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Posts posted by hcdarkmage

  1. I do not tend to offend thee, my friend.  But it seems that someone has a bee in their bonnet.
      And if I can ever remember who told me that I will edit the post and give credit where credit is do.


    I cannot say that all engineers are like the one I have to deal with.  As a matter of fact, I think engineers are the backbone of everything.  This particular engineer (IMO) should not have the title.  He has a tendency to cause more problems than solve.


    I also agree that this forum has helped solve a lot of questions that I have run into during my limited time in coding.  I started looking into this forum when I started (about a year ago) and joined when I thought I understood how I could help.  I also hope that my help is help and not annoyance.  Hey, it happens.


    Opinions are like assholes... everyone's got one. - Art Blakey


    I started this thread to point out that not every one will receive an answer.  But I do hope that the arrow, when given advice, does not point to hell.  All-in-all, I thank those who respond and try to help those that are willing to learn.  I also thank those who like to learn how to become better coders.


    Now class . . . the essay for today is about . . .

  2. I think (IMO) that the blue you are using is a little too sharp for the white.  You could try using a lighter shade of blue, an off-white, or even a dull gray (not necessarily in that order).  Take a look at the grayish color that is used in the forum background.  It is soft enough to be pleasing and all the text is legible.  Tone down the blue text to a softer hue.


    A work in progress is just that, progress.

  3. I am loving these replies.  It seems that in most cases, a lot of people (myself included) are not sure how to phrase the question in a proper manor to get the replies they want.  In my case "Guru" here does need to get his stuck-up nose out of his . . . *Ahem* . . . sorry, rambling.  The supposed web guru at my company believes that he is above everyone else because he hold who-knows how many degrees.  Plus he is an engineer.  he just doesn't have time for "petty problems."


    I like the people in this forum.  If they can help, they will.  If they can't, they don't interfere.  I have been in a forum where they start flame wars if you don't have the answer right away (pathetic and annoying).


    Time is a luxury I do have.  My boss can scream all he likes, but if I am not to fix the problem, he can make the "Guru" fix it.  But I ask in these forums because, as a beginner, I would like to grow and see how far I can get helping people and learning on the way.


    . . . All right class, pencils down.  The next test will begin after recess.

  4. As being that this is actually my first attempt at creating the code for templates, I don't believe that it is "as-is".  i have been going through the code that our company uses to create the full "Dealer Locater", which was created, by hand, by the coder that preceded me.  i did not have the opportunity to learn through him his coding methods, but by seeing his code and copying the bits and pieces that made sense, I was able to create what I thought would be a working solution.


    I was reading through the various manuals (and I mean various as in numerous) and they all say that to call the function in the HTML you use it like:

    . . .snip 
    <td class="titleInfo"><div align="center" class="style10">Locations
                            found close to <strong>[var.Zip]</strong>.</div></td>
                        <td class="titleInfo"><table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
                            <td class="titleInfo">[Dealers;block=tr;serial] [Dealers_1;block=td]
                              <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">
                                              <td><span class="style13">[Dealers_1.DealerName;]</span></td>
                                              <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
                                                    <td class="style11">[Dealers_1.Address1]
                                                    <td class="style11">[Dealers_1.City],
                                                      [Dealers_1.State] [Dealers_1.Postal]
                                                  <tr> . . . snip

    and it works okay for what the other coder did, but I can't seem to get mine to work in the same context.  I know I'm missing something, but what?  ???

  5. I was going through my problem post the other day and noticed that a lot of people like to look but not touch, and I started to think that maybe my problem was bigger than I thought.  It was a simple enough design that, in theory, should work without any hitches.  Phaaa (pfaw, pppth, shaw, whatever).  Apparently the powers that be (my boss) seems to think that a moderately beginning coder can figure out how to make the web downloadable (small joke ;D).


    Any how, after coming back to check the replies on my post I notice that it seems like people get either tired or stumped and don't know how to tell you that your problem is bigger than you make it out to be. 


    I tell my boss that it is in progress, he tells me to get help from our "company web guru".  So I ask "Guru" for help.  He brushes me off, says, "I'll check it out," and walks his merry little butt back down to his cubical to ignore me.


    How is one to learn if one is not willing to teach?


    I understand that when you post to forums you are not going to get an answer immediately.  Heck, you may not receive an answer at all.  But if you have a person that is in the same company, labeled as a supposed "guru", that is unwilling to help you solve your problems, what do you do?  I had hoped he would take me under his wing, show me what he was doing and teach me what I did wrong.  Even in school the teachers at least point out the questions you have wrong answers to.


    Alas, this is but the rambling of a coder who was dumped into the middle of a never ending battle.  I would like to express my appreciation to the ones who had responded to my problem (though not yet solved), and say that it is an honor to be a part of a forum that understands where you are coming from.  Everyone needs help every now and then, and I hope to be a helpful person and not a hinderer.


    Any questions or comments? . . . Class you may now begin your essays . . .

  6. Here we go.  I made the errors disappear, but I am still getting no where with the plug in portion of the code.  My new 'Funct/buynow.php' file looks like:

    // Create a class
    class BuyNow{
    	var $dealer;
    	var $web;
    	var $site;
    	var $rank;
    // Create the Function
    function BuyNow($dealer, $web, $site, $rank){
    // Define the variables $dealer, $web, $site and $rank	
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer1', 'web1', 'http://www.site1.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer2', 'web2', 'http://www.site2.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer3', 'web3', 'http://www.site3.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer4', 'web4', 'http://www.site4.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer5', 'web5', 'http://www.site5.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer6', 'web6', 'http://www.site6.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer7', 'web7', 'http://www.site7.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer8', 'web8', 'http://www.site8.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer9', 'web9', 'http://www.site9.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer10', 'web10', 'http://www.site10.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer11', 'web11', 'http://www.site11.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer12', 'web12', 'http://www.site12.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer13', 'web13', 'http://www.site13.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer14', 'web14', 'http://www.site14.com', '0');
    // Separation of dealers
    if($rank = 1){
    	$Top[] = $New;
    	$Bottom[] = $New;
    // Define Plug in Variables
    $Top['dealer'] = $dealer;
    $Top['web'] = $web;
    $Top['site'] = $site;
    return $Top;
    $Bottom['dealer'] = $dealer;
    $Bottom['web'] = $web;
    $Bottom['site'] = $site;
    return $Bottom;
    $Tpl = new clsTinyButStrong ;
    // Make Blocks 'Top' and 'Bottom'
    $Tpl->MergeBlock('Top', $Top);
    $Tpl->MergeBlock('Bottom', $Bottom);


    My 'Dealer3.php' file is:

    define('RelativePath', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
    $RootPath = './';
    $Num = rand(1,12);
    $Img = ''.$Num.'';
    	if ($Img<=4){
    		$Sboost = 'ViewProduct.php?ID=123';
    	}elseif ($Img>=9){
    		$Sboost = 'Misc.php?Page=AboutUs';
    		$Sboost = 'ViewProduct.php?ID=126';
    $SubTemp = 'Templates/Body/Dealer/Form3.htm';
    $Top = new BuyNow;
    $Bottom = new BuyNow;
    $Locator = new DealerLocator;
    $ReqArray['FirstName'] = '';
    $ReqArray['LastName'] = '';
    $ReqArray['Phone'] = '';
    $ReqArray['Zip'] = '';
    $ReqArray['Email'] = '';
    if(sizeof($_POST) > 0)
    	foreach($_POST as $Key => $Value)
    		$$Key = $Value;
    	foreach($ReqArray as $Key => $Value)
    		$$Key = $Value;
    $Error = $Locator->Failed;
    $Error = '';
    	$SubTemp = 'Templates/Body/Dealer/Disp3.htm';
    	$RemReq = $Locator->RemReq;	
    $Tpl = new clsTinyButStrong ;
    $Tpl->LoadTemplate('Templates/Main/index.htm') ;
    	$Tpl->MergeBlock('Dealers', $Locator->Dealers);


    And of course the HTML page that it should plug into:

    <td width="90%">[Top;block=td]
                  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
                      <td><span class="style13">[Top_1.dealer]</span></a></td>
                      <td><a href="[Top_1.site]" onclick="window.location = '[Top_1.site]';" style="display: block; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none;">[Top_1.web]</a></td>
                  <hr />
                    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
                        <td><span class="style13">[Top_2.dealer]</span></a></td>
                        <td><a href="[Top_2.site]" onclick="window.location = '[Top_2.site]';" style="display: block; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none;">[Top_2.web]</a></td>
                    <hr />


    Can anyone tell me why they are not plugging into the HTML file and how I can fix it?  I am officially pulling out my hair.  I am going to attempt to get the plug in variable in the HTML file working before I try to randomize them (baby steps).  Please help!  ??? ??? ???

  7. All righty.  This is starting to haunt me even more.  I have been trying to figure this out for quite a while, and I don't seem to be making any headway.  Every time I try to input the argument into the 'Dealer.php' file I get error messages:

     . . .
    $SubTemp = 'Templates/Body/Dealer/Form3.htm';
            $Top = new BuyNow;
            $Bottom = new BuyNow;
    $Locator = new DealerLocator;
    $ReqArray['FirstName'] = '';
    $ReqArray['LastName'] = '';
    $ReqArray['Phone'] = '';
    $ReqArray['Zip'] = '';
    $ReqArray['Email'] = '';
    if(sizeof($_POST) > 0) . . .

    The error messages are:

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for buynow() in /home/content/w/i/l/wilsonelectron/html/Funct/buynow.php on line 10

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for buynow() in /home/content/w/i/l/wilsonelectron/html/Funct/buynow.php on line 10

    Warning: Missing argument 3 for buynow() in /home/content/w/i/l/wilsonelectron/html/Funct/buynow.php on line 10

    Warning: Missing argument 4 for buynow() in /home/content/w/i/l/wilsonelectron/html/Funct/buynow.php on line 10

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: buynow() in /home/content/w/i/l/wilsonelectron/html/Funct/buynow.php on line 13


    All the code is posted in my first post and I can't see what I am doing wrong.  Please help.


    If more information is needed, just ask I will offer what I can.

  8. I think some of the information in the profile should be omitted (especially the attracted to).  The header is attractive and simple.  I like that.  The homepage has some flaws (the class years).  As it is a work in progress, it isn't half bad.

  9. I've been there!  The picture seems to be a little to crooked.  It looks like you were standing on a slope and didn't adjust for the angle.


    As to what businessman332211 said, the banner could use a little less fade.


    The links go no where, except the season pass one.  I don't know if that was intentional or if you are working on the site.  The bottom navigation bar (Home Camping Contact Us) could use a little more character.  Try 'Home • Camping • Contact Us' or even 'Home | Camping | Contact Us' to let people now that it is a navigational source.


    Your information is a little crowded.  Space out the information by using bullet point to show the attractions.  You could also make them into links so that people can click on the attraction and see what it is.


    Other than that, it isn't half bad.

  10. I think the northern lights background is alright, but the Blue and Green seem to scream "I need help".  Try containing the northern lights to your header.  Use a plain background for your main area and a light color for your nav bar.  OR contain the northern lights background to your main area, fade it back to about 75% opacity (so as to not be distracting) and use bold colors for your header and nav bar.

  11. Actually . . . I do not.  Where would I define it?  I usually do small fixings in the code and this is my first time actually trying to get it to do something.  The 3 main files I use are displayed.  Would I define the BuyNow function in the 'Funct/buynow.php' file or the 'Dealer3.php' file?  I don't think I would define it in the HTML file ('Templates/Body/Dealer/Form3.htm').  Then again I have been wrong before. ;)

  12. I have a problem with my input variables.  I am not entirely sure why they don't input the way I ask them to.  In my HTML file I set up the call variables [something.info], but my code is not placing them.  I have gone through the documentation that I have found (not understanding all of it), and still can't quite put my finger on the problem.


    I created this PHP file ('Funct/buynow.php):

    define('RelativePath', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
    // Create a class
    class BuyNow{
    // Create the Function
    function BuyNow($dealer, $web, $site, $rank){
    // Define the variables $dealer, $web, $site and $rank	
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer1', 'web1', 'http://www.site1.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer2', 'web2', 'http://www.site2.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer3', 'web3', 'http://www.site3.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer4', 'web4', 'http://www.site4.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer5', 'web5', 'http://www.site5.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer6', 'web6', 'http://www.site6.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer7', 'web7', 'http://www.site7.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer8', 'web8', 'http://www.site8.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer9', 'web9', 'http://www.site9.com', '1');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer10', 'web10', 'http://www.site10.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer11', 'web11', 'http://www.site11.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer12', 'web12', 'http://www.site12.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer13', 'web13', 'http://www.site13.com', '0');
    	$New[] = BuyNow('dealer14', 'web14', 'http://www.site14.com', '0');
    // Define Plug in Variables
    $New['dealer'] = $dealer;
    $New['web'] = $web;
    $New['site'] = $site;
    return $New;
    // Randomize the array	
    return $New;
    // Separation of dealers
    if($rank = 1){
    	$Top[] = $New;
    	$Bottom[] = $New;
    // Define $Top nad $Bottom
    $Top = new BuyNow;
    $Bottom = new BuyNow;
    $Tpl = new clsTinyButStrong ;
    // Make Blocks 'Top' and 'Bottom'
    $Tpl->MergeBlock('Top', $Top);
    $Tpl->MergeBlock('Bottom', $Bottom);


    I showed that it needs to be included in this file (Dealer3.php):

    define('RelativePath', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
    $RootPath = './';
    $Num = rand(1,12);
    $Img = ''.$Num.'';
    	if ($Img<=4){
    		$Sboost = 'ViewProduct.php?ID=123';
    	}elseif ($Img>=9){
    		$Sboost = 'Misc.php?Page=AboutUs';
    		$Sboost = 'ViewProduct.php?ID=126';
    $SubTemp = 'Templates/Body/Dealer/Form3.htm';
    $Locator = new DealerLocator;
    $ReqArray['FirstName'] = '';
    $ReqArray['LastName'] = '';
    $ReqArray['Phone'] = '';
    $ReqArray['Zip'] = '';
    $ReqArray['Email'] = '';
    if(sizeof($_POST) > 0)
    	foreach($_POST as $Key => $Value)
    		$$Key = $Value;
    	foreach($ReqArray as $Key => $Value)
    		$$Key = $Value;
    $Error = $Locator->Failed;
    $Error = '';
    	$SubTemp = 'Templates/Body/Dealer/Disp3.htm';
    	$RemReq = $Locator->RemReq;	
    $Tpl = new clsTinyButStrong ;
    $Tpl->LoadTemplate('Templates/Main/index.htm') ;
    	$Tpl->MergeBlock('Dealers', $Locator->Dealers);


    But it doesn't plug the variables into this file (Templates/Body/Dealer/Form3.htm):


    <td width="90%">[Top;block=td]
                  <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
                      <td><span class="style13">[Top_1.dealer]</span></a></td>
                      <td><a href="[Top_1.site]" onclick="window.location = '[Top_1.site]';" style="display: block; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none;">[Top_1.web]</a></td>
                  <hr />
                    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
                        <td><span class="style13">[Top_2.dealer]</span></a></td>
                        <td><a href="[Top_2.site]" onclick="window.location = '[Top_2.site]';" style="display: block; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none;">[Top_2.web]</a></td>
                    <hr />



    Any suggestions into what it is exactly I am doing wrong?  If you need more information, I can and will give it to you.  As for what this is supposed to do,  It is supposed to take x amount of dealers and place them in y amount of slots acording to their rank.  Here is a reference to what it should look like: http://wilsonelectronics.com/Dealer.php (the BUY NOW section).


    Thanks for any and all help.

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