled:YES....


    Note: the date is within the Description


    Now, what i am trying to achieve is to get all the records less than the current timestamp


    But I don't know how to pullout the date within the description.


    example: SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE  $current_timestamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP( Date in the description column )

  6. what im trying to accomplish is that i have a website which some parts are restricted but users can view that restricted page 5 times.if more than 5, they need to register to access the restricted page.


    But how do i track the returning visitors?


    Currently, i used the ip address, but its not a solution because ip changes.


    how do i accomplish this type of setup?

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