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Everything posted by serverman

  1. ok i figured it out here is how for anyone who reads this later on here is database layout username|id|emal|ect...|numofquiz|quizgrade numofquiz is the number of quizzes taken and all quiz are worth 100 points so at the end of each quiz it adds points earned to what was already there in points and add +1 to quizgrade now to get the grade you do this numofquiz*100= mostpoint mostpoints/quizegrade=x x*100= grade
  2. its -10 for each wrong here is an example how it works if ($q9 == "d"){ echo "9)".$q9." <font color='#33FF66'>Right</font> <br>"; } else{ echo "9)".$q9." <font color='#FF0000'>wrong</font> <br>"; $w = $w - $v ;} oh and v = 10 and w= 100
  3. all quizzes are worth 100 points
  4. first i want to say i know this is a stupid question im working on a script that has grades in it ...in the database you start out with 100 i want the quiz grade to average with the master grade mathematical how is that done? im sorry lol im just not sure how
  5. what do you mean the free one?... do you mean my last project i was doing for a friend that was about freedom... it was called rethink also I am going to make some little pics for nav bar and I have a freind who is going to make a banner when the project gets a name
  6. hey before I go any further if you like the layout don't steal I will make you one just like it once im done working on this website for free i know i cant stop you but this is kinda my big project . thanks for being considerate ok so take a look at it feel free to beta test some of the stuff as it comes if you click a link and it says "Forbidden" that means we haven't made that part of the web site (we are almost done with the tutorial part id say it going to take 3 more days at most then were going to have scripts up at most 2 days after that oh and if any one wants to help come up with a name That would be awesome (i suck a naming stuff!)
  7. thanks for the help but do i have to make any claims to the irs for the money i am paying the other guy? or is that all up to him the site is going to allow users to submit scripts for php and javascript and all that good stuff... if someone was to submit a script that somehow damaged or was a seruity hole to i just claim to not be liable and the author is
  8. ok im working on a website with aguy and we are going to split the in come from ads in half (i get 100% and split it 50 50) do i have to have some sorta w2 or w4 or some paper like that sence im paying him for helping me or just writeing a check is good enough ? also what are some legal issues that you can run into hosting your own website... like say you are hacked some one puts a virus on it and then someone vists the site and gets the virus ... am i liable? what are other legal issues with running a website like on a forum if someone was to threatent or harrasment some other user ??? ??? i just want to besure i got my stuff covered lol
  9. *snip* also its slow edit by ober: let's keep it clean, shall we?
  10. yeah its kinda just blah... nothing really there.. looks like a stander layout with a pic on it try a flash intro or somthing
  11. you know altho i hate IE i use it anyways on this computer. it is the number one used browser over firefox. you really should make your site look good in IE and Firefox because it is said that over 52% is IE and 39% is firefox and rest is other (info from http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp ) and im sure its not hard to do afew changes.
  12. bamp would be best lol
  13. i think he wants it from java to php lol
  14. I use freebsd 7.0 so that would be lamp i guess lol
  15. looks like a working rebuild of w3schools ... just add <?php // based on w3schools image upload script ?>
  16. all the clubs and crap post info on there and it gets like 500 hits a day ((not counting within the school)most are the same person) also we have the google hit tracker thing for it and we have like 20 hits from russia and 3 from iraq
  17. its free. schools pays for the html exam just like the AP tests there free (80$ for school... free for me ) lol
  18. yah i would tell him al this but i want to pass the class and i want see him tell next year took his exim tuesday.
  19. they arnt... just was sitting here thinking lol... im insanely bored
  20. Eh, we are droping this project due to the fact that both of us see no real potential for this website we are going back to plan A and if any one would like to join the team contact me at [email protected] or IM me on yahoo (dont email yahoo i dont check the mail) unix_revolver ok well we are making an html tutorial/ php tutorial with some quizzes and freescripts here and there and a forum so kinda combinding phpfreaks and w3schools
  21. logout doesnt seem to work... ???
  22. what do you think the chances are that sunmicro systems is oneday going to buy out or take over(in a good way not bad way) or atlest support the php team and if so do you think it will be a goodthing or a bad thing for php also do you you think that they will drop javascript server side and just keep is client side? also do you think that php and javascript would run better together if they merged? ... i was just think lol i could see it being a good thing
  23. that looks like apaches SSI not javasript .js or .jsp is what you save javasidescript as
  24. just to put in my note my web desigh class my teacher has us do it all in tables (but at home i am now doing it in divs) heres the wesite he did for the school http://www.choctawindians.net/ i dont really like hime that much he is really crappy with xhtml and doesnt really use css that much
  25. ok im home now and it works fine
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