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Everything posted by unsider

  1. Ya, sorry about that. I do, but they require you to login to use them. deviantart.com has one (top left when logged in) , and last.fm has one (top right when logged in) I'm refering to the user options drop down menu I'm thinking the best thing to do would be to pick it apart and learn how it works to create my own, but the problem is, I know for a fact deviantart is loaded with JS, picking out the right code would be time consuming. I'm not so sure about last.fm, so I'm hoping I can find a quicker way than that to learn this.
  2. I'm a little confused as to why you continually post this one-sided solution. I'm refering specifically to the 2 websites I mentioned above (newgrounds, ...) If you take a look around you'll notice that the featured sections aren't simply based on the formula you've given. Some contain flash videos with a score of 3.98 with many comments, or views, but there are plenty of other vidoes with ratings of 4.22 that are not featured. Leading me to believe it's based on many different factors. If it were based on your formula it may as well be called the "highest rating" section. I also suppose that once a selection makes the "featured" section it remains there for 2-3 days *shrug* before it times out, and a new selection takes its place. But it's possible I'm dense, and if that is the case, I'm going to need a more in-depth analysis, because I franky still don't understand. I just think that it's a little more intricate than (X days + rating = global rating) :-\
  3. I agree with this. I'd recommend starting with a more difficult script, but one that provides you with a "larger picture" of how it all works. i.e a fully functional blog, or most open-source scripts, pull it apart till you understand it, then build your own. Or build on that script. Whatever you want. Obviously there might be something better for you, but it's what worked for me. Helped me a lot more than a series of disjointed, "hello world" scripts. And you can't get discouraged so easily, or you'll never solve anything. This hobby is full of frustrating bullshit half of the time, but when you overcome those issues it's really worth your time. Good luck.
  4. Oh, alright, I misunderstood you. Someone posted a link to a site with supposedly good royalty music in a topic not too long ago. I can't recall it, but you could search around. I can't really help you with that, so all I can say is wait for someone else, or keep searching ol' google.
  5. Ya I assumed it was based on rating or another trivial aspect, but it has to be a little more precise than just the highest rating. i.e - A new submission, first vote = 10, bam, it's featured. It has to be based on a timed system (if x >= 5.0 after 20 minutes) , or a weighted average. I'm looking for sophistication, to clarify my original point. I suppose it could be a mixture of many things, the # of views that day, the average rating, because I've observed it isn't just the highest rating that is placing content in the featured list. It is updated daily as well.
  6. I've noticed that certain sites such as newgrounds, and have a main page with "featured" content. Obviously there is some method of determing whether it should be featured, let's say for example, it gets 20000 views within an hour, and that warents a "featured" spot on the main page. Has anyone seen this in action, that can explain to me the logic behind this? I can only think of 2 sites right now. newgounds.com campnorth.tv Thanks.
  7. Anyone have any links to a good tutorial, or reference to this type of menu? I can find a few for the simple, onMouseOver, but I'm looking for something a little more complex and can't seem to find it. And as of now I'm no expert in JS.
  8. I'm not advocating piracy, but ever heard of torrents, bittorrent clients, azureus, uTorrent? Google it. EDIT: I'm assuming you'e talking about mainstream music, not the general internet population.
  9. Usin' Coda for PHP textMate -> RoR Both amazing editors, that being said, all on mac. couldn't imagine it any other way. Haven't run into any errors really worth mentioning
  10. Looks fine, but you really need to show us the layout inside of those 'tables' for us to really critique your layout/navigation
  11. No one else will either. Show them what they get before signing it up. It'll work, i swear.
  12. I agree with this to a certain extent, but when I'm running apps like Logic Pro, or other FLS through Parallels things can get pretty heavy, but I never really go beyond 1G, it's just nice to have some breathing room, so I've got 2MB, simply because it was only like $30 more for the 2GB. So why not? But the 4GB for the gamers is pretty extreme, but hell, if you want/can afford it. Why not, it's your happiness. As for my moniter, I only have a nice 22', but I plan to get another 22' after I pay for some other things, it falls pretty low on my list of importance. It'd make using DAWs a hell of a lot easier, as well as flash, photoshop, and the like.. Maybe I'll have to push it up a little more on my list.
  13. http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/amd-launches-worlds-fastest-graphics/story.aspx?guid=%7B4068B039-5B48-45F7-9291-6D48E2C3CC82%7D&dist=hppr Pretty neat.
  14. Rebellion! Revolution! Mockery of the court! We're going down with the ship! Boycott the bastarrd!!!! Hmm, I'm having huge problems with IE as well. It's a bitch, but let's face it, too many people use that damned browser, you can't just ignore it. Although it'd be nice if we could all stand together and refuse to compatibilitize (ya).
  15. Similar to script these guys have some pretty impress stuff. Thanks for recommending.. I'm about to check out dojo and YUI as well.
  16. Sorry, but... that's the funniest thing I've heard in quite a while. Thank you for a good laugh.
  17. I know about scriptaculous, and jQuery, but are there any other JS libraries out there that can be used to yeild some impressive results?
  18. I need to generate random results, maybe 5-10 random entries from a single DB table, (although this table could become quite large) and outputting them as quickly as possible. So therefore I need to optimize my query. Also, I would like to prevent repetition. Well we all know that I can use: SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,9; But from what I've read, it creates a temp file in the process of doing this (could be old info, didn't confirm), so this technically isn't the quickest way to do this. Well I kept reading, and came up with this: SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = (SELECT FLOOR( MAX(id) * RAND()) FROM table ) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1; So my question is, is this a good method, are there better methods, what do YOU do to overcome this problem? Thanks.
  19. Option 2. People need to move with the time, and plus, I could be refactoring my code and optimizing my queries, etc.. in the time I'm spending 'hacking' CSS for compatibility.
  20. I use Coda for my PHP dev enviroment, but I use textMate for my RoR work. I'd recommend using Coda, but both are great editors, and it's really up to what you want. Just throwing another IDE out there for you.
  21. Wow that was more extensive than I thought I'd get asking this question. Thanks, I really appreciate it. Just want to make sure my users don't go blind.
  22. I know this an unusual question, but the tutorial section of my site will contain a lot of potiental reading material, so I'm trying to create an ideal reading space for people. I realize that this opinion varies from person to person, but I'm trying to atleast narrow it down, or find one that we can all sort of agree upon. Also, if there are any other tips you want to throw in about making a ideal reading space, please do, I need all the help I can get. So let's hear those font names.
  23. IMO this is a very professional looking website, and like dave said, very nice use of jQuery. The only thing I personally would change is the overuse of blue in certain areas, specifically in places like the bottom left corner of the main page, or the bottom portion of the pricing page (the light blue, <li> backgrounds I believe, but like I said, maybe it's just me, or my eyes. Either way, good job, (edit) you should be proud of yourself And...has your client seen the ste yet, or are you laying on the finishing touches before presenting it?
  24. Hey, I'm sure atleast one person here will be able to help you. Welcome to da pit.
  25. Is this method similar to <select> forms? I'm mainly asking because I've never worked with checkboxes, and I googled some articles, but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. So I'm trying to retain 1 checkbox value that has been checked after a refresh. True or False. If it's similar to <select> here's some code to make it easier on you. <?php $selected = array(); $cat_values = 20; for ($i = 0; $i < $cat_values; $i++) { if ($i == $_POST['cat']) $selected[$i] = 'selected'; else $selected[$i] = ''; } ?> <strong>Category</strong><br /> <select name="cat" size="1"> <option value="0"<?php echo $selected[0]; ?>></option> <option value="1"<?php echo $selected[1]; ?>>test</option> </select> And here's the checkbox. <input type="checkbox" name="agree" value="agreement">I agree. Thanks.
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