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Everything posted by jvrothjr

  1. I see query string build $update = "UPDATE guestbook SET actual_time='".$_POST['actual_time']."', complete='".$_POST['complete']."', cost='".$_POST['cost']."' WHERE id='$stepid'"; But now execute line? mysql_query($update);
  2. do they have file size limits set of execution time_out set
  3. This way it has to past each step to get to the next check. $len = 1; $name = $_POST['name']; $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $email = $_POST['email']; print "<br />"; if(empty($name)) {echo "The Name field has not been filled out<br>";} else { if(empty($lastname)) {echo "The Last Name field has not been filled out<br>";} else { if(empty($email)) {echo "The E-mail field has not been filled out<br>";} else { echo " thanks for filling out our form" ; } } } [\code]
  4. Place the below text in a file called phpinfo.php then using your localhost/phpinfo.php (place the file in your htdocs root) <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  5. your connected to a T1 say is the server dial-up then your fasted speed will be the dial-up T1 dont mean much at that point. try to ping the server. look at file size limits
  6. $query2_command = "select count(*) from URL where Link = 'www.phpfreaks.com' and month = 'July'"; $CntRecordQuery = mysql_query($query2_command); $Cntvar=mysql_result($CntRecordQuery,0,"count(*)");
  7. It could be your connection time_out if your have a slow connection. or execute time_out
  8. You want to do it on load or as ther user is sitting at the page?
  9. Hay dbo this is to help people No need for that Comment.............................
  10. Would be along the same lines as onclick but onchange.... http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,150505.msg648914.html#msg648914
  11. You could do that with onchange option in the select box in PHP (opps yes sry Java) to stop whole page reload us IFrame (I know FoxFire Blah Blah)
  12. Why not create a thumbnail once Here is a function I use to create a Thumbnail function thumb_jpeg($image_name,$source_path,$destination_path){ //Create Thumbnail $new_width=150; //Image width Change if needed $new_height=150; //Image height Change if needed $destimg=ImageCreate($new_width,$new_height) or die("Problem In Creating image"); $srcimg=ImageCreateFromjpeg($source_path.$image_name) or die("Problem In opening Source Image"); ImageCopyResized($destimg,$srcimg,0,0,0,0,$new_width,$new_height,ImageSX($srcimg),ImageSY($srcimg)) or die("Problem In resizing"); Imagejpeg($destimg,$destination_path.$image_name) or die("Problem In saving"); }
  13. Image[] is an array that hold the file
  14. onclick=form1.submit() echo "<input type=radio name=BatchStatus checked value='Active' onclick=form1.submit()><font size='2'>Active</font>";
  15. You are what you are. Its other people that label it. Hay your having fun and its cool to you how cares..............!
  16. You have to state which field is distinct "select distinct cl.Name from clients cl inner join CompaniesNew co on co.ClientNum = cl.ID where co.Year = '2007' and co.Publish = 'y'"
  17. I have found the more you place on your post and the more complex your question gets the less you get answers. If you have Multi issues start with one then work on to the next one. Because by solving the first it may cause or fix others issues at the same time. Sometimes information is left out by the user and instead of asking for the information I go on to the next question. I mainly use this forum at work so my time as well as others is limited, Thus if it cant be solved in a short time span I'm moving on to that next post. But will come back if I have time. (Kids put a stop to home use lol) Reading and trying to understand the post should not take longer then the solution (Or pointing the user in the right direction) But this is a Great Knowledge Base for information we all just need to query in the right format to find the answe I have post still unsolved and one the pass week that took 3 - 4 months to solved the last one saved me 1500plus lines of code. So it was wearth the wait. But it was a side project for me.
  18. PC_Nerd that is true I have also had to re-write code to get the gremilin out. 182xx try this <?php $g = "SELECT Distinct Id FROM em ORDER BY Id ASC"; $q = mysql_query($g, $link_id) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($q) > 0) { echo "<select name='d'>"; while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { echo "<option value='".$r['Id']."'>".$r['Id']."</option>"; } echo "</select>"; } ?>
  19. could be an issue with the field type. Is the field Char or Int
  20. Yes you can foreach ($one as $value){echo "<input type='checkbox' name='filen[]' value='".$value."' checked>$value<br>";}
  21. its a LAN site only so 100 MB is not an issue Basicly for Test Reporting for the company And yes is into open to the WEB Ftp or limiting the file size to smaller would be best. When they do mass photo uploads I do use FTP for that because they can upload folders at a time, (Active X prorgam)
  22. forget to state what you wish to configure???????????????????????
  23. could be a files size limit. I had to change for apache upload limit. basicly if that is set to say 5mb that would mean that the total of all the file could not be larger then 5mb. I allow up to 5 files at a time and with a 100 MB max file size so my total limit had to be set to 500 MB php.ini ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; File Uploads ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads. file_uploads = On ; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not ; specified). upload_tmp_dir = C:\PHP\uploadtemp ; temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not specified) ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. upload_max_filesize = 2M
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