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Everything posted by revraz

  1. I LOL'd for real on that.
  2. So did you need help in setting the cookie? Also, you should consider using CSS to get rid of all that formating in your code.
  3. Replace your first code with the new code.
  4. This what I would try first, to me it just makes it easier to read and follow. Take all that HTML at the top and remove it from the PHP tags. There is no reason to echo all that. Make your PHP Code up top and your HTML form after your PHP Code (in HTML and not inside PHP).
  5. I wouldn't say Most users, but I would say a good 20-30% would have their ip address change each time. But I think you missed his point. Even if it doesn't match, the worse case scenario is they have to re-log in. You can skip that part and only require cookies, it's entirely up to you.
  6. You can do whatever you want, the number scheme is not set in stone, it's whatever the Author determines.
  7. I don't know anything about Dreamweaver, but if you have FTP access to your host, it's pretty simple.
  8. Yes, try to register at my forums: http://sad.bdcpaging.com If you don't know the Keyword, you can't register. So, visitors can be specified to no access and an additional security password (w/ rolling code and only available via word of mouth) with a PHPBB2 forum, correct? I'm a newbie to this whole forum game so explanation would be greatly appreciated.
  9. No need to even make a new table, PHPBB2 already does all of this, you just have to add 1 MOD that's already designed to do this.
  10. "I want to prevent random people from running these pages and being able to look at the XML." He didnt say anything about viewing code.
  11. PHPBB2 Forums already do that.
  12. $query = "INSERT INTO members (username, user_password) VALUES ('$_POST[username]','$_POST[password]' )"; You are inserting the POST variables and not your $variables. $query = "INSERT INTO members (username, user_password) VALUES ($username, $password)"; Remove or comment this code $query = "FLUSH PRIVILEGES"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); I think that is where your error is coming from.
  13. Post your code and we'll see if we can help you. If you want someone to do it all for you, try the freelance area or search the web for PHP Calendars.
  14. Try to write a Cookie, if it fails, use a Session.
  15. And the members Table contains the rows username and user_password? Check for typos
  16. $query = "INSERT INTO members (ID, username, user_password) VALUES (NULL, '$_POST[username]','$_POST[password]' )"; Remove ID and NULL from this *seconds too late
  17. "&" is also a big no no for a filename character.
  18. For some reason, this line equals False while($event = mysql_fetch_array($query2))
  19. Just some things I saw: for ( $i=0 ; $i < $person_counter ; ++$i ) Shouldn't that be $i++
  20. By removing that, you open yourself up to sql injections. Try to change the variable before the sql_query like: $carID = mysql_real_escape_string($CarID); echo $carID //just to make sure it looks ok, remove for production if(is_numeric($carID)){ $Validation = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `cars` WHERE `CarID`='$CarID' AND UserID={$_SESSION['Current_User']}") or die(mysql_error());
  21. Where are the other commas in your UPDATE statement?
  22. Echo $Validation before the IF statement to see what it contains.
  23. I use HTML-KIT and PHP CODER Both cool editors, both have FTP built right in (which I really like).
  24. Sanitize the input, as in Validate it before you insert it into your DB or you could get unwanted entries.
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