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Posts posted by tmallen

  1. I set a pretty global variable ($base) that defines the site root. Very useful with my includes. My only problem is using this URL prefix in include() arguments. Example:

    $base = '/mybaseurl/';
    include($base . 'includes/header.php');

    I've tried smushing $base in there in many different ways, and I ALWAYS get errors. How can I fit $base into this sort of statement?

  2. It has everything to do with PHP. The "/" indicating the site root is completely up to PHP. PHP could define "/" to mean anything it wants, and a programmer should be able to control where "/" points...that's the reason for my skepticism.

  3. Which is really no better than adding "/clientA" to every absolute root URL and using a site-wide Replace to wipe it out later. I wish there were another way, and it defies reason that PHP doesn't provide a way to set a non-global site root for a specific script or set of scripts.

  4. Yes, it does. But imagine:

    (1) I have my portfolio website. This is the only one where a URL like "/images/logo.png" would work, because I store this site in the public_html folder, which my server has set as the root.


    (2) I have many websites for clients. When I deploy on their server, "/images/logo.png" will work fine for their site, but right now I have it located on my server at "/clientA/images/logo.png". However, for the Header include, I'd like to have <img src="/images/logo.png" />. If I do that, it will point to my website's logo, and not theirs.


    (3) I'd like their site root to be located not at public_html/, but at public_html/clientA/ so that I can easily deploy/migrate.

  5. I'm a freelance web designer and I've begun to use PHP extensively for my clients' websites. A problem I run into is the consistent use of "/" for the site root. My server thinks that that refers to public_html/, meaning I can't test a site with "/" used to recognize the site root if I'm, say, one directory deep. How can I have a specific website recognize its own base folder as the site root? I imagine that in PHP, without touching Apache config files, there's a way to set a new site root, I just don't know how. :( :( :(

  6. When I put a newline (\n) into my strings which are later passed onto the $body variable, I actually see the literal "\n" in the email. The same goes for HTML code. Here's my code, note that the indentation looks off but is logical in my document:

    <?php # Mail Script v1.0 by {me}
    $to			= 'my email address;
    $subject 	= 'Request for more information';
    $mailheaders= 'From: Client's name-Website';
    // Grab the form and assign to variables
    $name		=	$_REQUEST['fName'] .' '. $_REQUEST['lName'];
    $email		=	$_REQUEST['email'];
    $company	=	$_REQUEST['company'];
    $address1	=	$_REQUEST['address1'];
    $address2	=	$_REQUEST['address2'];
    $city		=	$_REQUEST['city'];
    $state		=	$_REQUEST['state'];
    $zip		=	$_REQUEST['zipCode'];
    $phone		=	$_REQUEST['phone'];
    $about		=	$_REQUEST['contactAbout'];
    // Send the mail
    $body = '<div style="font: 10pt arial; color: #333;">'.
    		'<p>Someone has requested information from the website.</p>'.
    		'<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="font-size: 10pt;">'.
    			'<tr><th align="left">Name:</th>		<td> '.$name.' </td></tr>' . 
    			'<tr><th align="left">Email:</th>		<td> '.$email.' </td></tr>'.
    			'<tr><th align="left">Company:</th>		<td> '.$company.' </td></tr>'.
    			'<tr><th align="left">Address:</th>		<td> '.$address1.' </td></tr>'.
    			'<tr><th align="left">Address 2:</th>	<td> '.$address2.' </td></tr>'.
    			'<tr><th align="left">City:</th>		<td> '.$city.' </td></tr>'.
    			'<tr><th align="left">State:</th>		<td> '. $state.' </td></tr>'.
    			'<tr><th align="left">Zip:</th>			<td> '.$zip.' </td></tr>'.
    			'<tr><th align="left">Phone:</th>		<td> '.$phone.' </td></tr>'.
    			'<tr><th align="left">Regarding:</th>	<td> '.$about.' </td></tr>'.
    mail ($to, $subject, $body, $mailheaders);
    header("Location: ../thanks.php");

    And the results:

    <div style="font: 10pt arial; color: #333;"><p>Someone has requested information from the website.</p><table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="font-size: 10pt;"><tr><th align="left">Name:</th> <td> my name </td></tr><tr><th align="left">Email:</th> <td> my email </td></tr><tr><th align="left">Company:</th> <td> my company  </td></tr><tr><th align="left">Address:</th> <td>  </td></tr><tr><th align="left">Address 2:</th> <td>  </td></tr><tr><th align="left">City:</th> <td>  </td></tr><tr><th align="left">State:</th> <td> Virginia </td></tr><tr><th align="left">Zip:</th> <td>  </td></tr><tr><th align="left">Phone:</th> <td>  </td></tr><tr><th align="left">Regarding:</th> <td>  </td></tr></table></div>

    Why is this? What am I doing wrong here?

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