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Everything posted by serverman

  1. i am setting up a fedora core 9 computer(i would do bsd but i have no option here) ive got fc9 setup and running i need to set up screem on it (well want to its my fav. Wysiwym) but there is no .rpm for it and i dont know how do build from source in fc9 i cant get past ./configure on here i set it up on freebsd ./configure make makeinstallclean
  2. without the kids who is going to help the parents hunt/farm...
  3. i would say in this case free bsd would be great because you can easly strip it down to barebones and just do what you need it to and it runs XFCE (i like xfce better than kde & gnome) and setup for xfce is easy just have to root> pkg_add -r xfce4 root> echo "/usr/local/bin/startxfce4" > ~/.xinitrc also has a good handbook for new people http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/
  4. ... how many grains of rice are on a rice plant?
  5. just thought i would share some really bad looking website. try not to look like any of these websites. http://www.peoplespressnews.com/ http://www.youngpeoplespress.com/ http://www.sulekha.com/ its not really that bad of a desigh but way tomany adds and its busy... http://web.archive.org/web/20060613061524/http://moire.ch/ here is the worse site of 2007 http://www.fredfrap.com/ also from worse of 2007 http://www.havenworks.com/ http://www.mathguide.com/ http://www.first-school.ws/
  6. if you need help making a layout i would be happy to help you in my extra time but i cant do a good banner to save my life(thats how i know what a bad banner looks like because it looks like somthing i made lol)
  7. i dont like the nav bar looks like a 8 year kid made it in windows paint. and you should center your footer it would look better
  8. source code is really clean i am not gonna lie makes it easy to read everything looks ok but there is alot of wasted space in the footer but its clean the BG Img is simple looks good and loads fast so i like it.
  9. agreed also you used a large background image that makes you pretty basic page take longer than it should to load with the data also the banner is.. well nice way to put it kinda bad.
  10. write your own forum script! or you can well you cant do it with php but make your own OS! or make AI with php lol
  11. do you have any free pci slots? you might want to buy a cheap sata card (2 ports) and a cheap sata cd drive then you can put bsd or linux on it..
  12. let me try agine lol does any one here own the server they are runing there website and what kinda isp are you using or are you your onw isp?
  13. how many people here run the servers your websites are run off...(this isnt a poll im asking because i have a question to ask if any one here is)
  14. shure didn't
  15. why would you want it deleted any ways?
  16. how old is it?
  17. my coding style when i am just doing it for the fun of it i code like this... <?php if ($blah== $blahh){ ?> what ever you would echo<?php }else{ ?> whatever <?php } ?> i use var's more than i need too also but i do every thing wierd lol when i lisson to music in head phones i only have one speaker in myear prolly because i dj as a hobby and if am not using firefox i cant spell
  18. on an 800 computer you can veiw upto 925 befor it starts to scroll.... i dont know why but you can and if your using tables just grow up and be a real man and use divs! lol
  19. google is like 90% C and 10% perl last i heard but that might be wronge...
  20. background sucks... logo sucks... too many colors atleast i said it all with a smile if it makes you feel better but its ok my layouts suck alout of the time
  21. i have no clue why it didn't display but both ways work but your way is cleaner so im using it Thank you it works like a charm
  22. here it is working im not shure why it works now but it does it outputs the same thing without the change i made that fixed it but the pics didnt show up on firefox3 ... now im going to try your fix it looks cleaner and like it will run faster
  23. i dont know why but this fixed it { case 0: echo "nothing<br>"; break; case 1: ?><img src="../img/php.gif" alt="" ><br><?php break; case 2: ?><img src="../img/asp.gif" alt="" ><br><?php break; case 3: ?><img src="../img/sql.gif" alt="" ><br><?Php break; case 4: ?><img src="../img/java.gif" alt="" ><br><?php break; case 5: ?><img src="../img/html.gif" alt="" ><?php break; }
  24. here is the whole thing and yeah i is 1-5 never lands on 0... 0 means an error here is more of the script $i = $r['cat_id']; switch ($i) { case 0: echo "nothing<br>"; break; case 1: echo '<img src="../img/php.gif" alt="" ><br>'; break; case 2: echo '<img src="../img/asp.gif" alt="" ><br>'; break; case 3: echo '<img src="../img/sql.gif" alt="" ><br>'; break; case 4: echo '<img src="../img/java.gif" alt="" ><br>'; break; case 5: echo '<img src="../img/html.gif" alt="" ><br>'; break; }
  25. <?php $i = $r['cat_id']; switch ($i) { case 0: echo "nothing<br>"; break; case 1: echo '<img src="../img/php.gif" alt="" align="right"><br>'; break; ?> why doesnt it show the picture ... the switch works fine
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