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Everything posted by dreamwest
Grouping is important when select * distinct $res = mysql_query( "SELECT distinct * FROM table_a as a, table_b as b, table_c as group by a.name ORDER BY a.id ASC"); Otherwise try this assumed method: $res = mysql_query( "SELECT distinct name FROM table_a as a, table_b as b, table_c as group by a.name ORDER BY a.id ASC");
Im inserting a new row into a table, but is there a way i can get that id of that row without reselecting it
Im trying to get a number to represent a date name date('F'); // january date('n'); //january = 1 So 01 = January 02 = Feburary etc... $mth = 02; $mth_name= ; //convert numeric to month name echo $mh_name; // Feburary
It wont work, i have a varying number of deliminators
Ive stored a string in the database with deliminators "|" now how can i seperate the string and add extra info to it String: Sam Neill|William H. Macy|Tea Leoni| What i need: <a href='/Movies/&actor=Sam Neill'>Sam Neill</a> <a href='/Movies/&actor=William H. Macy'>William H. Macy</a> <a href='/Movies/&actor=Tea Leoni'>Tea Leoni</a>
Exploding double barrelled names and search
dreamwest replied to Perry Mason's topic in PHP Coding Help
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM main WHERE MATCH name AGAINST('{$q}') ") -
I have 2 foreach loops and need to concat the 2nd loop foreach ($c as $a) { //sentences (loops 10 times) foreach ($d[1] as $e) {//words (loops up to 6 times) $cast .= trim($e)."|"; } echo " Cast: {$cast}<br>"; }//end foreach Basically this keep concating the first loop as well eg. 1st loop: Cast: Gary Cooper|Basil Rathbone| 2nd loop: Cast: Gary Cooper|Basil Rathbone|Errol Flynn|Olivia de Havilland| 3rd loop: Cast: Gary Cooper|Basil Rathbone|Errol Flynn|Olivia de Havilland|Nikolai Cherkasov| etc... What it should be is: 1st loop: Cast: Gary Cooper|Basil Rathbone| 2nd loop: Cast: Errol Flynn|Olivia de Havilland| 3rd loop: Cast: Nikolai Cherkasov|
$src = file_get_contents('http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_summary.php?s=&u=454083'); preg_match_all('~<td align\s?=\s?[\'"]right[\'"]>(.*?)</td>~is', $src, $c); foreach ($c[1] as $a) { echo "{$a}"; }
I have a list of movies, but i need to add some info to the beginning of each line: Notorious Fox Searchlight Pictures Dir., George Tillman Jr.; Cast, Jamal Woolard, Angela Bassett, Derek Luke, Antonique Smith, Anthony Mackie, Naturi Naughton, Sean Ringgold, Marc Jon Jefferies Paul Blart: Mall Cop Columbia Dir., Steve Carr; Cast, Kevin James, Jayma Mays, Shirley Knight What i need to do is split each block up into lines and add additional info to them Movie: Notorious Studio: Fox Searchlight Pictures Cast: Dir., George Tillman Jr.; Cast, Jamal Woolard, Angela Bassett, Derek Luke, Antonique Smith, Anthony Mackie, Naturi Naughton, Sean Ringgold, Marc Jon Jefferies Movie: Paul Blart: Mall Cop Studio: Columbia Cast: Dir., Steve Carr; Cast, Kevin James, Jayma Mays, Shirley Knight There are always to blank lines in between each paragraph
It should be $words = array('murmer', 'frog', 'bat'); // commas are deliminators aka seperators
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("id","ajax-temp"); iframe.setAttribute("name","ajax-temp"); iframe.setAttribute("width","0"); iframe.setAttribute("height","0"); iframe.setAttribute("border","0"); iframe.setAttribute("style","width: 0; height: 0; border: none;"); form.parentNode.appendChild(iframe); window.frames['ajax-temp'].name="ajax-temp";
!Apparently! you cant upload a file by ajax, but the link i gave you uses a javascript iframe. The functionality is identical to ajax
I modified this to upload video files, it works great http://wizecho.com/nav=scripts&s=ajax_image
Already thought of that - ill just amend a secret code to it eg: $encrypt = "mary had a little lamb *check valid*"; Then str_replace the *check valid* on the decrypted side
$post = $_POST['comments']; if (!$post){ header("Location: http://site.com/mysite.html"); exit(); }
I want to pass a title through $_GET, but i need to encrypt it so no one can alter the title as they are stored in a database Encrypt the link: $encrypt = "mary had a little lamb"; //encrypt this $link = "http://site.com/index.php?title={$encrypt}"; Link (what the viewer sees) : http://site.com/index.php?title=656gyifhkbu+_tr6$fhjgfjhgjkg play.php: $title = $_GET['title']; //decrypt this so it is the original string "mary had a little lamb"
i got 2 right on that game!
cz tunes...It gets my fanny wet and kewd remix
if you have an image url: http://site.com/img/pic.jpg Just parse the url and curl the site $img_url = "http://www.phpfreaks.com/media/images/forums/logo.png"; $url = parse_url($img_url); $u = "http://".$url['host']; $ch = curl_init($u); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; da; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15); $str = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if ($str === false) { echo "cURL failed "; die(); } echo "<img src='{$img_url}'><hr>This image found here!<hr>"; echo $str;
So you have 2 paths - the url (which is dynamic): http://www.google.com/one_level_up/2_levels_up/3levels_up/ or http://www.google.com/one_level_up/2_levels_up/ or http://www.google.com/one_level_up/ and the path (which is also dynamic): ../../intl/en/images/logo.gif So what your lookig for is the full image url ?? eg.. http://www.google.com/one_level_up/2_levels_up/intl/en/images/logo.gif
How can i use a variable within preg_match_all?? $img = "fun.jpg"; preg_match_all('~[\'"](.*?)".$img."[\'"]~is', $str, $a);