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Everything posted by haku

  1. What exactly do you mean by a 'line between center and a fixed point'? You haven't actually told us what it is that you want to do.
  2. Gmail does allow SMTP. And PHPmailer works well, I've used it lots.
  3. You may find discrepancies with IE (or another browser if you're testing in IE) if you just remove the value from the max-width. If so, then you can put a div inside the wrapper, and give it a 15px side margin.
  4. They are. And they add a border around it. They also are adding a hover listener to it, and enabling the popup there. As far as google maps go, it's a fairly complex integration.
  5. haku

    Word Filler

    Exactly. The only way it would work would be to use a fix-width font, same as when it's done in print. But the reality of the situation is that it's trying to force something on HTML that is generally handled in other ways in HTML - tables. Which is what Jessica was getting at.
  6. Definitely not enough browser support. We are still at least 5 years away, if not 10 (thanks IE).
  7. Depends on whether or not you want to do it digitally.
  8. Which one is the 'revealed' div? Not seeing that.
  9. On the contrary, it does (jQuery): http://api.jquery.com/submit/
  10. What's wrong with the way Gizmola showed you, and the method you showed yourself? Both should work.
  11. First, you can't. Javascript executes after the PHP. Second, you are going about this the wrong way. If you are trying to deal with different screensizes, you should read up on responsive web design. This is the current trend on dealing with sites that need to be shown differently depending on screensize (or rather, it's a method of design that allows for a site to work on most/any screen size.
  12. I'm guessing you want something like this: if (empty($_POST['numbers'])) { $error [] = 1; } elseif(!is_numeric($_POST['numbers']) { $error[] = 2; } else { $numbers= $_POST['numbers']; }
  13. But in this case you would want: SELECT messages.subject, messages.body, messages.headers, users.uid, users.name, users.email FROM messages JOIN users ON users.name = messages.to
  14. You want to look at Joins: http://www.tizag.com/sqlTutorial/sqljoin.php
  15. Note that if your validation queries the database with the submitted data (for example, to confirm that a submitted username actually exists), you will need to sanitize inside your validation.
  16. You didn't put 'order' in quotes. Your code is unsafe however, someone can easily inject bad code with the code you have, as you have not sanitized the input from the form. You will want to do something like: $order = 'title'; if(in_array($_POST['order'], array('title', 'artist.name', ...)) // put all your options in the array() { $order = $_POST['order']; } Now you can safely use $order in your query.
  17. This is done at the server level, not the php level.
  18. When doing responsive layouts, I start with the smallest layout and work upwards, adding as I go. I find this much easier than trying to work from bigger to smaller. Maybe that can help you.
  19. Which means that you are getting an empty result set. If you are not getting any errors (and are not suppressing them anywhere), it means that while your SQL syntax is correct it is not finding any results for that query.
  20. Interesting, I didn't realize that mysqli_query() took the connection before the query. But yeah, pmfbsad spotted the problem.
  21. It looks like you may be getting an empty result set. Add some output after your while loop, and see if that is printed to the screen.
  22. Then this error is fixed, and you have a different one. Turn on error reporting to get an idea of what the problem is.
  23. I edited my original comment, probably while you were posting, as I saw the error after I posted.
  24. You have your query and database connection backwards in your mysqli_query().
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