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Posts posted by Lamez

  1. Personally I quite liked the first one. I can understand why it was getting a hard time here.  On the other hand.... take a look at this site.... http://www.prosperity.ie

    It's not mine.  It is a competitors site.  I didn't think it was any good when I first saw it but they are doing really well and have won awards for it.  The reason... It is so different that you either see it as crap or really good.  I thought it was crap and then I realised how clever they had been.  My mother could navigate the site with no problems and there is no way that you could ever forget it.


    I find that if you stray from more neutral colours it never gets a good response from the webdev community but that does not mean that it is bad.  Unless of course the webdev community are your target audience.  What your target audience think of your design is all that matters.


    If you are happy with the design stick with it.  But there are some really good pointers in here too!


    Thank you!

  2. Seriously? You like the colors? Personally I would close this website as soon as I came to it! Horrible color scheme, bland text, boring layout...etc.


    To improve it I would...


    Create a better layout... the boxes effect looks boring. There's plenty of tutorials & articles out there on how to create nice looking, search engine friendly designs. You could even look at other websites and try to recreate certain parts of it - obviously not just copying it!


    Create a better header image.. Very ugly! Again plenty of tutorials out there for creating images in Photoshop and articles on banner design tips..





    Use a better color scheme.. Use a tool like http://kuler.adobe.com/ to find one!


    Make the font more appealing.. The font as it is now is so plain and dull. No text stands out above the rest... That big chunk of text you have there looks so boring to read - even though I have no idea what it's about.


    All I can say now really.. There's not a great deal to critique!




    lol I explained why some of the stuff is there. I copied the text for some content to see how it would look with long text. The logo is just a place holder to see how it looks with a logo.


    But, thanks for the help. I will take those suggestions and run with them!

  3. Let me explain. I copied the text from some science website, just to have some content. The logo is just a place holder, I think the logo is ugly as poo. The website is going to sell yorkies, don't ask me. I think the over all design is crap. I just need some guidance on creating a better website. Honestly, I thought the colors where great.

  4. Even though Obama is becoming the next President, there is not much he can do. In 1999, 2000, and in 2001, the government had a surplus in money. Bush thought it would be a good idea to send back $400 per independent for every family. Then he created a bill to cut taxes. This bill is special, it cannot be touched or destroyed until it has expired. This bill will not expire until 2010. If this bill did not take place, and we use the surplus of money wisely we might not be in this situation.


    Gotta love Economics!

  5. I have wireless internet at my house. I decided I wanted to my Xbox online. I went out and bought a ethernet switch, but I am boggled on how it works.


    Here is what I am trying to do.


    Bridge my wireless connection to ethernet port. Then plug the ethernet cable from the ethernet port to the switch, then run another cable to the xbox. Well I am not able to connect to the internet with my xbox, am I doing it wrong?


    I use to be able to take a ethernet cable, that is bridge to my wireless connection, to my xbox and it would work wonderfully. The only reason I bought a switch, is so I can view the website hosted on the xbox.


    Any Help?

  6. its clearly a scam i do tend to yell scam alot from craigslist emails to me it seems that most of the emails i get from my post there are all garbage unless i start talks with clients looking for websites in that section there is nothing but crap in there


    Well I have had a few peeps call and ask for my service, but I was not interested.

  7. I posed an ad on crag's list, that says what computer services I can preform. Then I got this e-mail today that says the following:


            --- On Fri, 11/7/08, smith santex <santex_fiath@yahoo.com> wrote:


                From: smith santex <santex_fiath@yahoo.com>

                Subject: Your Servise is Needed


                My name is santex from Tennessee and right now i work in Las Vegas I read your description and am instrested in your services,I just brought some computers and they are are laptops pentium 3 dell computer ..i want you to Install software such as Microsoft Office and Antivirus, clean inner & outer computer components, update software to current status,i have a shipper that will bring them to you and also bring them back when its done he will also come to you with the software and anti virus needed Get back to me with your total cost for the services of eight computer only cos all the software and anti-virus and windows will come with the pcs.i will like You to know that my mode of payment is by check or Money order.

                I await your urgent response so that i can put the arrangement in order.





    But she sent this email to tons of other addresses, I took them out, so then I responded and told 'em I could do it for $60.00 per PC.


    So then they responds with:


    Hello, I really do appreciate your effort and i will Love to do Payment with you soon. However, based on your mail i will be making a payment for the 8Computers.I must confess I'm comfortable with the cost and its quite reasonable and affordable. I had like to make the payment for the Computer ahead of my shipper arrival,My shipper will be coming with the 8Softwares for the installations of the Computers I'll be sending Money Order OR Check for payment for $4100 from which i'll like you to deduct the fees for the 8Computers and help me send the rest balance to my the shipper that will move the Computer from mine place to your for your Service because i will be going on a visit to Nevada today. I will keep you posted of when you are likely to receive the payment. If this is okay with you let me have the following information, Full name, Address & Phone No. for the payment to be made out to you. I hope i can trust you and i can as well be trusted. Hope to hear from you soon. Have a good time.


    This time, she only responded to me, and there was no other emails.


    Should I only give my phone number, and ask to speak with them over the phone rather than email?

  8. Haha, i just got a funny text from a friend of mine, even tho im for obama, its still funny.


    All whites are to report to the cotton fields tomorrow morning for orientation.




    Someone said that in one of my classes today. Did you get that in a text or whatnot?

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