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Everything posted by amites

  1. From what you are asking here it sounds like you want to hire someone to fix the problem, this forum is aimed towards someone looking to learn, go test some different settings and give us something to work with and you'll find some great help here
  2. welcome to PHP what will probably work most easily is to think of writing out a few lines for how you want to read the message, ex: Name: JOHN DOE Address: 123 FAKE ST etc... then go back and fill in variables to replace the names Name: $_POST['firstname'] $_POST['lastname'] Address: $_POST['address'] etc... now place all that into the $message variable $message = "Name: $_POST['firstname'] $_POST['lastname'] Address: $_POST['address'] etc..."; the key there is the " double quote, which will see those $_POST variables as the value your user sent understand?
  3. given I'm going to need another library, such as GD and probably PDFlib my goal is to make it so that the required libraries can either be included in a distribution, or are standard components
  4. Hello, I have a brain stumper that's been bugging me for a little while now, anyone have a good place to start for importing a PDF file and being able to manipulate it as an image? I'm doing this for someone who's site does not have imagemagick or ghostscript installed making things a little tricker than normal, found a number of people looking for this very thing in this forum and on google, the long term value of this script will be to create thumbnails from PDF files on the fly, if no-one can point me towards a simple solution a good place to dive in would be nice, if I need to write something on my own I'll be publishing it as a Class for the community thank you
  5. take a look at the PHP manual http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.php
  6. have you tried google? all kinds of useful scripts can be found for example: http://www.google.com/search?q=php+upload+email&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  7. once the function is finished anything inside it is gone unless returned, or inside a class
  8. please be more specific in your questioning, no reference for what data is sent, how users are handled etc...
  9. try a Javascript forum or http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=tLi&q=javascript+status+bar&btnG=Search
  10. give this a shot and let me know if you need help with anything specific http://www.google.com/search?q=upload+image+php&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  11. I'm taking a guess here that you want to set multiple values to a single radio button? easiest way would be to echo them out as a comma separated value and then explode on processing, if thats not it, then I'm not sure what your trying to do
  12. thank you, I'd still like to figure out why this isn't working as it was supposedly working on a previous server (so I was told) currently on GoDaddy if it can help anyone this is the class I'm working with /******************************************************************************* Name: Email Description: This class is used for sending emails. These emails can be Plain Text, HTML, or Both. Other uses include file Attachments and email Templates(from a file). Testing: test_email.php3: $mail->setTo("myEmail@yo.com"); $mail->send(); Changelog: Date Name Description ----------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------ 10/21/1999 R.Chambers created 10/31/2002 W. Ladd encode() added for WINDOWS as a replacement for UUENCODE send() enhanced to recognize combination of Text and Atachment formatAttachmentHeader() (64 bit encoding). Line building loop limit changed to <= element count. This picks up the last line of the encoded attachment *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* Issues: no error reporting can only send HTML with TEXT can only send attachements with HTML and TEXT *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* Function Listing: setTo($inAddress) setCC($inAddress) setBCC($inAddress) setFrom($inAddress) setSubject($inSubject) setText($inText) setHTML($inHTML) setAttachments($inAttachments) checkEmail($inAddress) loadTemplate($inFileLocation,$inHash,$inFormat) getRandomBoundary($offset) getContentType() formatTextHeader() formatHTMLHeader() formatAttachmentHeader($inFileLocation) send() *******************************************************************************/ class Email { //---Global Variables var $mailTo = ""; // array of To addresses var $mailCC = ""; // copied recipients var $mailBCC = ""; // hidden recipients var $mailFrom = ""; // from address var $mailSubject = ""; // email subject var $mailText = ""; // plain text message var $mailHTML = ""; // html message var $mailAttachments = ""; // array of attachments /******************************************************************************* Function: setTo($inAddress) Description: sets the email To address Arguments: $inAddress as string separate multiple values with comma Returns: true if set *******************************************************************************/ function setTo($inAddress){ //--split addresses at commas $addressArray = explode(",",$inAddress); //--loop through each address and exit on error for($i=0;$i<count($addressArray);$i++){ if($this->checkEmail($addressArray[$i])==false) return false; } //--all values are OK so implode array into string $this->mailTo = implode($addressArray,","); return true; } /******************************************************************************* Function: setCC($inAddress) Description: sets the email cc address Arguments: $inAddress as string separate multiple values with comma Returns: true if set *******************************************************************************/ function setCC($inAddress){ //--split addresses at commas $addressArray = explode(",",$inAddress); //--loop through each address and exit on error for($i=0;$i<count($addressArray);$i++){ if($this->checkEmail($addressArray[$i])==false) return false; } //--all values are OK so implode array into string $this->mailCC = implode($addressArray,","); return true; } /******************************************************************************* Function: setBCC($inAddress) Description: sets the email bcc address Arguments: $inAddress as string separate multiple values with comma Returns: true if set *******************************************************************************/ function setBCC($inAddress){ //--split addresses at commas $addressArray = explode(",",$inAddress); //--loop through each address and exit on error for($i=0;$i<count($addressArray);$i++){ if($this->checkEmail($addressArray[$i])==false) return false; } //--all values are OK so implode array into string $this->mailBCC = implode($addressArray,","); return true; } /******************************************************************************* Function: setFrom($inAddress) Description: sets the email FROM address Arguments: $inAddress as string (takes single email address) Returns: true if set *******************************************************************************/ function setFrom($inAddress){ if($this->checkEmail($inAddress)){ $this->mailFrom = $inAddress; return true; } return false; } /******************************************************************************* Function: setSubject($inSubject) Description: sets the email subject Arguments: $inSubject as string Returns: true if set *******************************************************************************/ function setSubject($inSubject){ if(strlen(trim($inSubject)) > 0){ $this->mailSubject = ereg_replace("\n","",$inSubject); return true; } return false; } /******************************************************************************* Function: setText($inText) Description: sets the email text Arguments: $inText as string Returns: true if set *******************************************************************************/ function setText($inText){ if(strlen(trim($inText)) > 0){ $this->mailText = $inText; return true; } return false; } /******************************************************************************* Function: setHTML($inHTML) Description: sets the email HMTL Arguments: $inHTML as string Returns: true if set *******************************************************************************/ function setHTML($inHTML){ if(strlen(trim($inHTML)) > 0){ $this->mailHTML = $inHTML; return true; } return false; } /******************************************************************************* Function: setAttachments($inAttachments) Description: stores the Attachment string Arguments: $inAttachments as string with directory included separate multiple values with comma Returns: true if stored *******************************************************************************/ function setAttachments($inAttachments){ if(strlen(trim($inAttachments)) > 0){ $this->mailAttachments = $inAttachments; return true; } return false; } /******************************************************************************* Function: checkEmail($inAddress) Description: checks for valid email Arguments: $inAddress as string Returns: true if valid *******************************************************************************/ function checkEmail($inAddress){ return (ereg( "^[^@ ]+@([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{2}|net|com|gov|mil|org|edu|int)\$",$inAddress)); } /******************************************************************************* Function: Encode($inFileLocation) Description: reads an attachment file and encodes it as MIME compliant base64 Arguments: $inFileLocation as string with relative directory Returns: array of encoded strings (each 76 bytes long) *******************************************************************************/ function Encode($inFileLocation){ if($myFile = fopen($inFileLocation,"rb")){ //--loop through file, line by line $i = 1; while(!feof($myFile)): //--get 57 chars until eof $myLine = fread($myFile,57); //-- each 57 byte string will return a 76 byte encoded string $encoded[$i] = base64_encode($myLine); $i++; endwhile; //--close file fclose($myFile); //--set Mail body to proper format return ($encoded); } return false; } /******************************************************************************* Function: loadTemplate($inFileLocation,$inHash,$inFormat) Description: reads in a template file and replaces hash values Arguments: $inFileLocation as string with relative directory $inHash as Hash with populated values $inFormat as string either "text" or "html" Returns: true if loaded *******************************************************************************/ function loadTemplate($inFileLocation,$inHash,$inFormat){ /* template files have lines such as: Dear ~!UserName~, Your address is ~!UserAddress~ */ //--specify template delimeters $templateDelim = "~"; $templateNameStart = "!"; //--set out string $templateLineOut = ""; //--open template file if($templateFile = fopen($inFileLocation,"r")){ //--loop through file, line by line while(!feof($templateFile)){ //--get 1000 chars or (line break internal to fgets) $templateLine = fgets($templateFile,1000); //--split line into array of hashNames and regular sentences $templateLineArray = explode($templateDelim,$templateLine); //--loop through array for( $i=0; $i<count($templateLineArray);$i++){ //--look for $templateNameStart at position 0 if(strcspn($templateLineArray[$i],$templateNameStart)==0){ //--get hashName after $templateNameStart $hashName = substr($templateLineArray[$i],1); //--replace hashName with acual value in $inHash //--(string) casts all values as "strings" $templateLineArray[$i] = ereg_replace($hashName,(string)$inHash[$hashName],$hashName); } } //--output array as string and add to out string $templateLineOut .= implode($templateLineArray,""); } //--close file fclose($templateFile); //--set Mail body to proper format if( strtoupper($inFormat)=="TEXT" ) return($this->setText($templateLineOut)); else if( strtoupper($inFormat)=="HTML" ) return($this->setHTML($templateLineOut)); } return false; } /******************************************************************************* Function: getRandomBoundary($offset) Description: returns a random boundary Arguments: $offset as integer - used for multiple calls Returns: string *******************************************************************************/ function getRandomBoundary($offset = 0){ //--seed random number generator srand(time()+$offset); //--return md5 32 bits plus 4 dashes to make 38 chars return ("----".(md5(rand()))); } /******************************************************************************* Function: getContentType($inFileName) Description: returns content type for the file type Arguments: $inFileName as file name string (can include path) Returns: string *******************************************************************************/ function getContentType($inFileName){ //--strip path $inFileName = basename($inFileName); //--check for no extension if(strrchr($inFileName,".") == false){ return "application/octet-stream"; } //--get extension and check cases $extension = strrchr($inFileName,"."); switch($extension){ case ".gif": return "image/gif"; case ".gz": return "application/x-gzip"; case ".htm": return "text/html"; case ".html": return "text/html"; case ".jpg": return "image/jpeg"; case ".tar": return "application/x-tar"; case ".txt": return "text/plain"; case ".zip": return "application/zip"; default: return "application/octet-stream"; } return "application/octet-stream"; } /******************************************************************************* Function: formatTextHeader Description: returns a formated header for text Arguments: none Returns: string *******************************************************************************/ function formatTextHeader(){ $outTextHeader = ""; $outTextHeader .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n"; $outTextHeader .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n"; $outTextHeader .= $this->mailText."\n"; return $outTextHeader; } /******************************************************************************* Function: formatHTMLHeader Description: returns a formated header for HTML Arguments: none Returns: string *******************************************************************************/ function formatHTMLHeader(){ $outHTMLHeader = ""; $outHTMLHeader .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\n"; $outHTMLHeader .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n"; $outHTMLHeader .= $this->mailHTML."\n"; return $outHTMLHeader; } /******************************************************************************* Function: formatAttachmentHeader($inFileLocation) Description: returns a formated header for an attachment Arguments: $inFileLocation as string with relative directory Returns: string *******************************************************************************/ function formatAttachmentHeader($inFileLocation){ $outAttachmentHeader = ""; //--get content type based on file extension $contentType = $this->getContentType($inFileLocation); //--if content type is TEXT the standard 7bit encoding if(ereg("text",$contentType)){ //--format header $outAttachmentHeader .= "Content-Type: ".$contentType.";\n"; $outAttachmentHeader .= ' name="'.basename($inFileLocation).'"'."\n"; $outAttachmentHeader .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n"; $outAttachmentHeader .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;\n"; //--other: inline $outAttachmentHeader .= ' filename="'.basename($inFileLocation).'"'."\n\n"; $textFile = fopen($inFileLocation,"r"); //--loop through file, line by line while(!feof($textFile)){ //--get 1000 chars or (line break internal to fgets) $outAttachmentHeader .= fgets($textFile,1000); } //--close file fclose($textFile); $outAttachmentHeader .= "\n"; } //--NON-TEXT use 64-bit encoding else{ //--format header $outAttachmentHeader .= "Content-Type: ".$contentType.";\n"; $outAttachmentHeader .= ' name="'.basename($inFileLocation).'"'."\n"; $outAttachmentHeader .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"; $outAttachmentHeader .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;\n"; //--other: inline $outAttachmentHeader .= ' filename="'.basename($inFileLocation).'"'."\n\n"; /* UNIX -- use uuencode */ //--call uuencode - output is returned to the return array //exec("uuencode -m $inFileLocation nothing_out",$returnArray); /* WINDOWS -- use ENCODE function -- */ $returnArray = $this->Encode($inFileLocation); //--add each line returned for ($i = 1; $i<=(count($returnArray)); $i++){ $outAttachmentHeader .= $returnArray[$i]."\n"; } } return $outAttachmentHeader; } /******************************************************************************* Function: send() Description: sends the email Arguments: none Returns: true if sent *******************************************************************************/ function send(){ //--set mail header to blank $mailHeader = ""; //--add CC if($this->mailCC != "") $mailHeader .= "CC: ".$this->mailCC."\n"; //--add BCC if($this->mailBCC != "") $mailHeader .= "BCC: ".$this->mailBCC."\n"; //--add From if($this->mailFrom != "") $mailHeader .= "FROM: ".$this->mailFrom."\n"; //---------------------------MESSAGE TYPE------------------------------- //--TEXT ONLY if($this->mailText != "" && $this->mailHTML == "" && $this->mailAttachments == ""){ mail($this->mailTo,$this->mailSubject,$this->mailText,$mailHeader); //debug mail header return $mailHeader; } //--HTML AND TEXT else if($this->mailText != "" && $this->mailHTML != "" && $this->mailAttachments == ""){ //--get random boundary for content types $bodyBoundary = $this->getRandomBoundary(); //--format headers $textHeader = $this->formatTextHeader(); $htmlHeader = $this->formatHTMLHeader(); //--set MIME-Version $mailHeader .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; //--set up main content header with boundary $mailHeader .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\n"; $mailHeader .= ' boundary="'.$bodyBoundary.'"'; $mailHeader .= "\n\n\n"; //--add body and boundaries $mailHeader .= "--".$bodyBoundary."\n"; $mailHeader .= $textHeader; $mailHeader .= "--".$bodyBoundary."\n"; //--add html and ending boundary $mailHeader .= $htmlHeader; $mailHeader .= "\n--".$bodyBoundary."--"; //--send message mail($this->mailTo,$this->mailSubject,"",$mailHeader); //debug mail header return $mailHeader; } //--HTML AND TEXT AND ATTACHMENTS else if($this->mailText != "" && $this->mailHTML != "" && $this->mailAttachments != ""){ //--get random boundary for attachments $attachmentBoundary = $this->getRandomBoundary(); //--set main header for all parts and boundary $mailHeader .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n"; $mailHeader .= ' boundary="'.$attachmentBoundary.'"'."\n\n"; $mailHeader .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"; $mailHeader .= "--".$attachmentBoundary."\n"; //--TEXT AND HTML-- //--get random boundary for content types $bodyBoundary = $this->getRandomBoundary(1); //--format headers $textHeader = $this->formatTextHeader(); $htmlHeader = $this->formatHTMLHeader(); //--set MIME-Version $mailHeader .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; //--set up main content header with boundary $mailHeader .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\n"; $mailHeader .= ' boundary="'.$bodyBoundary.'"'; $mailHeader .= "\n\n\n"; //--add body and boundaries $mailHeader .= "--".$bodyBoundary."\n"; $mailHeader .= $textHeader; $mailHeader .= "--".$bodyBoundary."\n"; //--add html and ending boundary $mailHeader .= $htmlHeader; $mailHeader .= "\n--".$bodyBoundary."--"; //--send message //--END TEXT AND HTML //--get array of attachment filenames $attachmentArray = explode(",",$this->mailAttachments); //--loop through each attachment for($i=0;$i<count($attachmentArray);$i++){ //--attachment separator $mailHeader .= "\n--".$attachmentBoundary."\n"; //--get attachment info $mailHeader .= $this->formatAttachmentHeader($attachmentArray[$i]); } $mailHeader .= "--".$attachmentBoundary."--"; mail($this->mailTo,$this->mailSubject,"",$mailHeader); //debug mail header return $mailHeader; } //TEXT AND ATTACHMENTS else if($this->mailText != "" && $this->mailAttachments != ""){ //--get random boundary for attachments $attachmentBoundary = $this->getRandomBoundary(); //--set main header for all parts and boundary $mailHeader .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n"; $mailHeader .= ' boundary="'.$attachmentBoundary.'"'."\n\n"; $mailHeader .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"; $mailHeader .= "--".$attachmentBoundary."\n"; //--TEXT AND Attachments //--get random boundary for content types $bodyBoundary = $this->getRandomBoundary(1); //--format headers $textHeader = $this->formatTextHeader(); //--set MIME-Version $mailHeader .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; //--set up main content header with boundary $mailHeader .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\n"; $mailHeader .= ' boundary="'.$bodyBoundary.'"'; $mailHeader .= "\n\n\n"; //--add body and boundaries $mailHeader .= "--".$bodyBoundary."\n"; $mailHeader .= $textHeader; $mailHeader .= "\n--".$bodyBoundary."--"; //--send message //--END TEXT AND HTML //--get array of attachment filenames $attachmentArray = explode(",",$this->mailAttachments); //--loop through each attachment for($i=0;$i<count($attachmentArray);$i++){ //--attachment separator $mailHeader .= "\n--".$attachmentBoundary."\n"; //--get attachment info $mailHeader .= $this->formatAttachmentHeader($attachmentArray[$i]); } $mailHeader .= "--".$attachmentBoundary."--"; echo '<div>'.$this->mailTo ."<br><br>\n\n".$this->mailSubject."<br><br>\n\n".$mailHeader.'</div>'; mail($this->mailTo,$this->mailSubject,"",$mailHeader); return $mailHeader; } return false; } } /*========================================================================================*/ /* END OF EMAIL CLASS */ /*=======================================================================================*/
  13. something like a foreach loop foreach ($app as $row) { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"reminders[]\" value=\"".$row['val']."\">"; } ???
  14. try dumping the results and see what shows up
  15. not going to bump this again, just getting frustrated trying to figure out why it's bugging out on me, I know it's something ridiculously simple
  16. what's the code look like? there are very few mind readers on this board
  17. what kind of error are you getting? try throwing this in there after $result=curl_exec($crl) if (curl_errno($result) != 0) //CURL error { echo "<hr><br>\n"; echo 'Errors: '.curl_errno($result).' '.curl_error($result).'<BR><BR>'; echo "<hr><br>\n"; }
  18. hard to follow the specifics of what your looking for without more code to look at, one thought would be to set a marker on your site so that you have a 3rd option for stocking 0 = not in stock 1 = in stock 2 = site update just a thought
  19. Having trouble finding a button to mark a topic solved, is my eye sight going or has that been removed?
  20. THANK YOU FENWAY!! seems to be those little obvious syntax errors that take me the longest to find
  21. I'm attempting to fix someones script the end of it uses an email class to send off a message with attachment, when I run it I get Warning: mail(): Bad parameters to mail() function, mail not sent. in /home/content/h/o/t/hotjobs/html/eden/test/return.php on line 1248 line 1248 looks like mail($this->mailTo,$this->mailSubject,"",$mailHeader); simple enough, the data being passed to it: $this->mailTo = paypal_1212457747_per@mitesdesign.com $this->mailSubject = FREE ALCOHOL RECIPES and $mailHeader gets rather long, so I'll ask here any ideas? FROM: staff@starbay.com Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----ed81347417ad3f673101803677e6b160" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------ed81347417ad3f673101803677e6b160 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----19a417732b7030a475ce241574f12466" ------19a417732b7030a475ce241574f12466 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN HOME BREW. This report is presented as information only. The author is not responsible if this recipe is so pleasing that you drink the brew excessively. The necessary ingredients are usually available from most markets, and the bottle capper and caps may be found at most hardware stores. You will also need a crock, about 10 gallons and a hydrometer of the type designed for brewing. The purpose of the hydrometer is to determine when the sugar content of the mix is less than 1%. It will float on top of the mix for about 3 or 4 days, and when it sinks you are ready to bottle the brew. You will need a collection of empty bottles - the quart size is best. Be sure they are SUPER clean. Ingredients: Malt-2 cups, Sugar-5 cups, Yeast-1 tbsp,Water-3 gallons. For a darker color add more malt. For stronger flavor add more sugar and a small amount of brewer's hops. The BEST flavor, at least to the author is to use 3 cups of superfine sugar and 3 cups of brown sugar. This gives about 18% by volume - 36 proof. Heat about 2 quarts of water and dissolve the malt syrup. Add the sugar to the mix slowly and stir until dissolved. Let the mix boil for several minutes then pour into crock and add the balance of water. If you use hops wrap them in a cheese cloth and hang it in the mix. Wait about three hours and skim off foam. Place the hydrometer in the mix and from this point on keep your eye on it. It will sink in about three days or so and you are ready to bottle. The best way to bottle is a small siphon hose. Try NOT to disturb the mix. Slowly place the hose about one inch from the bottom and start the siphon action. As each bottle is filled about one inch from the top, pinch the hose to stop the flow and then release and fill the next bottles and let them age - at least 10 days and 30 days is better. The very best flavor comes after about 3 months. If you are smart - start another batch immediately as you will want to start drinking the first one almost immediately. And remember - Don t Blame Me If You Drink Too Much! How To Make Alcohol............................ go here for still. http://www.jerryeden.com/still/ST45526918.html Please download and PRINT your plans ASAP, as we are going to password protect the page. Thank You Staff ------19a417732b7030a475ce241574f12466-- ------ed81347417ad3f673101803677e6b160 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Liqueur%20Recipes.doc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Liqueur%20Recipes.doc" IEplbGwtTyB3aXRoIFZvZGthIGluIGl0IA0NICAgICAxLiBSdW4gdG8gdGhlIHN0b3JlIGFuZCBi dXkgeW91cnNlbGYgYSBnb29kIHN1cHBseSBvZiBwbGFzdGljIHNob3QNICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgZ2xhc3NlcyBvciBzbWFsbCBEaXhpZSBjdXBzIHdpbGwgZG8uDSAgICBCZWZvcmUg eW91IGxlYXZlIHRoZSBzdG9yZSwgYnV5IGEgZmV3IGJveGVzIG9mIHlvdXIgZmF2b3JpdGUgZmxh dm9ycw0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBvZiBKZWxsLU8uIA0N ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDIuIFBpY2sgdXAgYSBib3R0bGUgb2YgeW91ciBmYXZvcml0ZSB2 b2RrYS4gDQ0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIDMuIE9uY2UgeW91IGdldCBo b21lLA0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIGJvaWwgc29tZSB3YXRlciB0byBtYWtlIHRoZSBKZWxs LU8gd2l0aC4NDSAgICA0LiBBcnJhbmdlIHRoZSBzaG90IGdsYXNzZXMgb3IgRGl4aWUgY3VwcyBv biBhIHRyYXkgdGhhdCB5b3UgY2FuIGZpdA0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg aW50byB5b3VyIHJlZnJpZ2VyYXRvci4gDQ0gICAgIDUuIEdldCBhIG1lYXN1cmluZyBjdXAgYW5k IHBvdXIgaW4gb25lIGN1cCBvZiBib2lsaW5nIHdhdGVyIGludG8NICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgYSBtaXhpbmcgYm93bC4gDSAgICBQb3VyIHRoZSB3YXRlciBpbnRv IHRoZSBib3dsIHdpdGggb25lIGJveCBvZiBKZWxsLU8gcG93ZGVyIGluIGl0Lg0gICAgICAgICAg U3RpciB0aGUgY29udGVudHMgdGlsbCB0aGUgcG93ZGVyIGlzIGNvbXBsZXRlbHkgZGlzc29sdmVk Lg0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIFNldCBhc2lkZSB0aWxsIGNvb2wu DSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgKGlmIGl0cyBob3QgdGhlIGFsY29ob2wgd2lsbCBldmFwb3JhdGUgZnJv bSB0aGUgamVsbG8pDQ0gICAgICAgIDYuIE1lYXN1cmUgb3V0IG9uZSBjdXAgb2Ygdm9ka2EgYW5k IHBvdXIgaXQgaW50byB0aGUgbGlxdWlkDSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgSmVsbC1PLg0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgTWFrZSBzdXJlIHRvIG1peCB3ZWxsLiBQ b3VyIGludG8gdGhlIHNob3QgY3Vwcy4NDSAgICA3LiBQb3VyIHRoZSBtaXh0dXJlIGludG8gdGhl IGN1cHMgc28gdGhhdCB0aGV5IGFyZSBhYm91dCAxLzIgdG8gMy80DSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBmdWxsLg0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgUHV0IHRo ZSB0cmF5IG9mIHNob3RzIGludG8gdGhlIHJlZnJpZ2VyYXRvci4gDSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgIEFsbG93IHRoZSBtaXh0dXJlIGVub3VnaCB0aW1lIHRvIHNldC4gDSAgICBSRU1FTUJFUjog V2l0aCBWb2RrYSBpbiB0aGUgbWl4dHVyZSBpdCB3aWxsIHRha2UgbG9uZ2VyIHRoYW4NICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICB1c3VhbCB0byBzZXQuIA0gICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIFByb3ZpZGUgc3Bvb25zIHRvIHlvdXIgZ3Vlc3RzLiANICAgICBJZiB5 b3UgZmVlbCBsaWtlIGJlaW5nIGNyZWF0aXZlIHlvdSBjYW4gcHV0IGEgbGl0dGxlIHdoaXBwZWQg Y3JlYW0NICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIG9uIHRvcCBvZiB0aGUgc2hv dC4NDSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgUmVtZW1iZXI6IFRoZXJlIGlzIGFsd2F5cyByb29tIGZvciBK ZWxsLU8hIA0NICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBBIGdyZWF0IHZhcmlhdGlvbiBp cyB0byB1c2UgDSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBUZXF1aWxhIGFuZCBsZW1vbiBvciBs aW1lIEplbGxvDQ0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIFF1aWNrIGhp bnQ6IA0gICAgICB0ZXN0IHRoZSBzdHJlbmd0aCBvZiB0aGUgbWl4dHVyZSBiZWZvcmUgeW91IGdv IGNyYXp5IG1ha2luZyA1MA0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIGRv ei4gb2YgdGhlc2UuDSAgICAgVGhlcmUgaXMgcmVhbGx5IG5vdGhpbmcgbW9yZSB1bi1wbGVhc2Fu dCB0aGFuIGEgSmVsbC1PIHNob3QgdGhhdA0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg dGFzdGVzIGxpa2UgcHVyZSBWb2RrYS4NICAgICAgICAgICAgIFVubGVzcyB5b3UgbGlrZSB0aGF0 IHRhc3RlIGFuZCBpbiB0aGF0IGNhc2UgaXQncyBPa2F5LiANDQ0NDQ0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICBSdXNzaWFuIFF1YWFsdWRlIA0NICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICBUaGlzIHF1YWFsdWRlIGlzIG5vdCBvbmx5IGxlZ2FsLA0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgYnV0 IGEgcmF0aGVyIHBsZWFzYW50IHdheSB0byBwYXNzIHRoZSB0aW1lLg0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgVGFrZSBhIHJvY2tzIGdsYXNzLA0gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgYWRkIHRoZSByb2NrcywNICAgICBwb3VyIGluIGVxdWFsIHBhcnRz this goes on for a while... bmQgbm90IHRvIHlpZWxkLg0NDQ1FTkpPWSEhISE= ------ed81347417ad3f673101803677e6b160--
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