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Posts posted by hcdarkmage

  1. Yellow!  My name is not important (or is it ;D).  I am a new member (started today), and have been coding for about 6 months.  I was thrown into it after (*name removed for the sake of keeping my sanity*), the company's regular programmer, left.

    I am a learn-as-you-go type personality and love to learn through books and hands-on experience (was never much one for sitting in a classroom for hours listening to lectures :P).

    I am 29, soon to be 30. Married 5 years and have 2 boys (no more, thank you very much!).

    And I only know 2 languages - bad English and worserer English.  Thank goodness for spell check!

    Looking forward to helping and receiving help in this forum.
  2. You would think this would be easy.  I have a problem getting my variables to insert into the HTML page that requests them.

    I am trying to make 9 "dealers" randomize into 6 "slots" and take another 5 "dealers" to randomize into 2 "slots".  The output should look like this: http://wilsonelectronics.com/Dealer.php (the BUY NOW section).


    This is the code I am using (with comments to explain):

    // BUY NOW! Dealers. Create the Function
    function BuyNow($dealer, $web, $site, $rank){
    // Define the variables $dealer, $web, $site and $rank	
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer1', 'web1', 'http://www.site1.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer2', 'web2', 'http://www.site2.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer3', 'web3', 'http://www.site3.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer4', 'web4', 'http://www.site4.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer5', 'web5', 'http://www.site5.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer6', 'web6', 'http://www.site6.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer7', 'web7', 'http://www.site7.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer8', 'web8', 'http://www.site8.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer9', 'web9', 'http://www.site9.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer10', 'web10', 'http://www.site10.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer11', 'web11', 'http://www.site11.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer12', 'web12', 'http://www.site12.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer13', 'web13', 'http://www.site13.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer14', 'web14', 'http://www.site14.com', '0');
    // Define Plug in Variables
    $New['dealer'] = $dealer;
    $New['web'] = $web;
    $New['site'] = $site;
    return $New;
    // Randomize the array	
    return $New;
    // Make a block
    $Tpl->MergeBlock('New', $New);
    // Separation of dealers
    if($rank = 1){
    	$Top = $New[];
    	$Bottom = $New[];
    // Make Blocks 'Top' and 'Bottom'
    $Tpl->MergeBlock('Top', $Top);
    $Tpl->MergeBlock('Bottom', $Bottom);


    I used the $rank variable to define the value of the dealer, since the rank may change every month or so.  Can anyone explain to me why I can't get the blocks 'Top' and 'Bottom' to plug into the HTML file?  I get these results http://wilsonelectronics.com/Dealer3.php.


    Please help  ???

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