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Posts posted by Lamez

  1. To block everyone from having access to your website, goto www.ipchicken.com, then copy the numbers, and replace the 0 in the code below with the numbers. :D

    $ip = "";
    if($ip != getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")){
    echo "<h1>Go Away!</h1>";


    -Edit: I am sorry, I have a bad habit of interpenetrating the subject\title of the article\question, and assuming what it the problem is. Obviously that code won't help

  2. <?php
       include ("login.php");
       $query = "select * from news";
       $result = mysql_query($query);
          die("could not query the database: <br>" .mysql_error());
       echo "<table><tr><td>Date</td><td>Description</td>";
             echo $rowsql["dates"]."</td>";
             echo  $rowsql["news_desc"]."</td>";
             echo  $rowsql["news_details"]."</td></tr>";


    in your while loop you had one variable, and you called a completely different variable, kinda like you ripped off this code from a tutorial.


  3. 9/10 (<-- made up) on this thread are using windows, including me!


    Linux, lets face it, is really only good for hacking, and hosting.

    Apple's O\S is based on Unix.

    Windows, is wildly know and has tons of software support.


    They all have theirs ups and downs.


    I have also seen a window's website run on a Linux server. I do not remember which one.

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