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Posts posted by Lamez

  1. I have never messed around in a mac before, but a computer guy told me that apple's os's are based off of the linux kernal! So it must be good, and that changed my perspective on macs.

  2. I decided to go all out Ubuntu, and run windows in a virtual box! I used VirtualBox, and I installed the guest addons. Now I have my res set to 1440x900, and I cannot tell a difference! :D

  3. I went trick o treating when I was younger, and I was not abused. I just grew out of the holiday. I do not like the scary things everywhere, and people dressed up as stupid things\characters, and going and asking for candy. It does not make any sense to me, what so ever. I just really dislike this holiday. 


    Also, thanks to Thorpe's help, I am now running a Debian Web server w/ Apache, PHP5, MySql, FTP, and Python. With the same machine, a File Share Server w/ Samba, and a SSH! That is where I have been the last couple of days.

  4. She's 22 months.  And we were at an apple orchard getting pumpkins for halloween.


    Of course, buying pumpkins at the apple orchard. LOL. Isn't halloween on the 31st october? I wouldn't know, since we don't celebrate it down under.


    Man, I wish it did not exist. I hate halloween.

  5. ya, the best I learn is when I decide I want to make a website, then you will run into some walls, and once you figured out a plan to build a latter to get over the wall, then you know you can accomplish any task. Build a game website, with a custom CMS.

  6. Well, I have multiple computers at the house, and the original plan was to have a server to host all the music\files, so all the

    windows machines, would have music. So, I was going out to buy a 120gb harddrive for the old box, but my Jeep broke down on the

    way to school. So I might to put it off, unless I can get a ride. Then I might use another old box, someone gave me, to host

    the website. Oh ya, the other box (the one to host the website), only has a 5gb hard drive. So I could use the 120gb, maily for file sharing, and the other box to host the website, since the website does not take up much space.


    I have also done some researching, and debian has a great installer, it has tons of options, and it takes up very little hard drive space.

  7. So I am thinking about turning my old windows 98 machine into a linux server on my windows network. The only problem is, the hard drive(s) equal up to only 2gb. So I might go out and buy a 120gb for the server, and do like thorpe suggested, and download debian, and no desktop. Then config it! Sound good?

    You may ask, "only 120gb, you will need a lot more", well no, I will use the server only for hosting a small website, my music, oh and some other files.

  8. ah, now I got it running, I still get the forbidden error.



    Yes I do believe so, I did exactly like that tutorial!

    total 4
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    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  24 2008-10-18 07:07 S99stop-readahead -> ../init.d/stop-readahead

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